Zhao qingluan had an expression of "I believe you have ghosts".

"That's the truth. There are so many people who want to talk from me and want to know how to turn stone into gold," Wen Jiu sighed, holding the tea cover in his right hand and gently pushed away the floating leaves in the tea cup. "But how can they learn from my natural wealth? If the princess doesn't believe it, it's enough."

That's at least seven times true.

At this time in the previous life, warm wine was still falling and rolling at the bottom and climbing up step by step. It was too hard to recall those days. It took 14 years to boil it out, but the high-rise building was broken overnight.

In this life, she doesn't have so much time to warm wine. She must use the fastest speed to make herself strong, get some advantages from previous lives, buy several jade mountains that have not been mined, hire the best sculptors and open jade all over the hall, so as to break into the circle of rich businessmen in Bafang city.

From then on, the ways of doing business in Wenjiu's previous life had a place to play, and became the God of Wencai who was amazed by everyone.

There is no way to turn stone into gold in this world. It's just "opportunity".

Zhao qingluan looked at her, his eyes full of exploration.

If someone else said this kind of deception in qingluan, he would be killed on the spot.

But these words came out of the mouth of the 16-year-old God of wealth, and suddenly others were so believable.

Only because there is no other reason except after life is good.

Warm wine, drink tea slowly and orderly, and listen to the young master in white playing the piano.

Qin is a good Qin, and the player is also the top. The music is light and the wind blows the fragrance of peony. If it were not in Nanning palace, it could be called a fairyland on earth.

She looked happy and contented. Zhao qingluan felt that she had been fooled by her and stopped talking.

There was a sudden silence around.

Not far away, four or five maids came outside the pavilion, saluted together and said, "tell the princess, the Lord learned that shopkeeper Wen was drinking tea with the princess in the peony garden, and specially asked the maidservants to send some tea."

Warm wine smiled and said, "thank you."

Maybe Zhao Li also knows how bad his daughter is. He just had a tea together and specially asked the maid to send things so that Zhao qingluan can know that shopkeeper Wen is a useful person. You can't be too presumptuous.

Seeing this, Zhao qingluan didn't look much better. He just said, "put it down." then he closed his eyes and rested.

The waitresses came forward, put the new tea on the table and bowed their heads.

As like as two peas were obedient to the public, they found that they had no time to mix in the river. The Pink Maid Dress was erect with double bun, and the two sides wore the same colored hair belt. The same hairpin flowers used by all the maids used to be the same, and even the movements were the same.

Warm wine can't help picking from the corners of your eyes.

I thought to myself: why didn't I find Miss Jiang's ability before? Is she easy to raise people?

"Maid, leave."

With the sound of the piano flying, a group of maids bowed back.

Jiang wucai, who was walking at the end, stopped slightly when he passed the young master in white and looked up at him.

For a moment, Zhao qingluan, who closed his eyes to rest, suddenly opened his eyes and his eyes were angry. "What did you stop to do? Even you want to hook up with the princess?"

Jiang wucai quickly knelt down and admitted his mistake, "I dare not!"

"Dare not?" Zhao qingluan held his breath for two days and stared at the maid kneeling on the ground. "What are you worried about? Raise your head and see what you are!"

Jiang has no time to lie on the ground and can't get up for a long time.

Warm wine swept a circle among several people, but they had a bad heart.

Jiang wucai is not a person who will look at it casually, and he is in a dangerous place where he may die if he makes a mistake. Can it be that childe in white

Wen Jiu was still thinking about it. Suddenly, Zhao qingluan heard a sarcastic smile: "Yuanning, she just stole a look at you. She dared to look but didn't recognize it. You go and ask her to raise her head."

Wen Jiu was stunned. After a moment, the thoughts in his mind gradually became clear.

Yuanning, Chen Yuanning!

The young man in white in front of him is Chen Yuanning, the first-rate criminal record scholar who suddenly disappeared when he went to Yunzhou. Jiang has no time to risk his life to find his fiance.

Wen Jiu doesn't know what Jiang wucai's state of mind is now. After the tragic death of man men, his fiance who has been dead for many days suddenly comes back to life.

Not only did he not die, he also became a minister under Zhao qingluan's skirt.

Seeing how they get along, Chen Yuanning seems to be quite favored.

Wen Jiu couldn't help looking up at Chen Yuanning. He stopped playing the piano and said "yes" as usual. He got up and walked to Jiang wucai, the maid dressed up, "girl, please look up."

Jiang wucai propped himself on the ground with one hand and his face completely stuck to the ground.

She didn't look up. She was trembling all over. She said in a mournful voice, "maidservant... Maidservant dare not, maidservant dare not again."

Warm wine frowned slightly.

It would be fine if Jiang had no time to pretend to be frightened.

I'm afraid that Jiang has no time to look up and look more, so he can't help but be filled with resentment and pain. He fought with Chen Yuanning on the spot. So many people around Zhao qingluan can take her life in an instant.

Warm wine and think about countermeasures quickly.

Zhao qingluan just smiled and called out "Yuanning", but her soft voice was cruel, "your heart is still too soft. A slave and maid dare not listen to you. How can I trust you to do things?"

Chen Yuanning attached himself, put his hand on Jiang wucai's shoulder, and forced the maid who refused to look up to raise her head.

The moment when they looked at each other.

The white clothes childe's complexion changed slightly. In a moment, he returned to calm, but his eyes were complicated.

Jiang wucai no longer resisted. She looked up at him, trembling with hate, clenched her hands into fists, and her fingernails were embedded in the meat, dripping with blood.

But he pretended to be extremely frightened, knelt in front of him and kowtowed again and again, "please forgive me, young master. I dare not... I dare not..."

I dare not like a person like this anymore.

Because he had a marriage contract with him, the whole Jiang family was destroyed.

In order to avenge him, the daughter of the former boudoir fell into the dust, was coveted and nearly died.

But Jiang has no time to give up. He always feels that he is not dead. He is still waiting for her to find him.

Unarmed Jiang Wuxian left Xie's house without hesitation and plunged into the muddy water of Yunzhou.

He really didn't die.

But the young talents who used to be high spirited have become the... Favorite of the evil princess!

Jiang has no time to kowtow and shed tears. He doesn't know whether to cry for the innocent and dead family or the years of infatuation and wrong payment.

Like death, but so.

"With this courage, do you dare to covet the princess?" Zhao qingluan smiled and looked at the maid with bleeding forehead as if she were looking at mole ants. She suddenly took out a dagger from her sleeve and threw it to the ground. She smiled and ordered: "Yuanning, kill her. ”

Warm wine was shocked.

Just because others looked at her "belongings" more, they wanted the man's life. Zhao qingluan clearly hated Xie Heng and deliberately made an example to her.

In any case, the princess is no longer arrogant. It's frightening to see human life like grass mustard.

But Chen Yuanning was obedient. He bent down and pulled out the dagger on the ground. His action was a little slow, but there was no expression on his face. He was almost numb. He walked towards Jiang wucai, who was constantly kowtowing.

"A knife goes into the heart, a white knife goes in and a red knife goes out, and it's over. Soon." Zhao qingluan looked at his hand and said with a smile, "haven't I taught you before? Yuanning, who doesn't have blood in his hand?"

The sound is like a lost sound.

Chen Yuanning closed his eyes and stabbed Jiang's flawless heart with a knife.

This moment.

Wen Jiu didn't have time to think more. He suddenly got up and ran into Chen Yuanning with all his strength

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