Wenjiu was stunned for a moment, lowered his eyes and collected all his emotions, "I just... Want to leave this place of right and wrong."

But somehow, the voice suddenly decreased.

She couldn't help smiling bitterly. Why did she even have no confidence to speak in front of the third childe?

Xie Xuan didn't open his mouth, but looked at her with determination. He looked like he had seen through her long ago and didn't need to say more.

The wind was slowly blowing around, the branches were shaking, and countless fallen leaves fell down one after another, wiping their shoulders.

It is clear that autumn is getting stronger and cooler.

Wen Jiu felt his heart sultry. He raised his hand and wiped the sweat on his forehead. Turning around, he walked to the wing room and asked, "Xiaoye, how is she? Is she badly hurt?"

The third childe stood in place and looked up at the elder brother on the eaves.

The young man in red jumped down, stuffed a pile of books into Xie's hand, took a look at the flustered warm wine, and raised his eyes slightly, "what did you say to her?"

Xie Xuan held the pile of books that had lost many lives. His eyebrows and eyes were cold. He looked up at Xie Heng with a cool voice, "no comment."

Then he turned and walked into the house.

Xie Heng: "

Third childe, who are you playing with?

Both of them are spoiled and have a bigger temper!

He stood there for a moment, raised his hand, brushed away the fallen leaves between his sleeves, and walked to the room where warm wine entered.

Hearing Ye Zhiqiu's warm wine, he said, "the wound is not deep. It's no big deal."

Wenjiu stood outside and looked at the inner room.

On his side, ye Da touched the tip of his nose and added, "I've been pushing me a lot just now. I can apply medicine and change my clothes. I have something to clean up. Let's go right away."

Warming the wine reminds me that ye Zhiqiu is dressed up in men's clothes now. The black beauty was born much higher than ordinary girls. She has another bold and unrestrained style, not to mention Jiang wucai. Even Wu Zheng didn't see that she was a girl.

Let such a "man" go to help Jiang Wujiu change his clothes. It's strange not to be pushed away!

"Be careful, girl. We'll wait for you outside the door." Wen Jiu said and turned to go out. As soon as he turned back, he ran into a boy in red.

"Elder brother..."

There was a momentary daze in her eyes. What she blurted out was her eldest brother who had called many times before.

Xie Heng stood right in front of her, close at hand.

"I didn't go and didn't cause any trouble."

The boy raised his eyes slightly, reached out and gently rubbed her forehead, and his white slender fingertips were a little warm.

He said, "ah Jiu, don't worry."

There was a moment of silence.

Ye Zhiqiu looked at them, silently padded his toes and flew out more than ten feet.

A moment later.

Warm wine reacted, avoided the touch of teenagers, rubbed his forehead, looked down at the little goldfish at the tip of his shoes, and said, "I'm not worried!"

"OK." Xie Heng held back his smile and turned the stars in his amber eyes. "You said you didn't worry, just didn't worry."

What is this?

Warm wine raised his eyes and stared at him.

But he bumped into thousands of stars and nearly lost his soul.

Such a young man in high spirits, with a smile, will make the landscape lose color. If he wants to confuse your heart, how can people resist it?

She unconsciously took a step back.

Xie Heng suddenly reached out to hold her wrist, bowed his head, kissed her lips and pecked.

It was like lightning.

Warm wine, the whole person is confused.

When he came back, Xie Hengzheng raised his hand and pinned her messy hair behind her ears. The young man's warm thin lips stuck to her ears and breathed hot, "my wine has finally got more courage. It's time to boast."


Wen Jiu wanted to scold him. He didn't know what to do! But the young man's eyes were so persistent and deep that she couldn't say a word about him.

She can only shake off Xie Heng's hand and walk out quickly, "pack up your things and go quickly!"

It's going crazy.

No matter what you say to Xie Heng, it will become such a strange look?!

Xie Heng stood behind her and said with a smile, "I have nothing to clean up."

Warm wine, step a little, the heart said: can you shut up?

can I?!

The boy's fingertips hooked her sleeves, gently crossed them, and his thin lips gently hooked them, "I just need to take you."

Wen Jiu took a deep breath, threw a sleeve on his handsome face and strode away.

Xie Heng rubbed his eyebrows and smiled low.

The ears are so soft that it doesn't look like a cruel and heartless person.

Wen Jiu wiped his lips hard. When he came to the corridor, he saw the third childe carrying a big package. He didn't bring so many things when he came. He didn't know what it was so precious. He had to carry it himself.

Xie Yu's eyes were a little dark and asked, "what's the matter?"

The girl's plain face is facing the sky, with a little charm in her beauty. She usually doesn't feel like this.

But now the red lips, only a little change, then gorgeous.

"Nothing." Wen Jiu couldn't help but wipe his lips with the back of his hand, deliberately turned the topic and generally asked him, "are you ready?"

Xie Yu nodded.

Jiang wucai also changed her clothes and came out. Wenjiu saw that her face was bloodless and walked over to hold her. "It's still early. Make plans after leaving Yunzhou city."

Xie Heng stood on her left and whispered, "OK."

Wen Jiu looked up at him and found that the young man's eyes also fell on her face.


One look, knock into the heart.

A moment later.

Warm wine, don't open your eyes, whispered, "let's go."

Approaching the gate, Wu Zheng stopped a few people with guards No. 300 and No. 500.

This man has been under the king of Nanning for many years. He has put up enough battles to block people, but he is very polite. "Shopkeeper Wen wants to leave. Why do you want to say goodbye to the Lord? The Lord is no longer in the house, so you can't wait any longer?"

Wenjiu smiled coldly, "what I want to say has been made clear, and it's the same as Lord Wu's message."

With so many people blocking the door, doesn't it mean to talk well and not be strong?

Since they say Zhao Li is not here, warm wine will really make trouble to the end.

Wu couldn't persuade him, but he couldn't get over it. He opened his mouth and said: "the princess's temperament must have been heard by shopkeeper Wen. Beauty is easy to get, and opportunities are hard to find! The Lord wants to review the shopkeeper and let you live in the house and treat you as a guest of honor. You don't even look at the Lord's face for such a small matter. It's too mean!"

"Small family spirit?" Wenjiu hooked his lips. "Lord Wu, Wenmou never said he was a generous person!"

Wu Zheng was stunned.

Wen Jiu said, "I just ask Lord Wu, will you let me go today?"

Wu Zheng said without thinking, "no!"

A group of bodyguards folded into a human wall in front of Wen Jiu. Wen Jiu looked back and the gorgeous young man in red raised his lips slightly, "step back and I'll come."

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