Xie Heng naturally protected the warm wine behind him. Before the sword came out of its sheath, it directly hit Wu Zheng, who spoke with the warm wine with his neck.

No one expected that as soon as the boy raised his hand, he would shoot the general of the Royal Palace in Nanning out. Wu Zheng vomited blood on the spot and retreated seven or eight steps to stop. Several bodyguards nearby quickly stretched out their hands to help, "Lord Wu!"

Wu Zheng did not slow down. He saw another dark boy suddenly fly out.

Ye DA has been the main force in the fight with his brothers for so many years. How can the little white face raised by the little Lord steal the limelight? Like a whirlwind with long legs, he has to kick the bodyguards in the way, circle down and fall down.

The guards looked frightened and dared not rush forward to forcibly stop again.

Ye Zhiqiu turned back and grabbed Xie Yu with one hand. He shouted at Wen wine, "go!"

Warm wine held Jiang wucai. He didn't say anything at the moment. He rushed out of the door. He didn't know when his left hand was held by Xie Heng.

The young man took her and jumped over the bodyguards surrounded by her. Her eyebrows and eyes were covered by the red hair belt that wanted to fly.

Seeing nothing clearly, Wu Zheng shouted angrily, "stop him! Stop them!"

The sun was hidden in the clouds, leaving only a little light. The footsteps of the guards were mixed together, the sound of swords overlapped, and there was incomparable noise in my ears.

Warm wine was heard at the moment. Xie Heng said very clearly, "don't be afraid."

Her heart beat like a drum.

But there has never been such a moment when I felt fearless.

And this full of courage is only because... The person who holds her hand and takes her through the light and sword shadow is Xie Heng.

The guards couldn't stop people. The doorkeepers were also kicked open by Ye Zhiqiu.

"Stand still."

Xie Heng pressed his voice and ordered warm wine, then pulled out his sword and scabbard. With one move, the sword Qi was vertical and horizontal, and directly split the gate of the palace, accompanied by two rows of bodyguards blocking the way.

There were cries of pain all over the ground. There were people who lost their swords and abandoned their swords everywhere.

The gate fell on both sides. The young man in red stood on the steps, turned and stretched out a jade like palm towards Wenjiu, "ah Jiu."

A faint halo enveloped Xie Heng. He was wild and unrivalled.

Wen Jiu pulled Jiang Wuxian tightly, took a deep breath and put his left hand in the palm of the young man's hand.

For a moment, he held it tightly, and the whole person dragged it away. The skirt was flying, and Jiang wucai also dragged it away. As soon as he turned around, he went out of the gate of the palace.

A green cloth carriage sped past here. The carriage pulled the reins and stopped for a while.

"Young master, get on the carriage!" the coachman dressed as green guards quickly lifted the curtain.

Ye Zhiqiu didn't think much, so he directly lifted Xie Yu up and stuffed him into the carriage. Just now he took the warm wine up as this, and his hand was only half stretched out. Jiang wucai, whose face was as white as paper, fell towards her.

"Girl..." Ye Zhiqiu lifted her up and stuffed her into the carriage. He didn't forget to explain: "I don't have any interest in you, so you don't have to worry that I will insult you."

Jiang wucai was almost as lost as a living dead man. He was almost swallowed by Ye Zhiqiu's words. As soon as he entered the carriage, he straightened and fell back.

Ye Zhiqiu quickly jumped into the carriage, held her and continued to plug into the carriage.

Warm wine is a little sad and funny, "when is it? Don't talk nonsense!"

The bodyguards of the Royal Palace in Nanning broke down one after another. Wu Zheng no longer maintained his superficial Kung Fu. At the command, the bodyguards poured out of the gate of the royal palace like a tide.

She helped the carriage into the carriage. Before her feet got on the wheel, ye Zhiqiu reached out to help her. Her hands had not touched.

Wenjiu suddenly hung in the air and was picked up by Xie Heng.

Wenjiu was stunned.

The young man's thin lips were lightly hooked and asked her solemnly, "when is it? It doesn't hurt to hold it?"

Wen Jiu opened his apricot eyes and blocked her with what she said. Xie Heng is really more and more capable.

She didn't speak and was carried into the carriage by Xie Heng.

Ye Zhiqiu silently lifted the curtain with the Qingyi guards and looked at each other. In each other's eyes, they saw a shocking color of "my childe, my little master is in my heart. At this time, they still have the mind to talk about love".

Behind him, the people of Nanning palace rushed up in groups, and they pulled the reins together, "drive!"

The steed galloped away, the wheel could wipe the blade of those people, and the horse's hooves were like flying dust all over the sky.

Wen Jiu sat in the carriage, raised his hand and opened the curtain, "Lord Wu, see you later!"

Wu Zheng stood in front of the palace with a large number of people and shouted, "lead the horse! Lead the horse!"

When he first heard Wen Jiu's words, his face turned blue and purple. "Wen! You don't know good or bad!"

The carriage had disappeared at the corner, and the roar of Wu Zheng was only scattered by the wind.

At the corner, as like as two peas in the same boat, the same car, such as the same wine, crossed the road and headed for different directions.

Warm wine put down the curtain and his eyes couldn't help falling on Xie Heng.

She didn't speak.

Just a look in her eyes, but Xie Heng already understood what she was thinking, "I was scheduled to send you away today, but I didn't think..."

Wen Jiu calmed down and secretly answered: I didn't think that I, who didn't pass the gas with you, made things big first, left in a hurry and split the gate of the royal palace.

When this comes out, Wen Caishen's name must be added: he will be mistaken by men and eventually become a fool.

The carriage was quiet. Ye Zhiqiu outside said to the Qingyi guard, "go to the right!" "this way!" "so slow! I'll come!"

Gradually, the sound of rolling wheels overshadowed all the noise.

Xie Heng leaned against Wen Jiu, bowed his head, attached it to her ear and said, "I didn't think about it. You have to take me."

The boy lowered his voice, but the carriage was so big that anyone who was not deaf could hear it.

But this is not the end..

He added, "it's simpler to say, that is, you have to me."

Warm wine gas molar, but the root of the ear is unpromising red.

Xie Heng was laughing, his thin lips were lightly hooked, and his eyes looked at her like stars. She saw that her corners of her eyes were slightly red and dyed a light peach blossom color. She was biting her teeth. She wanted to kill him, but sat there motionless.

The young man fell down slowly. In front of Xie Yu and Jiang wucai, he buried his face on his warm knees as if there were no one else. He rubbed his forehead gently and whispered, "ah Jiu, I'm so sleepy."

Wenjiu wanted to reach out and push him away.

A long time ago, she knew that Xie Heng was by no means a gentleman, but now this shameless posture is really difficult to parry.

The overwhelming Xie Heng turned over and put the back of his head on her knee. A pair of amber eyes hid thousands of stars and moonlight, and looked at her cautiously, "if you're not with me, I can't sleep. What can I do?"

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