Warm wine, the whole person leaned back, and her back was close to the carriage. She didn't want to be so open-minded. She really had no way to deal with Xie Heng, who was obsessed with her.

With a stiff face, she said indifferently, "unfortunately, I slept well when you were away."

Xie Heng: "

Xie Yu's eyes reflected their intimacy. Looking at his eldest brother, his face became more and more expressionless.

Jiang wucai was so lost that he didn't know where he was. The carriage ran fast, fell left and right, and knocked a few times, and the man fainted.

Wen Jiu was startled and hurriedly went to help her. As soon as he leaned over, he was stopped by Xie Heng. He stretched out his hand to explore the flawless breath of the river and slowly said, "it's all right, just fainted."

Wen Jiu breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Xie Heng leaning against her in silence.

Ye Zhiqiu, who grabbed the whip with the green guards outside, was silent for a long time. He couldn't help shouting, "is it time to sleep now? Ah?!"

Everyone in the carriage: "

Pedestrians on both sides of the street gave way one after another. In a blink of an eye, the green cloth carriage disappeared into the view of everyone, leaving only flying dust all over the sky.

Complaining all the way, ye Da was in charge. His voice was so loud that it could shake the sky. He directly suppressed everyone's voice, "can we have a little consciousness of running for our lives?"

Warm wine rubbed the eyebrows. Don't open your eyes and didn't talk.

This road leads to the east gate of Yunzhou city. The vehicles that passed by wrong just now went in different directions and attracted the attention of the pursuers. It seems that Xie Heng and the third childe have been prepared. But what they say at this time is really in line with the atmosphere at this time.

"No." but Xie Heng helped the carriage to sit up slowly, with a loose tone like a dandy who was about to go on an outing.

Ye Zhiqiu was completely silent outside.

In my heart, I greeted the 18 generations of the little white faced ancestor raised by the little master.

Men miss people!

Wen Jiu took a deep breath and said, "when you get out of the city, you can go wherever you should. I'm going back to Bafang city. Let's take care of yourself!"

If we continue to entangle with Xie's family, she will be short-lived if she doesn't die!

It was like this in Dijing. Now it's even more outrageous in Yunzhou. Her little life is really not enough trouble.

Xie Xuan raised his eyes and looked at her. Then he turned his eyes to Xie Heng.

Xie Heng raised his eyebrows slightly and said slowly, "I'll go wherever you go."

This is very unreasonable.

Cangyunzhou still has a pile of mess waiting for him to clean up. It's only because he said such words that Wenjiu can't get angry.

If you are really held by the boy, why can't you turn over?

Wen Jiuxin smiled bitterly, but there was almost no expression on his face. He angrily said, "I'll get married, and you'll go too?"

Xie Heng choked by her. His face changed slightly. He immediately restrained a lot and looked at her with drooping eyes, "ah Jiu."

A low cry is better than a thousand words.

Warm the wine, help the forehead, and meditate repeatedly: don't look at him, don't look at him, don't look at him

Xie Yu, who had been silent for a long time, finally opened his mouth, "the bafangcheng is a place that all countries must contend for. If there is a war, it will be the first to suffer."

"I know." Wenjiu doesn't know that bafangcheng is very dangerous. It's just a matter of wealth and risk. It's inevitable to lose and get.

They both looked at her quietly.

Every time they look at it like this, warm wine sweats in the palms:

Don't suppress with such eyes!

She held it for a long time before she said, "so what? All the land in the world is king's land, and all the people who lead the land are king ministers. They are just people who strive for power and profit. Where can we ensure that everything is safe?"

Seeking wealth and wealth, bafangcheng is a dangerous place and a place where gold and silver pile up.

"Yes." Xie Xuan looked at her and said only one word. His eyes came to Xie Heng.

The two brothers exchanged a look and understood it in an instant.

Wen Jiu looked up, his eyes full of surprise, and looked at the young man in red along the third childe's eyes.

"Yes." Xie Heng hooked his lips, and there was a little smile in his glazed eyes, "beside me."

Warm wine: "

Fuck you!

Xie Xuan looked at her, her eyes were like ink, "or, by my side."

The green cloth carriage galloped through the streets and lanes. The wheels rolled very fast, and the warm wine held the carriage reluctantly.

She was silent for a moment before she asked, "three, three CHILDES... Have you eaten something wrong recently? If you are not feeling well, you should seek medical treatment earlier!"

Xie Heng took the wrong medicine and generally gathered around her. What does the third childe mean now?

In the past, I couldn't see them staying together. When they said two words alone, they had to throw a women's ring to her.

Now women's ring is not given, but it has become more and more strange.

Warm wine, confused and confused.

Suddenly, ye Zhiqiu outside the carriage shouted, "be careful!"

Before warm wine could react, the green cloth carriage was suddenly hit by a huge impact. The carriage and the horse suddenly separated and hung for several circles.

In an instant, the earth was spinning, and the pedestrians on the street screamed and broke their eardrums.

The carriage was hit in bits and pieces. She hit the whole carriage, and the broken wood and board fell all over the sky.

Xie Heng quickly hugged her and protected her. Xie Xuan also raised his sleeve to block the broken wood that was about to hit her head.

There was a moment of silence.

Wen Jiu was pale and almost out of breath.

Xie Heng slapped the roof of the flying horse to be pressed down, gently kissed her eyebrows, and comforted in a warm voice: "it's all right, ah Jiu."

Warm wine stared at him and unconsciously grasped his skirt.

How could it be okay?

The street is so wide that who would bump into it for nothing?

It can only be intentional by people who can Nanning palace.

But at this moment, she was held in her arms by the young man, and her heart was really fearless.

Just because Xie Heng is by her side.

Ye Zhiqiu held the carriage tightly with both hands and forced the flying carriage to stabilize. He buckled it on the bluestone board. His forehead was covered with cold sweat. He opened the curtain and drilled in, "how are you?"

Jiang Wuxian was awakened by the collision. The wound at his heart burst open, and there was a whole piece of blood on his clothes.

Ye Zhiqiu reached out to help her, and then pulled Xie up, "how? Did you hit where?"

Ye Da was in charge of the family with a quick temper. Xie Yu was silent and drove her crazy. "Does it hurt? Talk!"

"Nothing." Xie Xuan looked at her bloody hands and squeezed out two words.

"What do you think I'm doing?" Ye Zhiqiu realized that his hand was hurt and casually wiped his sleeve. "Oh... I don't hurt. It's just a small injury."

Xie Yu's eyes were dark and silently pulled a piece of cloth from his body and handed it to her.

"I......" Ye Zhiqiu murmured, "I didn't say it's okay." but he couldn't resist Xie Yu, so he had to pick up the cloth.

During the conversation, the officers and soldiers had quickly surrounded the surrounding area and took the lead in scolding: "be bold to create trouble for the people, collide with the Nanning King's frame, and don't come out and catch it!"

Wen Jiu glanced at Xie Heng and whispered, "get up."

I didn't see the Yellow calendar when I went out. Unfortunately, the person I wanted to avoid most bumped into.

In the shabby carriage, people looked different when they heard the speech.

Suddenly, with a loud noise, the carriage board blocking the view of the outside room fell down.

Wen Jiu raised his eyes and saw the big bellied Zhao Li standing on the carriage driven by six drivers. Looking at Wen Jiu and his party, he smiled and said, "is it our king's bad hospitality that shopkeeper Wen left in such a hurry?"

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