Wu Zheng is a martial arts man. He has never seen a businessman who gets angry when he says he gets angry and doesn't even give face to the king of Nanning.

I can't say how warm the wine is, and it's not easy to force her to stay.

Seeing warm wine, his face was angry and left.

Zhao qingluan's angry face turned blue, "Lord Wu, why didn't you stop her just now?"

Wu Zheng was also full of fire. He looked at Princess qingluan, who had ruined the Lord's affairs because of fighting for a man's favor. His face was not very good-looking. "At the end, he will go to the Lord to reply and leave first."

Then he turned and left.

Zhao qingluan's pretty face was blue and purple, but he didn't delay for a moment. "Lord Wu, wait a minute, my princess will go with you."

The peony garden fell into silence.

The young man in white in the pavilion carried his trembling hand behind him and took a panoramic view of the scene.

The strong wind in the garden burst up and destroyed countless flowers.

West Wing room.

Xie Xuan stood under the eaves and released the white carrier pigeon. He looked up and watched the bird hover in mid air and gradually disappear from sight.

"Three strings." suddenly behind him came Ye Zhiqiu's voice.

The third childe turned leisurely and looked at Ye Da, who didn't know when to appear. His face was expressionless.

On the contrary, ye Zhiqiu was embarrassed by him and said with an awkward smile: "in broad daylight, what are you doing here?"

Before Xie Xuan could speak, ye Zhiqiu asked again, "catch birds and play? I don't see that you still have such a childlike side."

Rao is indifferent by nature, such as Xie Yu. At the moment, he can't help asking: ye Zhiqiu, how do you grow your brain?

Unfortunately, ye Zhiqiu didn't understand the inquiry in the third childe's eyes at all. He touched him with his elbow and motioned him to look up in the air, "which one do you like? I'll catch it for you to play!"

Today, the sun is very light, hidden in the clouds, only a faint halo.

Birds fly low, and Yellow Warblers mix in sparrows, especially drilling holes.

Xie Xuan glanced at Ye Zhiqiu, his eyes dim.

"Don't be embarrassed." Ye Zhiqiu smiled, Mingxiu Langlang. "There's no one else now."

The waitresses were very knowledgeable. They knew that these distinguished guests didn't like them wandering around, and they had already left far away.

The little white face raised by shopkeeper Wen doesn't know what he's doing. He disappeared in broad daylight.

I haven't come back for most of the day.

There are only two of them left in the whole west wing.

Unlike the poor jingling place in shining mountain, this magnificent palace is the place where it is easiest to look at the West Wing with affection. Ye Da is in charge of the house and has made great efforts to coax the three strings.

Xie Yu really didn't want to say anything.

In those years when Xie Heng was a romantic dandy, he didn't fight flowers and tease birds at the most absurd time, but he didn't catch birds with his brother and sister in the house!

Ye Zhiqiu waited for a long time, but he didn't make a sound. He automatically classified him into the category of "Sanxian thin skinned, sorry".

Mumbling to himself, he said "come on."

The next moment, he flew onto the eaves. Xie Xuan stood in place and looked up at Ye Zhiqiu, dressed up as a teenager, running after birds. He caught one and put it in his arms. His action was fast and neat.

The sun was faint, and the girl with dark skin flew over the eaves of the houses, laughing with an uncomfortably warm smile.

She stood under the eaves, smiled at him and said, "wait a minute, I'll be right down."

Xie Xuan looked up at her and still didn't speak.

Ye Zhiqiu, who was walking fast on the eaves, looked at the direction of the peony garden. Her face suddenly changed. As soon as she raised her hand, she released all the birds in her arms, jumped down the eaves and crossed the arch to welcome the warm wine, "this is... What happened?"

"Let them go together and go out of the city." Wen Jiu sweated a lot on his forehead. "Can you take wound medicine with you?"

Ye Zhiqiu reached out and held Jiang WuChao, whose heart was full of blood. Without saying a word, he first checked the injury, "the wound is not deep, but there is a lot of blood flow. It looks a little scary... I have to start right away? Wrap her up first. I have the wound medicine. It won't take long."

"Miss Jiang?" Wenjiu called her.

Jiang wucai's face was blank and there was no response.

"I'll come." Ye Zhiqiu had great strength and directly took Jiang WuChao away. He didn't forget to say with warm wine, "little white face doesn't know where to go. I'm afraid he can't go for a while."

Warm wine smell speech, can't help but some stunned.

Just at this time, Xie Yu came to her, "what's the matter?"

Wen Jiu raised his eyes and asked, "where has Xie Heng gone?"

Their voices just overlap.

The wind was silent for a moment.

Wen Jiu raised his sleeve and wiped the sweat on his forehead. Just now he was a little rebellious in front of Zhao qingluan. Now when he saw the third childe, he just felt that his back couldn't help getting cold.

She approached and whispered, "I just saw Chen Yuanning. It seems that she has a lot of relationship with Zhao qingluan. I'm afraid Miss Jiang's confidant is not accurate. Maybe she is a minister under the skirt?"

Xie Yu's eyes were as black as ink. He thought and didn't open his mouth.

Wen Jiu thought for a moment and then said, "just now I was drinking tea with Zhao qingluan in the Yihua Pavilion, because Miss Jiang looked at Chen Yuanning more, Zhao qingluan wanted her life, I......"

Naturally, it's hard for her to say that she's a hot head and doesn't care about anything.

However, after such a pause, the third childe understood and asked in a deep voice, "is it broken?"

Wen Jiu was stunned. After looking at Xie Xuan with his normal face for a long time, he nodded and said in a stuffy voice: "I think it's a good time to make a collapse at this time. We'll leave Yunzhou today. The water in Nanning palace is too muddy. Let's get out again."

Xie Xuan stared at her, "are you afraid that your eldest brother will be caught by those people in the imperial capital?"

Wen Jiu pulled at the corners of his mouth: "..."

Third childe, don't talk.

It's so annoying when you talk.

She rubbed her eyebrows and said, "I just don't want to play with you! Third childe, you're worried about your life if you stay here, just treat me..."

"I came to Yunzhou on purpose." Xie Yu interrupted her expressionless.

The implication is that no matter how long you stay here, you won't be caught.

On the contrary, Xie Heng's meritorious work in fighting the rebellion attracted more and more envy from those people. If he was safe, he would have to be promoted to the rank. Those individuals were waiting for him to commit a crime and step on him.

I don't know how many people will make up those things of disorderly officials and thieves when I go to Yunzhou without permission and mix up with the king's residence.

Ah Jiu said he didn't want to have half a relationship with him, but he was much more honest than he said.

The third childe had already understood and asked, "what did you just say?"

Warm wine: "

For this reason, what else did she say?

She turned and asked, "where has Xie Heng gone?"

Xie Xuan looked at Wen Jiu. Her eyes were full of expectations that "you still can't help but care about him". She was silent for a long time before she said, "he went to get what I want."

Warm wine took a sip of air conditioning, "now?"

On this sunny day, there are so many bodyguards and dark guards in the Royal Palace of Nanning. Xie Heng picked it up at this time... No matter what it is, it's too time to pick it up!

Gao Yuanlu was just solved in the peony garden. It was the time of martial law in the whole Nanning palace.

Xie Yu's eyes were dark and unclear, and his tone was very light. He asked her, "are you in a hurry?"

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