"You are too far away from me." Xie Heng said carelessly, "I can't see."

Xie Yu walked closer to him with an expressionless face and almost poked his finger under his eyes.

Xie Heng grasped the third childe's wrist and looked at it with low eyes. The young man's hand skin was like white jade, his fingertips rubbed the ash on the ground, facing the faint moonlight, and he also had a trace of frost color.

After looking carefully, I found that it was a colorless powder object with a pungent taste.

He looked down and smelled, "saltpeter?"

"Yes." Xie Yu answered.

The two brothers glanced at the corridor and the surrounding ground, and were silent for a moment.

I didn't notice the powder on the ground in the daytime. After entering the night, the moonlight shrouded, and the frost color became particularly obvious.

Xie Heng said, "the king of Nanning has no inclination to refine pills and seek Tao. Now it's autumn again. He doesn't need an ice cellar. What does he do with saltpeter?"

There are not many nitrate mines in Dayan. In addition to those people in imperial capital who need to make a lot of ice cellars in Xia family, all kinds of alchemists like to make these most. The dosage of medicine is not large.

Yunzhou has always been the king of Nanning, covering the sky with one hand. I have never heard of this area with a large amount of nitrate ore before.

But there were so many bodyguards around the West Wing tonight. After walking around, there was such a layer on the ground. Obviously, the amount was not small.

Xie Yu's tone was faint, "saltpeter has other uses."

Xie Heng's eyes were dim, "you mean gunpowder?"

"There are thousands of missing young men in Yunzhou city." Xie said, "if there is no ghost in the heart of the king of Nanning, why kill the officials who come to Yunzhou to visit?"

"Oh." Xie Heng brushed the dust from the third childe's fingertips with his sleeve, and his eyes were full of disdain, "incompetent rats, but greedy snakes swallow elephants."

At the beginning of the founding of the Yan Dynasty, some capable people developed gunpowder with saltpeter and sulfur. It was extremely lethal. However, before it could be developed in large quantities, an accident suddenly occurred, and the formula was lost.

If the king of Nanning is doing this, he is really worried.

Xie Xuan put his hand behind him, looked up and looked at the bright moon hanging in the sky. He didn't speak for a long time.

Xie Heng pinched a fallen leaf and bounced onto the eaves.

The green guards in the dark landed lightly, "childe."

"Go and find out where these saltpeter came from." Xie Heng leaned against the corridor column with a indifferent look.

Qingyi guards answered.

There are only Xie Heng and Xie Yu left in the corridor.

There was nothing wrong with the two people staying together, but after smashing a room of junk today.

They looked at each other rather speechless.

For a long time.

The third childe asked, "the peony garden?"

"Gao Yuanlu." Xie Heng said, "I blocked him in cangyun Prefecture for two months. The old thief ran fast enough to step into the palace of Nanning first."

Xie Xuan frowned slightly, "this is the Royal Palace of Nanning. Zhao Li is ambitious. If you can see through your identity..."

"There you are." Xie Heng stretched out his hand and grabbed Xie Xuan's shoulder. Most of the people leaned against him, so that the third childe couldn't stand stably, and the whole person went to the corridor column.

Xie Heng's voice was low and a little smiling, "third childe, you will protect me, won't you?"

In the eyes of the dark guard of the royal residence in the distance, it seems that two male favourites of shopkeeper Wen are competing and jealous. The young man in red is pressing the young man in blue on the post.

Xie Xuan's face turned blue when he was pressed by him, and he pressed back the sentence "who wants to protect you?".

Half a ring.

The third childe said, "I don't know."

Xie Heng smiled and whispered, "I have nothing with ah Jiu. Don't stink."

Xie Yu didn't speak, but his eyes moved.

"I'm in a hurry." Xie Heng slowed down his tone and said slowly, "I'm in a hurry. She just can't bear me..."

When the young man said half of it, he suddenly turned, "she can't bear me. In the final analysis, she still likes me."

Xie Yu was speechless: "

Xie Heng patted the third childe on the shoulder with a slow tone and a smile, but he was very serious, "ah Yu, even if we don't have anything tonight, we will still have it in the future. If you can't see anything, just come to me and don't black your face in front of ah Jiu."

Wenjiu used to be Xiao Wu's fiancee. The whole family knows that she is the fifth young lady.

But on that day, she broke off the relationship with the Xie family. From then on, warming wine was just warming wine.

Even if it was about the engagement, Xie Heng's name was written on it.

What's more, they had a skin relationship long ago.

Xie Heng will never let Wenjiu marry others, which is inevitable.

The third childe looked at Xie Heng and saw everything from his eyes.

After a moment of silence.

He asked, "what about Xiao Wu?"

Xie Heng didn't speak for a moment.

Xie Yu's tone was flat, but his eyes were fierce and pressing. "If Xiao Wu is still alive, one day he will go home. At that time, do you want him to call his fiancee sister-in-law?"

This matter has been pressing on my mind for too long.

The third childe asked expressionless, "Xiao Wu doesn't hesitate to block the arrow for her. What if he doesn't use love deeply?"

Xie Heng stood in the night, his eyes burning, "I will find him the first beauty in the world as his wife, let him enjoy the glory of the world and treat him as well as he can."

Thank you for a long time.

Xie Heng said, "if these are not enough, I'll let him deal with it."

Over the years, he has been the eldest son of the Xie family and treated the younger ones like brothers and fathers.

Give unlimited joy, protect the peace of the whole family, and never want anything in return.

Even so.

He can't give up the warm wine.

Knowing that it will be hard to let go for the rest of your life, take advantage of the right time to force it back.

May there be no regrets in this life.

"You..." Xie Xuan suddenly had nothing to say.

"So, you remember what I said." Xie Heng put his hand on the third childe's shoulder, seven points positive color and three points injury, "if you run away for your brother's wine because you often hurt her, then the rest of your life..."

Xie Yu shook off his hand and said in a deep voice, "what does it have to do with me?"

The third childe is uncomfortable, so ordinary people can't deal with it.

Xie Heng said, "I only tell you this time. No matter what you want to do in the future, don't bring ah Jiu."

Chaotang is a cannibal chaotang.

The smiling old ministers can stab their colleagues in a stumbling way as soon as they turn their heads. The small ones at the bottom are thinking day and night about how to pull down the ones above and go up by themselves.

Even Nanning Wang, who has been pretending to be idle for many years, is now disturbed. If Xie Heng hadn't hurried here, I don't know what would happen to them in Yunzhou.

Xie Xuan didn't know what he was thinking. He said in a muffled voice, "don't kill anyone. It doesn't matter where I take her!"

"Hmm?" Xie Heng's tone was slightly raised. "What are you talking about? Speak louder."

The third childe looked at him in a very light tone. "Elder brother, you really don't know who I brought her to Yunzhou for?"

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