There were dozens of people standing in the yard. Zhao Qingfeng stood two steps away and looked at them. His eyes were full of exploration.

Wen Jiu smoked at the corner of her mouth. Why didn't she see it before: Xie Heng's play is so good?

She wanted to get rid of Xie Heng's hand, but she had to squeeze out a smile, "let's go."

Xie Xuan, ye Zhiqiu and Jiang wucai walked behind them. A group of maids and young men carried lamps, walked along both sides, crossed the corridor and went out of the gate of the palace.

At the beginning of the city lights, the streets were full of pedestrians. As soon as they saw the people from the Royal Palace in Nanning coming out, they consciously withdrew to the side and let them out.

Warm wine was led forward by Xie Heng. The night wind was a little cold, but her palm was full of sweat.

Lights of various colors are hung on both sides of the street. Fish and animals form an interesting contrast. The lights on the long street are as bright as day, and everything in front of us becomes a little blurred.

Only the young man in front of him is so bright and dazzling, and thousands of lights are out of color.

She looked at the young man's beautiful side face and couldn't help feeling a little distracted.

In the past, she could be Xie Heng when he was young and informal, but now he spoke so clearly and innocently, and his eyes were full of affection when he looked at her.

The little king of hell threw away all his rebellious anger and covered up his murderous spirit. When he came to her, he became the beautiful childe of the city with a smile.

The night wind slowly blows on the face, blowing the young man's red hair belt lightly. If it seems to brush the warm wine cheek, it will itch.

Warm wine stopped and reached for it.

Somehow, Zhao Qingfeng on her side suddenly bumped over. She quickly stretched out her hand and asked in time.

Zhao Qingfeng, who lowered his head and covered his ankle, whispered, "there is an ambush on the flying flower platform. Shopkeeper Wen, be careful."

Wen Jiuwei was stunned, and then he helped Zhao Qingfeng up as usual. "Young master, are you okay?"

Zhao Qingfeng looked at her and his eyes were full of: believe me!, But he still smiled. "It doesn't matter. There are too many people and I don't know who hit him."

The waitresses on the left and right roads were separated by a few steps. There were so many pedestrians in the street that they couldn't tell whether Zhao Qingfeng was really hit by someone.

"Nothing is good." Wen Jiu was about to retreat, but he was dragged by the teenager with his fingers clasped. His whole body was held in his arms, inexplicably hot.

Xie Heng whispered to her, "don't pay attention to him."

"But he said there was an ambush on the flying flower platform." Wen Jiu whispered, "this man... Is very strange."

It's the only time she won't push him away.

Xie Heng smiled low, "what's strange? It's just a swing."

Wen Jiu looked up at him in surprise.

She thought she had seen thousands of people and faces and knew that the world was unpredictable and dangerous, but the boy always woke up the dreamer with a word.

Even Zhao Qingfeng next to her didn't hear what she said.

A koi lamp suddenly dropped from the high platform not far away, with a pearl in its mouth, just like a valuable appearance.

The people under the stage rushed up and looted. They didn't know what the koi lamp was made of. The fire in the lamp was becoming more and more prosperous, but it swayed and floated in the air. The people under the stage couldn't catch it when they jumped up. They could only see that the lamp was getting farther and farther away from them.

This thing is very novel. Warm wine can't help looking at it more.

"Like it?" Xie Heng asked in her ear.

Not yet.

The boy suddenly flew up, jumped into the air, and gently and skillfully took the koi lamp in his hand.

The night is like ink, the stars are shining all over the sky, and the moon is like water, enveloping the youth like a bright jade tree.

As soon as he smiled, all the boudoirs and girls in the street lost their souls.

Just for a moment.

Wen Jiu heard many people around him asking, "which childe is this?"

"I don't know if I'm married."

"Who is he going to give this lamp to..."

All kinds of voices overlapped, and Wen Jiu couldn't help rubbing the center of his eyebrows.

Xie Heng is really... He is so eye-catching at any time. The biggest headache is that he doesn't know he is eye-catching and doesn't know convergence at all.

"Ah Jiu." Xie Heng landed lightly, held the koi lamp in front of her and whispered, "I'm afraid I don't have time to enjoy the lamp tonight. You should bring one to meet the situation."

The boy's eyes were like stars. He bowed his head and was closer to her. "Don't believe anyone's words. As long as you know I'm by your side, peace of mind is."

Warm wine smell speech, there is a moment of absence.

Xie Yu stopped behind him, and his eyes fell on them for a long time.

"Why? You also want a lamp?" Ye Zhiqiu followed his eyes, looked at the little Lord and her little white face, and thought it was time for them to go.

Ye Da rolled his sleeves and asked Xie Yu, "you like that one. I'll grab it for you!"

Xie Xuan glanced at her, didn't speak, and directly stepped forward.

Ye Zhiqiu stood in place for a while. He didn't understand what his eyes meant. He reflected. It is estimated that Sanxian doesn't like her being so rude.

She chased up and said, "I don't like to rob. I can buy it for you!"

Feihuatai, facing the lake on the back, is surrounded by lush flowers and trees. It used to be the place of engagement for most couples in Yunzhou.

After Zhao Li, king of Nanning, came to Yunzhou, this place became the possession of the royal residence. No more people are allowed to wait here.

Wenjiu and his party walked slowly along the lake.

Under the moonlight, the lake is sparkling, and the full moon in the water is like a plate, reflecting the shadow of trees and lanterns, with unlimited scenery.

On the flying flower stage not far away, there are dozens of maids alone.

Zhao Li sat in the chief, Zhao qingluan sitting on the right, a concubine sitting on the left, and four or five sons sitting on both sides of the seats, and then a series of Yunzhou bureaucrats dressed in official clothes.

This scene is not much different from the old emperor's banquet in the palace.

If someone says Yunzhou is poor with warm wine at this time, she will let that person open his eyes and have a good look. Where is Yunzhou poor?

It is just that the people at the bottom bear hardships and provide them with pleasure.

I don't know what Zhao qingluan said, which made Zhao Li laugh happily. Everyone at the bottom laughed, and there was peace and joy at the dinner.

Zhao Qingfeng came forward and said in a respectful voice, "father, shopkeeper Wen and several are here."

When they heard the speech, they looked at Wen Jiu and the young man behind her. No one spoke, and even the smile on their faces froze.

The song and dance also stopped, and the huge flying flower platform was quiet.

Countless Albizia flowers were blown down by the wind, blowing through the sleeves of people, and the wind was shallow.

Warm wine brushed his sleeves and saluted with an unchanged face, "I've seen the Lord."

Xie Heng stepped forward, stood on her side and nodded slightly.

The flesh on Zhao Li's face shook and said with a smile, "don't be polite. Take a seat."

"Thank you, Lord."

Wen Jiu didn't know what medicine Zhao Li sold in his gourd. He calmly took several people to the last seat.

It was not that she wanted to be so far away, but that only one place was still empty.

Just sat down.

Then he heard Zhao Li say, "come on, give shopkeeper Wen wine."

The waitresses Tingting curled to the front of the case, filled the warm wine with wine, and said in a charming voice, "please have a drink."

Warm wine, pick up the wine glass and smell it gently. You can't help but get a little dark in your eyes.

Poison the wine. It can be made by such a dirty means.

What is Zhao Li thinking about?

I didn't poison them when I was in the Royal Palace in Nanning. It's just that I want to see so many people die together during the Mid Autumn Festival. Is it more interesting?

She raised her eyes and saw Zhao Qingfeng not far away give her a "don't drink" look.

At this time, Xie Heng had put the wine to her lips. In a hurry, she grabbed it

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