"What are you nervous about?" Ye Zhiqiu couldn't help but say, "aren't you a man's pet? Nanning King won't be particularly hard on you when he's full. Instead, it's shopkeeper Wen..."

Ye Zhiqiu's eyes fell on Wen Jiu, full of worry: if Zhao Li suddenly gets into trouble, her little master is the most dangerous.

Warm wine to help the forehead. At this time, he couldn't explain to Ye Zhiqiu. He had to say, "Xiaoye, please stare at those people outside."

"OK." Ye Zhiqiu nodded and continued to stick to the window.

When the master has something to do, he has no time to interrupt.

Wen Jiu gave the two sons of the Xie family a look of "when are you going to tell her the truth?".

Xie Yu lowered his eyes and took it as if he didn't see it.

Xie Heng looked at her, the star in amber eyes was shining, with a little smile.

Warm wine can't help narrowing his eyes and getting angry.

The young man picked his eyes slightly and glanced at the third childe, "look at him."

"You..." Wen Jiu felt a little stuffy in his heart and was completely angry.

This is the time.

Ye Da is in charge of the family. He is on the same boat with them. If he keeps it from them, he is afraid that the scene will not be very good.

But neither of the two teenagers spoke, but she, an outsider, was worried for nothing.

Wen Jiu scolded himself in his heart: just you! The emperor is not in a hurry, and the eunuch is in a hurry!

The room was quiet for a moment.

Jiang wucai, who had been out of his mind for a long time, said, "today's affairs are all caused by me. I..." she stood up with her hand on the table and was about to go out.

Wen Jiu grabbed her, pushed the man back to his chair, and couldn't help saying, "Miss Jiang, this is really not because of you. Even if you go to die now, it won't change anything."

Jiang has no time to look at her and opens his mouth, but he doesn't say anything.

Before warming wine, I was very polite to anyone. I've never been so direct.

"What do you think I do? I'm a businessman and never do business at a loss. I saved your life." Wen Jiu thought about it and said, "and before, Su Ruoshui knocked me a lot to get you out of Yongle square in imperial capital. I didn't save you to let you die in another place."

Jiang wucai's face was pale, his eyes were red, and he said in a trembling voice, "I know what shopkeeper Wen means. The grace of saving lives, Jiang wucai will never forget!"

Warm wine raised his eyes and said word by word, "what's the use of unforgettable teeth? You have to live well and report to me."

She saved a little and exposed her natural thoughts in front of Xie Heng.

Let him see clearly how vulgar the real face of the man called "warm wine" is.

No matter what you do, you want benefits and never do business at a loss.

That's the real her.

Gentle and kind?

It's just appearance.

Jiang wucai suddenly got up and knelt in front of warm wine. He didn't speak, but just bowed his head and knelt.

Wenjiu's face of "I'm not a good man by nature" was not finished in time. He was scared. He quickly stretched out his hand to help her, "what are you kneeling for?"

As soon as she said this, she realized that she seemed too worried, and immediately added, "don't think you don't have to repay me if you kneel."

"Shopkeeper Wen..." Jiang wucai looked up with tears on his face. "Thank you very much. I won't die. Don't worry. I'll repay you alive."

Wen Jiu was stunned and unconsciously raised his hand to touch the tip of his nose.

I don't know if she has been pretending to be gentle and kind for a long time. She has said all her words, and Jiang has no time to treat her as a benefactor.

It's really... Disappointing.

She had no time to help Jiang up, but said, "don't say so much. All you have to do now is have a good rest, take care of your injuries, go to the inner room and take medicine. Go to sleep. Anyway, you can't go for a while."

Jiang has no time to nod, lift the bead curtain and go in.

Wen Jiu looked at her thin back and said nothing for a moment.

No one knows better than her what it's like to lose heart.

Nothing in this world is easier than death. The difficult thing is that after experiencing thousands of hardships, we still have the will to live in the sun.

Warm wine thoughts drifted away. When I came back, I found that the eyes of several people in the room fell on her.

Wen Jiu couldn't help asking, "what are you watching me do?"

Ye Zhiqiu leaned against the porch window, with a proud face of "my little Lord is good", smiled and said: "it's easy to kill and difficult to save people. I think the girl is dying. It looks like she's going to die. Shopkeeper Wen threw her away the idea of dying in a few words. It's really powerful."

"Ah?" Wen Jiu was confused.

Xie Heng got up and walked behind her. He quietly stretched out his hand, hooked her right little finger with his left little finger and gently hooked it.

Such intimate and childish movements, he did very naturally.

Wen Jiu looked up at him, but saw the young man's lips slightly raised, smiled and bowed his head, whispered to her, "what should I do? Ah Jiu, I seem to like you more."

Warm wine, the brain has a moment of blank "..."

Every word she said with Jiang just now was good.

So, what do you like?

Warming the wine for a time, I didn't know: is she not sophisticated and vulgar enough, or Xie Heng's poor vision?

The room was silent.

Xie Heng hooked her little finger and kept her thin lips close to her cheeks. Warm wine was disturbed by his warm breath, and his cheeks were uncontrollably dyed with some peach colors.

"Cough!" the third childe suddenly coughed twice, breaking the subtle silence.

Warm wine suddenly shook off Xie Heng's hand, pushed it away for two steps, pressed the messy thoughts, and said, "no matter what Zhao Li wants to do, you have to leave here as soon as possible. If you don't want to go, I will..."

She paused.

Smile bitterly in your heart.

Neither of them is the Lord of peace. What can she do if she really doesn't want to go?

With this thought, the momentum dissipated most of the time.

Xie Heng is not only her old enemy in her previous life, but also a blood feud in her eighth life!

Otherwise, how could she be crushed by him in her life?

It happened that Xie Heng didn't wait for her to follow. His right hand gently rubbed her left little finger, raised his eyes and asked, "what's the matter with you?"

Wen Jiu took a deep breath and said angrily, "I'll go by myself!"

"Poof --" Ye Zhiqiu, leaning against the window, couldn't help laughing. Looking at Wenjiu, he turned his head and stared at her, waved his hand and said, "I thought shopkeeper Wen had a great move. Unexpectedly... You suddenly said this, I really couldn't help it..."

It's not the first day that the little Lord was eaten by this little white face.

Warm the wine, help the forehead and stop talking.

"This move is powerful." Xie Heng smiled and said slowly, "if you want to go, I must go with you."

Wen Jiu covered his eyes with his hands and didn't look at him.

You can shut up!

"With me, what are you afraid of?" Xie Heng smiled in his eyes and walked slowly to her side.

The young man was proud and beautiful. He said in his ear, "the person who should panic is Zhao Li."

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