The action of warming wine came suddenly. Xie Heng looked up at her, and his eyes were slightly surprised.

For a moment, everyone's eyes fell on her during the dinner.

The night breeze was slightly cool, the wine was warm, and the gesture was slightly stiff with the glass of wine.

The wine is poisoned. You can't drink it.

It's impossible for so many people to watch.

It's really difficult.

"It's just a glass of wine. I won't get drunk." Xie Heng thought a little, and he understood something in his heart.

He got up, reached for the glass and said with a smile, "don't worry, I won't be crazy here..."

"Presumptuous! In front of the Lord, there is no reason for you to drink first!"

Wen Jiu put on airs and scolded him.

Xie Heng's eyes were slightly cantilevered, and the moon flowed in her eyes, reflecting her fierce appearance.

There was a moment of silence.

The boy slowly lowered his head and said in a stuffy voice, "what you taught me is."

The first Zhao Li's father and daughter looked at this scene, their eyes became very complex, and the faces of the people at the bottom were even more wonderful.

Didn't Xie Xiaoyan have a bad temper and draw his sword to cut people when he didn't agree?

But in front of him, he was so scolded by a little girl that he didn't dare to lift his head.

People look at me, look at you, all incredible eyes: is this really Xie Xiaoyan?

Warm wine took a breath and almost shook out all the wine in the glass.

Only the nearest one standing could see Xie Heng smiling with his head down. He was obviously in danger, but he didn't take it seriously every time.

Even very happy.

What's so happy about this?

Warm wine doesn't make sense.

We mortals really don't understand the mind of little Yama.

The atmosphere suddenly became subtle.

Zhao Li, who occupies the first seat, asked in a deep voice, "what is shopkeeper Wen doing?"

Wen Jiu raised his foot and kicked Xie Heng's calf, and whispered, "it's almost OK."

Then she turned around, walked through the beauty singing and dancing during the banquet, brought the glass of wine to Zhao Li and handed it respectfully and politely, "thanks to the Lord's hospitality these days, the people in the room are not sensible, and I hope the Lord will forgive me. Wen's first glass of wine, respect the Lord, and appreciate his face."

Zhao Li's face changed slightly, his hands folded in his sleeves and said with a smile, "shopkeeper Wen, you're welcome."

If he refuses to take the wine, there must be a problem.

Wen Jiu's face was still smiling, and he only said, "if the Lord doesn't drink this wine, isn't it because Wen did something bad and annoyed you?"

Zhao qingluan and the people below: "

This man surnamed Wen looks like a soft steamed stuffed bun on weekdays. Unexpectedly, he dares to hold wine and forcibly respect the king of Nanning.

She didn't know that the wine was poisonous. It was bold to do so.

If you know the way and dare to do so, you must reconsider this person's courage.

"Where? Where." Zhao Li smiled and reached for the cup on his case. "Shopkeeper Wen wants to drink, so he did it."

"Dry." Wenjiu raised his glass and touched it. With a clever effort, he shook out most of the wine in the cup. Most of the wine fell into Zhao Li's cup.

She raised her glass and drank, but Zhao Li's hand froze.

Wenjiu's eyes were as black as ink, and he asked, "what's the matter, Lord?"

Zhao Li opened his mouth, raised his hand and poured the wine on the ground. "Since it's the first cup of wine, I'd better respect the emperor and the earth first."

Wen Jiu held back his smile and said solemnly, "what the LORD said is very true. Then Wen Mou's cup also respects the emperor, heaven and earth, and the good time of the night."

The girl in yellow with wide sleeves raised her hand and poured the wine to the ground.

The wind blew her black silk, and there was a smile in her apricot eyes, and there was this penetrating wisdom.

During the dinner, someone couldn't help raising his hand to wipe the sweat on his forehead.

All the drinks she arrived didn't go into the ground, leaving only a few water marks.

People haven't had time to speak.

"Bring me the wine and I'll give you another toast," Wen said

At the end of the dinner, ye Zhiqiu heard the speech and was about to get up to serve the wine when he was suddenly pulled by Xie Yu on his side.

Ye Zhiqiu couldn't help asking, "what are you pulling me for?"

If at ordinary times, Sanxian is willing to take the initiative to get close to her, it must be a happy thing.

But now the little Lord is standing in front of Zhao Li, surrounded by people from Nanning palace. The little Lord is as hard as eating bear heart and leopard gall.

If you start, you will certainly suffer a loss.

Xie Xuan's tone was faint, "you don't have to go."

Ye Zhiqiu just wanted to argue, "I..."

I haven't spoken yet.

He saw the gorgeous young man in red get up with the wine pot and walk slowly towards the main seat.

Thousands of people around the lake raised fires to gather the dragon, constantly changing the formation, singing and dancing. The people made bonfires, danced and sang hand in hand, and the lights and water became interesting accordingly.

The lights on the flying flower stage are bright, the musicians play music and sing, and the dancers in skirts and sleeves are whirling and leaping with lights, like butterflies flying among the flowers.

It looks beautiful in the world.

As the young man walked slowly through the banquet, a group of Yunzhou officials froze, chatting hard with their colleagues to divert their attention.

Xie Heng smiled on his lips and didn't even give them an eye. He directly took the wine pot to warm wine and presented it with both hands, "here comes the wine."

"Well, back off," Wen said with his normal face.

She took the pot of seasoned wine and gave it to Zhao Liman. She smiled and said, "Lord, this second glass of wine..."

"Wen, don't take yourself too seriously!" Zhao qingluan got up and suddenly swept all the wine pots and lanterns on the case to the ground. His strength was too strong and too urgent. He almost lifted the table.

Bowls, chopsticks and dishes were smashed by thunderbolt.

Wen Jiu raised his hand to block his face. The boy on his side took her in and protected her in his arms.

The singing and dancing stopped suddenly, and the people stretched their necks and looked forward.

Zhao qingluan scolded angrily, "what do you think you are? My father gave you some color, and you have opened a dyeing workshop! Everyone here, who is not as famous as you? Who do you see so presumptuous?"

The princess had confidence and her voice was much louder than before.

Wen Jiu raised his hand and pinned the messy distribution behind his ears. "If the prince doesn't want to drink, just say it. I'm not here to drink, but I'm very grateful. I'm here to make a toast or two. The princess is so nervous..."

Her tail was slightly elongated, with a three-point smile on her face. "It's like I poisoned the wine. Do you think I'm such a vicious villain, Lord?"

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