No one expected that shopkeeper Wen, who had been smiling faintly, would suddenly get up and hit Chen Yuanning staggering for several steps. The dagger in his hand crossed the river and fell to the ground mixed with blood.

The sound of "bang" broke the atmosphere in which people were shocked and became incomparably quiet.

Jiang wucai was still kneeling on the ground. Her blood was stained through her skirt. She covered her wound and looked up at Chen Yuanning with tears in her eyes.

But I couldn't say a word.

Zhao qingluan frowned and turned his eyes to Wen Jiu. "What does shopkeeper Wen mean? You can't see the princess disposing of a slave who covets the master's son?"

"How dare you." Wen Jiu rubbed his shoulder and said with a smile, "but I can't see blood. I feel bad when I see blood. I'm old. Please forgive me."

She was also hit by a hot brain. Who knows what Chen Yuanning wants to do?

Wen Jiu only knew that Jiang Wuxian could not die in front of her.

When people die, they have nothing.

Revenge and consolation are nonsense!

"Excuse me?" Zhao qingluan sneered. "My princess sees that you deliberately don't get along with me!"

Princess qingluan was so angry that she didn't have a good face for warm wine.

This new hatred adds to the old hatred. I can't talk well.

Wen Jiu doesn't know what's going on. Anyway, she's also an exquisite shopkeeper Wen. But when she meets Zhao qingluan, she's like an enemy she hasn't dealt with for eight years. From the first side, she clashes. Now she comes to make friends deliberately, which has also become this stalemate.

That's all.

I can't even get through my kung fu. What else can I talk about.

Wen Jiu thought about it. Standing in front of Jiang wucai, he looked at Zhao qingluan with a smile. "The county Lord killed her is nothing more than setting an example to the others. Now I know the meaning of the princess. Why kill her?"

Zhao qingluan's face became very ugly.

Some things, meaning will be one thing, and speaking out in the open is another thing.

Wenjiu seems to be a kind businessman, but once he pierces the window paper, he is also like a knife with a cold smile.

She stretched out her hand to help Jiang wucai up from the ground. Her big sleeve was blown by the wind and wanted to fly. The smile on her face faded, so she took Xie Xiaoyan's arrogance of all officials in the political discussion hall, "It's the intention of the king of Nanning that I stay here. If I want to be rich and noble for the rest of my life, I should naturally give everything. Now that the major event has not been completed, the princess wants to dig my heart. It's difficult for me. What else to talk about in the future?"

Zhao qingluan was stunned.

All the people who worked for the king of Nanning held her, respected her and feared her. Suddenly, a warm wine came out. In this way, if you don't agree, you have to pick up. It's really difficult to resist because you are fighting for a man's pet.

Zhao qingluan hasn't come yet to speak.

"The girl was implicated by me. In order to avoid her death, Wen took her back to Bafang city for treatment." Wen Jiu spoke first, said this, and threw down a sentence, "I'm leaving now! The prince, the princess can explain by herself!" he helped Jiang wucai and left.

She just turned her head and suddenly thought that if she took advantage of this opportunity to make the scene ugly, it would be great to take them back to Bafang city.

In other people's eyes, shopkeeper Wen, who has always had a good temper, became blue with anger.

What a talkative person at ordinary times. Once the person next to her pillow is involved, she will become such an uncompromising person in an instant.

All the maids stopped or didn't stop. They looked anxiously at Zhao qingluan.

Princess qingluan is still a little confused. She hasn't accused Wen wine, but this man blew it up first.

If you let Wen Jiu go back to Bafang city today, your father will be furious if he asks for guilt.

Zhao qingluan was unable to advance or retreat.

I couldn't help glancing at Chen Yuanning with hatred. I only blame him for not being quick and cruel enough. Otherwise, there can be such a difficult thing now.

Wen Jiu held Jiang WuChao to brush the peony bushes and asked in a low voice, "how are you?"

It's hard to feel so much blood flow.

Jiang wucai's face turned white, his lips were bitten, and he kept emitting blood beads. What he said was, "I'm fine."

Wen Jiu didn't know what to say, but said, "don't be silly in the future."

She has also done many stupid things.

If that person doesn't like you, no matter how much you do for him, sacrificing your life to death, or being infatuated with it, it's nothing.

Others can't explain it, and comfort is of no use.

It's a blessing that you can find a life when you see everything when you feel the pain to the extreme.

They walked out about ten steps. Zhao qingluan suddenly chased out, "warm wine, stop!"

Warm wine didn't listen to her.

The little god of wealth is also angry. How can a mere Princess shout around.

What's more, such a scene today is a heaven given opportunity for them to leave the Royal Palace in Nanning.

Fools stop!

"Surnamed Wen!" Zhao qingluan was worried and revealed his nature in an instant. "The princess asked you to stop, didn't you hear? Someone! Stop her!"

He was used to using tough measures. Jiao drank and called the bodyguard of the king's residence in Nanning.

There was an accident in the peony garden last night. There were more than three times more bodyguards than in the past. In the twinkling of an eye, they blocked the way to warm wine.

What a coincidence.

Wu Zheng, with the a beard on his face, took lead.

Wenjiu has been dealing with these people every day since he entered Yunzhou city.

Wu Zheng frowned and asked, "what's the matter with shopkeeper Wen? Why did you see blood?"

Warm wine hooked his lips and raised a sarcastic arc. "Lord Wu might as well ask the princess what he wants to do?"

"Princess?" Wu Zheng interrupted shopkeeper Wen's spring night with the little white face last night. Now when he looked at Zhao qingluan, he remembered that his princess had robbed the man's favorite. He was as tired as a mountain immediately.

Wu Zheng advised: "the Lord has an order. It is necessary to catch yesterday's villains in three days. If the princess is cured, you might as well think about how to solve the problems for the Lord?"

Zhao qingluan clenched his teeth, "you don't need to remind the princess!"

Wenjiu continued to add fire and said coldly, "please tell the Lord Wu that Wenmou's life is nothing, but I can't force me to give up my love for the princess!"

Wu Zheng: "

Men are wrong!

This good shopkeeper Wen, everyone says that she regards money as her life. How can she become a person once she is involved in that little white face.

Wen Jiu had no expression on his face. He pretended to be angry and dressed. He really gave birth to a little angry. He said in a deep voice: "Wen's blessing is thin. He didn't follow the Lord's life. He's leaving now!"

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