Two days passed.

Finally, it's August 15, the Mid Autumn Festival.

At sunset on this day, the Nanning king who said he would leave them to enjoy the moon for the festival still had no movement.

Wen Jiu and ye Zhiqiu leaned against the window to see the waitresses who were ordered to monitor them standing side by side under the tree. The whole west wing was too quiet.

The two men with outstanding looks sat at the stone table and played chess. Xie Heng wore a scarlet royal coat and was blown by the wind.

The young man's eyebrows and eyes are flying, his thin lips are lightly hooked, and he holds a sunspot in his hand. He talks and laughs with Xie Yu from time to time. He really looks like a beautiful childe in the world.

The third childe, with blue clothes and cloud sleeves, took the Baizi to the plate and didn't answer much. His eyebrows and eyes were faint, but he didn't have the usual chill.

I don't know what Xie Heng said to him. The cold young man was slightly stunned and looked at him blankly.

It's like a jade carving, stained with a few strands of human fireworks, falling into the mortal world and turning into this picturesque childe Qingjun.

The yellow leaves blew in the hospital, and the falling flowers slowly fell on their sides.

The last ray of sunset in the sky was hidden, and the bright moon crossed the treetops.

In the twilight of the sky, warm wine can't see the faces of the two teenagers clearly. The moonlight is hazy, which makes them more poetic and picturesque, becoming a landscape.

Ye Zhiqiu gathered around Wen Jiu and whispered, "don't tell me, the little white face looks really good. He sat in the yard with Sanxian, and the souls of the maidens will be hooked away."

Even if ordinary women love good colors, these are the confidants around the king of Nanning, which can be fascinated by seven meat and eight vegetables.

No wonder the little Lord is fascinated by him.

Wen Jiu smiled. "Didn't he let you sleep for a while? Why did he open his eyes again?"

These two days, she didn't trust the people in Nanning palace. Every meal was tested with silver hairpins before eating it.

Ye Zhiqiu stared at the waiters outside and didn't sleep for two days.

On the contrary, Xie Heng and Xie Yu played chess and enjoyed the moon as if they were not in danger at all, but lived in their own other courtyard.

It's not warm wine, grass, trees and soldiers, but Zhao Li hasn't appeared since he robbed them from the east gate that day. He hasn't even said a word. It's really unusual.

Those waitresses who obviously knew martial arts kept outside day and night, but did nothing.

Wenjiu couldn't figure out what the Nanning king was up to.

"I can't help it..." Ye Zhiqiu was a little embarrassed. He raised his hand and grabbed his hair. He whispered, "I always know that Sanxian is good-looking, but I don't know he can look so good. I want to see more."

Warm wine smell speech, dumbfounded.

Third childe, third childe, you are really born to commit suicide!

Even those in the past, but ye Da is in charge. What should we do?

Ye Zhiqiu leaned against the window to see Xie Yu, full of the youth.

Wen Jiu held his chin with his hand. He envied Ye Da's leadership. After so many human disturbances, he was still in a clear mood.

When you love someone, your heart is clean.

Unlike her, she often doesn't know whether she hates Xie Heng or is greedy for the way her elder brother once treated her in this secular world.

A confused account is a dilemma between love and hate.

If you don't see each other at the end of the world, it's good, but you get stuck in the chaos again.

Warm wine thoughts drifted away, I couldn't help looking at the boy more.

Xie Heng seemed to feel something and suddenly raised his eyes.

The eyes of the two men met, and suddenly their eyes were opposite. The young man raised his eyebrows and smiled at her. Lang said, "ah Jiu, come closer and look at me. You can't see clearly so far."

For a moment, Wen Jiu felt that all the lights just lit by the maids had become dim.

Her face was slightly hot. Fortunately, they couldn't see it at a distance.

Warm wine turned around, and ye Zhiqiu, who was on the same side, said, "what is he shouting? I can't hear him so far."

"I can hear you clearly." Ye Zhiqiu is a sincere man. He turned his head and said to her: "the little white face said that you stand too far away and can't see his beauty clearly. Let you come closer and see what you want!"

Warm wine suddenly: "..."

Ye Zhiqiu wants to say something more.

"I heard it, you don't have to say." Wen Jiu patted her on the shoulder, turned and walked to the inner room.

Ye Zhiqiu stood in place and muttered in some confusion: "I just want to say that your little white face can compete for favor... Don't say a bad word! How can you spoil like this!"

Warm wine lifted the curtain into the inner room and didn't hear what she said.

At the end of the night, from time to time, Kong Mingdeng floated across the sky and gradually disappeared into a little among the stars.

Not long.

Zhao Qingfeng came to the west chamber with some young men. He stood at the stone table and watched Xie Heng and Xie Yu play chess. With a smile, he said, "my father asked me to invite some people out of the house to enjoy the lights. It's the night when the Lantern Festival begins."

The boy was different from his sister Zhao qingluan. He was very polite to them from the beginning.

Zhao Li asked him to come, which made several people more confused.

Xie Heng dropped his last son and suddenly got up. Zhao Qingfeng's face changed slightly and suddenly stepped back two steps.

Xie Heng smiled coldly in his eyes, "what do you return?"

If not until he is the murderous Xie Xiaoyan, why are you afraid of this?

Zhao Qingfeng reacted with a smile on his face. "The childe's appearance is excellent, so people don't dare to come near."

That's kind of true. No one knows.

Xie Heng's eyebrows and eyes were defiant, "really?"

Zhao Qingfeng met his eyes with a smile. For only a moment, he dared not look at him.

His face turned a little red, and some unnaturally opened the topic and said, "where's shopkeeper Wen? Why didn't you see her?"

Xie Heng ignored him, walked slowly to the wing room, raised his hand and knocked on the door, "ah Jiu, go and see the light."

The juvenile tone is lazy and loose.

Wen Jiu opened the door and saw him standing in front of the door with a smile. He was a young man like a jade tree facing the wind. The wind blew his ink hair, and there was elegance between his eyebrows and eyes.

"Shopkeeper Wen." Zhao Qingfeng not far away nodded to her.

When Wen Jiu saw the Nanning king, he smiled like a mask on his face, "thank you for coming here in person."

"It's too serious." Zhao Qingfeng is also a man with excellent face and Kung Fu. He said with a smile: "the best place to watch is the flying flower platform. My father has given a banquet. Please!"

Both of them are deeply involved in the play. You come and go, as if you can't see anyone else.

Xie Heng picked slightly from the corner of his eye, held the warm wine hand, put his fingertips through her fingers and slowly clasped his fingers.

The corners of the young man's mouth rose a little, and the corners of his eyes and eyebrows were all smiling.

Wen Jiu looked at him with surprised eyes and asked in a low voice, "what are you doing?"

Xie Heng said slowly, "don't be afraid, I'll lead you."

"Who's afraid?" Wenjiu's hand was held by him, and he sweated in an instant, even his heart and mouth were hot.

She gritted her teeth and said, "I'm not afraid at all!"

Xie Heng looked at her. Thousands of stars flowed in her amber eyes, clenched her hand and said with a smile: "I'm afraid. Will you hold me?"

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