The big event that happened five years later has suddenly become an immediate one.

Warm the wine for a while.

Perhaps after rebirth, no matter what, someone worked hand in hand and abandoned her.

Xie Henggang took charge of Moyu riding soon. His only practical experience was the counter insurgency in cangyun Prefecture. His opponent was Gao Yuanlu, who was greedy for life and afraid of death.

What's more, Xie Heng seems to have been raised by her.

The Regent, who was determined to fight for power and power in his previous life, has become a delicate young man who hummed and begged for a hug in front of her and said "I don't" in a temper. He doesn't know how lethal he can be in his previous life. The most important thing is that he didn't bring any soldiers and horses to Yunzhou this time.

Don't mention Xie Xuan. The chief assistant who can turn things around in the future is still a small official who just left the cold bench of the Imperial Academy and came out to do bad work for the first time.

Hard hard hard!

The more you think about warm wine, the whiter your little face is.

Today, love and hate are both complete, but they have to be teased by God and tied together.

What puzzled her most was that it was such a vital moment.

What she thought in her heart was how Xie Heng and Xie Yu would leave Yunzhou safely, rather than how to keep their little life.

Unknowingly, some emotions have already penetrated into the bones and blood. Even if you deliberately ignore them, you will find that they are already deep-rooted one day.

"Ah Jiu?" Xie Heng frowned at her sudden change of complexion, glanced at the third childe and motioned him to shut up.

Xie Xuan bowed his head and remained silent.

Wen Jiu suddenly returned to his mind, "can you find the location of the nitrate mine? How much gunpowder is there now?"

As she asked, she thought, "the king of Nanning would not transfer all his troops in private. He should not be able to do such a remarkable stupid thing... How many troops are there in Yunzhou city now?"

Xie Heng's eyes looked at her deeply, and his expression was hard to figure out.

Xie Xuan's eyes were more complicated, as if she had never known such a person before.

It was quiet in the room. The wind blew gently and it was a little cold.

Warm wine also slowly woke up. He was a little angry about the two people's inquiry eyes.

As a 16-year-old girl who doesn't care about anything except making money, she seems to know too much.

The Xie family are not ordinary people. It's hard to fool them.

She was two years old. She was worried about what to say to make things better.

Xie Heng looked at her and said slowly, "Qingyi guard has gone to check."

"Er..." the wine warmed slowly and said again: "when I was in bafangcheng, it seems that a barefoot Taoist mentioned that there is a county in Yunzhou where saltpeter is sold very cheaply. Every time he wants to refine some pills, he goes there. Why don't... Let someone go and have a look?"

Xie Heng nodded, "OK."

The third childe's handsome face became more and more expressionless, "I don't know that your bad memory has been cured."

Warm wine after lying for a long time: "..."

Once upon a time, when he was in the Imperial College, the third childe studied in the Imperial College, and there were very few days to return to his residence. Wenjiu originally said to visit him every few days, but he was always busy. When he remembered, he always saw the third childe who was as cold as ice.

There's no way. She always explains that she has a bad memory. It's a small problem. She can't cure it after taking many drugs.

I never thought that today I would be turned over by Xie Yu on the spot.

The warm wine was not easy to make up. It's fair to say that it was pierced.

There was no talkative barefoot Taoist who would tell her that there were many saltpeter stones, but she happened to be in Dijing in her previous life. After listening to those officials mention this, she wanted to remind Xie Heng and Xie Yu. She finished it earlier and withdrew quickly

But the third childe

She was planted in the hands of the Xie family. It's hard to turn over.

"Maybe the barefoot Taoist will also have some astral skills." Xie Heng opened his mouth to help her out. When he spoke nonsense, his face was not red and his heart did not jump, "ah Jiu, right?"

Warm wine only nods without talking.

I'm afraid that the third childe has something to do with it. Who knows when he will turn over the old account.

Xie Xuan kept looking at her, her eyes were cold and almost frozen her.

Wenjiu couldn't stay any longer and said, "you'll see what happens next."

Before the sound fell, she hurried out.

Wen Jiu thought that Zhao qingluan had never appeared since he was seriously injured in bed by Xie Heng, and he didn't know what happened to him.

She had the idea that the farther away she kept from the people in the Royal Palace in Nanning, the better. Now that gunpowder came out, she decided to be close to Zhao qingluan.

If you're lucky, you can get some useful news.

Xie Heng and Xie Xuan looked at each other. The two brothers turned and looked at the figure of the girl wind passing through the corridor. Their eyes were delicate.

"Yuanyi county?" Xie Xuan's voice was cool and her eyes were like ink. "Why did she know such a remote place when she came to Yunzhou for the first time?"

Xie Heng's amber eyes were shallow, with thousands of waves in his heart, but his tone was very calm, "maybe people in the business field are well-informed."

Xie Yu said faintly, "I hope so."

The third childe was ordered to come here and pondered the whole boundary of Yunzhou for several days. He didn't notice Yuanyi county. However, Wenjiu gave such an accurate place name after hearing the nitrate mine.

How many things did he not know about warming wine after all?

Baifang Pavilion.

Zhao qingluan was lying on the couch with a white complexion. She never thought that Wen was so arrogant. Her little white face was so shameless that she could not fall down.

What's more irritating is that his father, who has always loved her, said that "shopkeeper Wen is his own family, you don't have trouble with her".

The princess was so angry that she couldn't sleep at night. She lay on her couch and thought more and more angrily.

"Why does it hurt you, princess?" the elegant young man sat by the couch and gently pressed her head.

Zhao qingluan's fingertips were dangling the jade around the man's waist. "How good would it be if people in the world were as knowledgeable as you?"

She leaned in his arms, closed her eyes and took a nap.

Now the man who accompanied her was once the number one scholar in the imperial city. With talent, she was not as gentle and gentle as Zhao qingluan, and was willing to be a minister under her skirt.

It's not like a man surnamed Wen!

As soon as Zhao qingluan scolded Wen Jiu in his heart, he heard the big maid whispering outside the door, "princess, shopkeeper Wen, please see me."

Zhao qingluan opened his eyes and said angrily, "No."

The man beside the couch said in a warm voice, "shopkeeper Wen? That's the prince's guest. Why is the princess different? She's a good friend. The future is long. You can talk about your gratitude and resentment in the future."

Zhao qingluan looked at him for a long time and slowly sat up. "What you said is reasonable. Let her come in."

She didn't mean to let the man avoid, but also took some points to let the warm wine have a look: no matter how good-looking the people around you are, they don't have the gentle posture of my family.

As soon as Wen wine entered the door, he saw a handsome young man in white sitting by the couch.

It looks familiar.

But I forgot where I met

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