Wenjiu saw the sudden appearance of Nanning Wang Zhao Li, and his eyes changed slightly.

Xie Heng helped her up and reached out to brush away the wood dust on her shoulder. He clearly didn't say anything. With one eye, he calmed the warm wine.

She protected the boy behind her and whispered, "you avoid it."

Zhao qingluan and others in the palace can't see through Xie Heng's identity. Although Zhao Li hasn't seen Xie Xiaoyan, it's hard to guarantee that he will see the flaw.

Xie Heng picked slightly from the corners of his eyes and slowly turned to his side with a "good" sound.

He knew that warm wine was a girl with a hard mouth and a soft heart.

Whenever he gets angry, he always wants to protect him.

Wen Jiu didn't care what he thought. He walked out of the smashed car. In the twinkling of an eye, he smiled at Zhao Li's eyes. "The Lord treats me well, but it's a pity that the princess wants the people around me, so it's difficult for me again and again, alas..."

She sighed and said helplessly, "although the Nanning palace is good, there is no place for me."

But I thought: I don't know if the town was so unlucky. Just when they were going out of the city, Zhao Li's car hit their carriage.

If the king of Nanning expected that they would go to the east gate, and deliberately waited for the rabbit here. They were still in green cloth carriages all over the city, and they just picked their car and knocked it over, it would be... Thinking carefully and terrified.

She was full of admiration for the Nanning king.

Zhao Li touched his round belly and smiled again. "Shopkeeper Wen, these are small things. Why? If you are angry, just say to me, come on, let's go back to the house together and sit down and talk slowly."

As he spoke, he stepped on the follower's back, got off the carriage and walked towards warm wine.

"No need." Wen Jiu smiled faintly and said slowly, "since I met you here, Wen will thank the Lord for his hospitality these days. If the Lord has any orders in the future, just send someone to Bafang city to find me."

Zhao Li stood in front of her for two steps, and the smile on his face gradually disappeared. "So, shopkeeper Wen has to go today?"

Warm wine is just about to speak.

Zhao qingluan arrived with a group of bodyguards, rushed to Zhao Li, and said wrongly: "father, I just joked with shopkeeper Wen, and she became so angry that she still wanted to go, and no one could stop her..."

The man hasn't finished yet.

Zhao Li suddenly said, "qingluan, you came just in time. Don't apologize to shopkeeper Wen."

Warm wine, smell words, secretly frightened.

Nanning Wang is really flexible. In order to keep her, he even asked his favorite daughter to apologize.

Zhao qingluan was stunned. His face was full of disbelief, "father..."

"It seems that the king spoiled you at ordinary times. He was forbidden to go back to the house for three months. If he committed it again, he would be severely punished!" Zhao Li said this and asked Wen Jiu with a smile, "shopkeeper Wen, do you think it might calm down?"

He looked like "it's my fault to raise or not teach, and it's my father's fault". On the contrary, Wenjiu couldn't continue to talk about it.

Warm wine has not had time to speak.

Zhao qingluan was angry first. "It's obviously a fuss made by Wen. I'm just..."

"Somebody, send the princess back to the mansion." Zhao Li didn't give Zhao qingluan a chance to finish talking. He raised his hand and summoned the maidens and ordered, "she is not allowed to leave Baifang Pavilion without the king's order!"

"Father!" Zhao qingluan was shamed on the spot. He couldn't swallow it.

Wen Jiu was eager for her to continue making trouble, but the maids were not vague at all. They held Zhao qingluan's two arms and left.

Warm wine: "

This one is not as intelligent as the big princess.

Also, how can a spoiled bird be compared with a phoenix?

No matter how bad Zhao Jingyi's reputation is, she is also a strange woman who wrote poetry at the age of nine and went to the ends of the world with a sword.

No matter how much Zhao qingluan learned, she could only learn the fur, not the transparency and openness in the bones of the eldest princess.

Her eyes were slightly raised, wondering what to say behind her.

Zhao Lidao said, "the day after tomorrow will be the Mid Autumn Festival. On the night of the full moon, the people in Yunzhou city will make bonfires and dance in the sky. The city is full of lights. Even the emperor's capital can't see such a grand occasion. Even if shopkeeper Wen wants to go, it's not too late to go after the Mid Autumn Festival. In addition, the carriages have been smashed, so he has to change one."

Nanning Wangdu said good words for this reason. If she still insists on going, she'll be torn apart.

Wen Jiu glanced at several people behind him with his spare light from the corner of his eye. Jiang wucai was hurt like this. Xie Xuan was carrying those things

Xie Heng came slowly with his sword and stood behind her.

Wen Jiu held the young man's hand that was about to draw his sword without any trace, and said with a smile, "well, then bother the Lord for a few more days."

She glanced and handed the boy a look of "don't act rashly".

With so many officers and soldiers blocking the city gate, Zhao Li smiled and talked to them. It was clear that he was going to be polite before the soldiers.

Let's talk to you. If you can keep people, don't do it. If you can't keep them, eight achievements will keep their lives here.

The Zhao family has always been unreasonable.

Wen Jiu just wants to leave this place of right and wrong as soon as possible, but he is not in a hurry to tear his face with Zhao Li and play with his life.

It's better to go back and take a long-term view.

Xie Heng picked slightly from the corners of his eyes and played with the long sword in one hand, rotating round and round, leaving residual shadows in the faint sunshine.

It happened that he was handsome and handsome again, and his hands were as white as jade. With such a casual posture, he looked like a dandy with a sword as a decoration.

Zhao Li glanced at him, didn't care much, smiled and said with warm wine: "shopkeeper Wen, go back to the house with the king."

Warm wine nodded slightly and let Zhao Li go first.

She looked up and saw that the gate was close to Chi Chi, but Zhao Li stopped her way. It was really... Uncomfortable.

Xie Heng on his side looked as usual and whispered to her, "it seems that this is God's will."

Wenjiu didn't understand at once. He couldn't help asking, "what?"

The sword in the boy's hand stopped, gently touched her shoulder, leaned over her ear and smiled low: "God will not let you and me separate."

The warm breath crept into her ears. It was itchy and very irritating.

Warm wine: "

A few steps away, Xie Yu looked at them, and his face became more and more expressionless.

Ye Zhiqiu didn't open his eyes and said, "my God, when can I give up masculinity and put my mind on business!".

Wen Jiu closed his eyes and couldn't help raising his hand to wipe his face.

I can't help but reflect in my heart: what did I do to Xie Heng before? I even despised the Regent who despised the beauty of the world. The beauties of the whole house were all brocade flowers. I developed such a... Crooked dandy boy who can't be crooked any more?

Is it still time to straighten him out now?

What went wrong?!

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