Warm wine raised his sleeve to block half of his face and said, "it's windy today. What did you say just now? I didn't hear a word."

Although she had nothing to do with the Xie family, when she was in the imperial capital, her instinct to survive between the two CHILDES was undiminished.

Ye Zhiqiu was not so smart. Looking at the branches and leaves in front of the court, he wondered, "it's not windy today. Isn't it your ears?"

Warm wine rubbed the eyebrows, but replied: "yes, my ears are not good, my ears have always been not very good."

That's not very credible.

Xie Heng and Xie Yu looked at her, one eye color gradually deepened, and one face became more and more expressionless.

The four of them were deadlocked for a long time.

Ye Da's head of the family just reacted that he had just caused trouble with the "little white face" and "broken sleeve" said by the little Lord. Even if he found a reason, "I'm a little hungry. Don't stand at the door to find some food. Otherwise, the little servant girls in Nanning palace will say that you compete for favor all day..."

As ye Zhiqiu spoke, he retreated back. When he reached the edge of the arch, he turned around to be a three-point connection point on the toe, and immediately withdrew from their sight with no residual shadow.

Wen jiukan was stunned: "...."

What about being loyal to the Lord and dying?

Running so fast?

Others can't be relied on, but it's most realistic to rely on yourself.

Warm wine rubbed his face. He looked as if he hadn't woken up. When he opened his mouth, his tone was a little careless. "Can you find a secret place to discuss important matters in the future?"

Anyway, they were also in the Nanning palace, which could be killed at any time. When they said something, they stood outside the door at will. They were not afraid to be heard and told their lives here.

The most important thing is, what did they say and do to make ye Zhiqiu, the mountain king who took so many photos slow down, think they are broken sleeves?

What did the two gentlemen do together in the evening?!

Xie Heng emptily closed his right hand into a fist, coughed twice and said, "clean up, leave the Nanning Palace today and take ah Yu to bafangcheng first."

Xie Yu said expressionless, "I haven't finished my business yet. I can't leave."

They opened their mouth, but none of them answered her.

Wen Jiu pondered that it was not over last night. If she left, Xie Heng would have no reason to stay here.

What are you doing here?

Thinking like this, my brain hasn't turned around, but my words have blurted out, "then you..."

Her eyes fell on Xie Heng.

The boy was slightly stunned at first, and then gathered a little smile in his eyes.

Xie Heng looked at her like this. Before he spoke, Wen Jiu couldn't help retreating to the inner door, one step, two steps, three, four, five steps.

Face this kind of thing, once you can't hold it, you can cross it completely in an instant.

The warm wine retreated to the junction of the outer room and the inner room. The teenager walked in slowly and approached step by step until her back was against the eight treasure cabinet and there was nowhere to retreat.

Behind him, the bead curtain shook slightly, and the sound of hitting each other was clear and pleasant.

"You..." Wen Jiu really didn't want to panic like a little girl who was molested. He looked up at the young man in front of him and forcibly maintained his peace, but there was a lot of noise in his heart.

What did this guy eat wrong?

When talking to you, you are always wronged, so people can't blame him.

Without opening his mouth, he looked aggressive and unrelenting.

Rao Shiwen has lived for so many years and has seen so many strange people, but he still has no strength to fight back here.

Extremely frustrated.

Also, flustered.

Xie Heng finally stood still half a step away from her, stretched out his hand and gently pushed away the bead curtain accidentally hooked on her hairpin. Unconsciously, he smiled in his voice, "I'll take care of the aftermath and pick you up in two days."

This posture is already very intimate.

In the past, it would be nothing to be closer between brothers and sisters.

Today, lack is completely different.

Wen Jiu lowered his eyes and did not look at him, frowning slightly.

He scolded himself several times in his heart: what does he do?

put one 's finger into another 's pie! put one 's finger into another 's pie! put one 's finger into another 's pie!

Xie Heng smiled and added, "pick you up."

He gave shopkeeper Wen enough face.

Xie Xuan refused to follow the way he arranged. As he walked in, he frowned and said, "even if your Qingyi guard can find out where the nitrate mine is, so what? You should have fought the rebellion in cangyun state, but you ran thousands of miles to Yunzhou to expose the fan King's stirring up the muddy water. At that time, Zhao Li bit you..."

When the third childe was half talking, he suddenly remembered that he had brought people to Yunzhou. After a pause, he said, "you can't even protect your life!"

Although Yunzhou is located in a remote area, it has something to do with those people in the imperial capital. Zhao Li has pretended for so many years and may prevaricate it.

At that time, it will be them who will suffer.

Today's Xie family is a new show. Everyone is envious and is most likely to be envied.

Xie Heng turned to look at him, a little unhappy, "what are you doing in front of ah Jiu?"

Xie Yu pursed his lips and said nothing again.

But after hearing the words "nitrate mine", Wen Jiu turned his head quickly and asked, "there is a nitrate mine in Yunzhou? Is it because of this that the third childe is delayed in Yunzhou and can't return to the imperial capital?"

Her face was still a little confused.

At this time in the previous life, because the old emperor died early, everyone's mind was on seizing the throne, and no one had time to take care of Yunzhou.

In the impression of warm wine, the king of Nanning has always been an idle prince on the surface. When she was 21 years old, she suddenly took up the banner of rebellion, officially sang a different tune with Xie Heng, the Regent, and angrily scolded him for "holding the emperor to order the princes". The little emperor in power at that time was Zhao Yi's youngest son. Now I don't know which imperial concubine she was in.

But why did the king of Nanning, who had been idle for so many years, suddenly have the confidence to challenge the Regent who was in power at that time?

The reason is that a large number of nitrate mines have been found in Yunzhou. Some capable people under the king of Nanning have prepared gunpowder with the methods left over from the previous dynasty. It is extremely lethal. Whoever has a large amount of gunpowder is equal to having the power to destroy the city and the country.

The emperor was young and weak, and power fell to Xie Heng.

The young Regent was ruthless and showed no mercy to the royal family.

Let alone Zhao Li, if he were someone else, he would not be willing to hold a pile of lethal weapons and continue to nest in the remote areas and pretend that the useless generation is controlled by others.

No wonder

No wonder when she was in Tianyuan building that day, Zhao qingluan wanted to grab the dragon stone with her.

Obviously, I want to use the dragon stone as a gimmick for Nanning king. The father and daughter are more and more whimsical. They want to sit on the mountains and rivers and go crazy.

The old emperor is still in power. It is obviously unwise for the king of Nanning to make trouble at this time. Even if he has gunpowder in his hand to launch a mutiny, he won the throne.

And in his previous life, Zhao Li's spring and autumn dream was also made.

Xie Heng, the Regent, personally led a large army to attack Yunzhou. Because countless gunpowder was accumulated in the city, countless casualties were killed and injured on both sides. Finally, he suppressed it by force.

But now, Xie Heng is not the Regent who holds the power, but Zhao Li is still the Lord of Nanning who has looked at the nitrate mine.

But according to the time of previous lives, the discovery of nitrate mine in Yunzhou was at least five years later. Why was it so long ahead of time this time?

Is it because she changed the trajectory of the Xie family, and all events changed accordingly?

In this situation, it is no problem for Xie Heng to go alone, but the third childe has no strength to bind the chicken, and warm wine has also been involved. Nine out of ten will be killed during this trip to Yunzhou.

So this time

How do you get out?

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