Nanning palace.

Zhao qingluan's maid was carried all the way. She was so angry that her face turned purple. As soon as she entered the gate, she couldn't help drinking: "let go of the princess!"

These maids are all practicing family members with great strength. They only recognize Zhao Li as the master. They don't bow their heads in front of the princess Zhao qingluan. They only say: "this is the meaning of the prince. Please don't embarrass the slaves and maidservants."

"Let go! The princess will go by herself!" Zhao qingluan angrily shook off the maid's hand, rubbed his arm, walked down the corridor and scolded, "you'd better not fall into the hands of the princess!"

A young man in royal clothes in his early twenties strode forward and asked with a smile, "who made the princess unhappy?"

Zhao qingluan saw the visitor and said displeased, "Yang Jun. why are you again?"

Yang Jun said, "there are a lot of goods to be transported to the imperial capital this time. Uncle asked me to follow him personally. Just... Come and see the princess."

He said, reaching out to help Zhao qingluan massage his arm.

"Hum." Zhao qingluan said, "it's useful for you to run errands for your uncle who is the Minister of justice."

Yang Jun smiled and leaned over, "as long as I can see the princess, I'm willing."

They are talking.

Nanning Wang's attendants lined up from both sides of the gate. Yang Jun looked back and saw Zhao Li talking with warm wine with a smile. He couldn't help but change his complexion and grabbed Zhao qingluan's wrist. "Princess, how could this man be in the house?"

Zhao qingluan glanced at Wen Jiu and said with hatred, "you said Wen? This man doesn't know what ecstasy soup he gave my father and asked my father to respect her as a guest of honor. Why..."

She said half, no good way: "forget it, don't mention this. Why, you know her too?"

Yang Jun said, "Wen Caishen, who doesn't know?"

Before the sound fell, Yang Jun saw the blue childe walking behind Wen Jiu. His face turned white for a moment. He grabbed Zhao qingluan's hand and asked, "Princess! How could Xie Yu be in Nanning palace?"

"Xie Xuan? Who is Xie Xuan?" Zhao qingluan looked down his eyes, pondered a little, and then said, "you said that the little man next to Wen is the number one in this year's new science, who refused the marriage of the seven princesses?"

Yang Jun panicked. "It's not him! He visited Yunzhou more than two months ago, and suddenly there was no trace. Everyone just thought he was dead and didn't think about it..."

I didn't think of Xie Jianfei, but he didn't die. He sneaked into the Nanning palace and appeared in front of Zhao Li's father and daughter.

"No! We have to tell the Lord about it quickly. Xie Xuan has a strange mind and ruthless means. He will have a plan when he comes to the Royal Palace in Nanning. If he doesn't get rid of it as soon as possible, it will be a big trouble!" Yang Jun took Zhao qingluan and walked towards Zhao Li. Just two steps later, he saw that Wen Jiu turned a corner. The young man in red walking side by side with her slowed down a little and showed his beautiful side face.

Yang only looked at him, and the blood color on his face immediately faded clean, "thank you..."

"What's the matter?" Zhao qingluan was already angry, and was more worried by his surprise. "Isn't it just Xie? No matter how deep his city is, he's just a scholar with no ability to bind chickens. Do you need to be afraid of this?"

She's worried that she can't deal with Wen. They're looking for their own death. No one can blame others.

"The young man in red beside Wen Jiu... Is Xie Heng!" Yang Jun unconsciously raised his voice. "Princess, that's Xie Xiaoyan, Xie Heng, who kills people without blinking an eye!"

Zhao qingluan was stunned when he heard the speech. "Didn't Xie Heng lead the order to go to cangyun state to fight the rebellion? How could he come to Yunzhou to be a man's pet for Wen?"

She couldn't help asking, "are you wrong?"

"I will never admit my mistake!" Yang Jun gnashed his teeth and said with great certainty: "Xie Heng killed my cousin, killed all the people sent by my uncle to assassinate him, and piled the body at my uncle's door... Xie Heng is cruel and ruthless. This hatred is irreconcilable. Even if he turns to ashes, I won't admit my mistake!"

Zhao qingluan's face suddenly changed.

When I first met the two teenagers around Wen Jiu, I only felt that they were excellent in appearance and rare in the world, but I didn't expect that they were the upstarts of civil and military affairs in the imperial capital.

No wonder the guests in the dark room of the peony garden will suddenly die, and my father's top secret account book will disappear

They did all the things that could not be found.

The two teenagers, one pretended to be dead and lurked in Yunzhou for two months without revealing any flaws, and the other quietly rushed thousands of miles to Nanning palace, saying that they were just visiting here. Who believes it?

The more Zhao qingluan thought about it, the more she felt cold behind her back. If Yang Jun hadn't just come to the palace today, she was afraid that the palace in Nanning would be destroyed

Just a few words.

Wenjiu and his party had passed through the corridor and disappeared into their sight.

Zhao qingluan held Yang Jun tightly and pinched his fingernails into his flesh. "Yang Jun, go with me to see my father! If you tell me about it yourself, it will be your great achievement!"

Yang Jun nodded, "yes."

After the two men left, Zhao Qingfeng, who was beside the flower tree, did not hurry or slow to remove the branches and leaves, and raised a smile at the corners of his mouth, "I see."

West Wing room.

Zhao Li personally delivered warm wine and the party went to the door.

The five entered the room, closed the door, and sat down at the table. They looked at each other speechless.

After a while.

Wen Jiucai broke the silence: "look at Zhao Li's posture, I'm afraid he won't let us go easily. Otherwise, after the Mid Autumn Festival the day after tomorrow, you withdraw first and I'll stay for a few more days..."

Before she finished, Xie Heng interrupted in a deep voice, "No."

Wen Jiu thought for a while and then said, "if we go together, there will be too many people and too eye-catching. He wants me to help him produce silver with silver. He won't embarrass me for the time being."

She didn't believe what she said. After her voice fell, she added, "at least, he won't kill me for the time being."

Warm wine glanced at Xie Heng and Xie Yu, and the meaning was very obvious:

You two are different.

If your identity is exposed, Zhao Li will surely want you to die in Yunzhou.

"Not right." Xie Xuan said expressionless.

Only these two words, no more below.

If ye Zhiqiu and Jiang wucai weren't there, Wenjiu almost jumped up and asked the two brothers: can you say anything else except no and no?

But there was no sign on the face. Wen Jiushen took a deep breath and couldn't help rubbing his face. He didn't think about what to say.

Standing by the window, ye Zhiqiu made a silent movement.

Warm wine nodded, and the room was quiet for a moment.

Outside the house, more than a dozen waitresses sweep and wait. They come and go with very light footsteps. Only their figures are reflected on the doors and windows.

The light sunshine is getting darker and darker.

A moment later.

Ye Zhiqiu turned around and looked dignified. "All the maids before have changed. Now these are all practicing family. It seems to be serving, but it's actually monitoring!"

Xie Heng raised his eyes, his thin lips gently lifted a cold arc, "it seems that Zhao Li already knows who we are."

Warm wine smell speech, eyes color suddenly change.

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