Zhao qingluan changed his face as soon as he heard this.

"What did shopkeeper Wen say? The king's daughter has always been spoiled. She can't see others offending. Hehe. Come on, give shopkeeper Wen wine!" Zhao Li still smiled and asked her, "what did you say about the second glass of wine?"

The father and daughter sing a red face and a white face. The play is excellent.

Zhao Li punished Zhao qingluan two days ago. He thought about it for three months. In a twinkling of an eye, he came out and sat beside him.

It's no wonder that those sons are not good. Zhao qingluan's brain turns fastest. It's not uncommon that Zhao Li dotes on this daughter most when he knows when to come out.

The concubine next to her complained, "shopkeeper Wen doesn't know how to advance or retreat. I'm angry with the princess."

Zhao Li glanced at her and motioned her to stop.

Wen wine nodded slightly, "Wen still doesn't disturb the Lord."

She walked to Xie Heng and took the young man's hand and went to the last seat.

During the dinner, the eyes of the people intentionally or unintentionally swept over the two people, offended the king of Nanning and princess qingluan, and could not change their face. It was a strange man.

Wen Jiu took a breath and walked calmly through the shadows of the lights. Behind him was the cold sweat Lin Li. The night wind blew and the coolness etched the bones.

If she had borrowed ten courage, she would not have done such a thing.

There are still tall people standing under the sky. It's no use for her to stand out.

But now.

She has someone she cares about. Even if the cockroach arm is in the way, she wants to try her best.

The young man in red behind him let her pull him. After the dancing girls' flying water sleeves and the brocade lamps flying in the air, a smile flows in the amber eyes.

It is well known that shopkeeper Wen loves money as much as his life.

Miss Wen said she was greedy for life and afraid of death.

But once Wenjiu met him, he became a person who spent money without blinking an eye and even risked his life.

Such a person said he would never meet him from all over the world.

Xie Heng doesn't believe this nonsense.

He clenched his warm hand and walked side by side with her. The moon fell all over his body, and the shadows of flowers and trees and lights became a foil.

Go back to the table.

Xie Heng still held her hand.

Warm wine couldn't help glancing at him.

The boy looked up at the sky as if he didn't see anything and continued to lead her with peace of mind.

The corners of the mouth rose slightly, and the stars in the eyes were thousands of miles away.

Warm the wine and turn around to see Xie Yu.

The third childe is also looking at the sky. He doesn't even give her one.

The two men didn't change their faces and didn't know what they were doing.

Wen Jiu looked up for a long time and saw nothing. His right hand was held by a teenager and he couldn't get back.

Jiang wucai whispered, "Chen Yuanning didn't come."

Ye Zhiqiu also said, "these people laugh true or false."

Can it be true?

Sitting with Xie Xiaoyan, I still have to act as if I don't know anything. That is, Zhao Li and those who became human spirits in officialdom are fairly stable, and the rest are almost writing the words "life and death" on their faces.

Zhao Qingfeng is also a man who can dress up. He sits in his pile of brothers and seldom speaks. He is so young that he can't see such a young man. He would be a good choice, pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

There are many things in this world that you can't think of.

Wen jiuzhuang dared to make trouble in front of Zhao facade. Knowing that it was difficult to retreat tonight, he calmed down for a long time.

This is the situation anyway.

Just break the jar and fall. It's a near death. It's best if you can retreat all over. However, if you can't go, Zhao Li's father and daughter won't feel better.

She can only do business. If she doesn't lose money when she has no chips in her hand, do it.

The night wind slowly calmed people down.

Wen Jiuduan sat at the banquet and became the young and mature God of wealth. He was calm and calm.

Her eyes swept over the people on the flying flower platform, singing and dancing, whispering in twos and threes.

In short, at this time, no matter who you look at, it seems to have bad intentions.

Wen Jiu bowed his head and smiled.

Compared with Xie Heng and Xie Yu, her courage is really not enough.

Ye Zhiqiu has a big heart and is not afraid of anything.

Jiang wucai is a little worried about her. Her little face, which has no blood color, is getting whiter and whiter.

Warm wine handed her a "don't panic" look to appease her, and began to divert her attention and enjoy the lights, songs and dances.

Zhao Li is right. This flying flower platform is indeed the best place to watch lanterns in Yunzhou.

The stone wall is carved as a platform. The terrain is originally on the high side. It is surrounded by flowers and trees. When the wind blows, falling flowers fly into the banquet, which gives it a bit more poetry and wine.

Sitting here overlooking the city, the lights are as bright as day, countless torches by the lake gather into a sea of fire, and countless people sing and dance around the campfire, turning Yunzhou into a city that never sleeps tonight.

Women, children and children merged the lotus lamp into the lake, and the water color was connected with the fire.

Wen Jiu suddenly remembered the scene when Xie Heng gave her a hairpin ceremony last year.

At that time, she really regarded him as her family, and calling "eldest brother" was not a joke.

I didn't know it would be like this.

Wen Jiu had a wet feeling in his eyes, slightly raised his head and wanted to turn back the water color in his eyes.

The young man on the side of the body suddenly leaned over and leaned against her back. His voice was lower and lower. "The lights smoked his eyes?"

Warm wine: "I..."

She remembered the last time. Xie Heng said that there was sand in her eyes.

This guy can often come up with such strange reasons for her. It's false to listen, but what he said is the same as true.

Warm wine rubbed the corners of his eyes and said, "No."

Xie Heng glanced at her with the remaining light from the corner of his eye and whispered, "I'm fumigated by the light. Please help me blow."

The young man said, got up slightly, followed and fell on her knees, "come on, left eye."

But he narrowed his right eye and his left eye was fine.

Wen Jiu lowered his head, stretched out his index finger and gently poked at the corner of his eye, "this is the left eye."

"Oh." Xie Heng was pierced and still looked unchanged. He narrowed his left eye and looked at her, "OK."

Warm wine clenched his teeth and squeezed out a sentence from his throat, "it's almost OK. Who doesn't know you're Xie Heng on the flying flower stage?"

What else?!

Xie Heng slightly raised his eyebrows and asked in a low voice, "can't people who call Xie Heng be smoked by lights?"

Warm wine, strong heart, simply ignore him.

"Then I'll call Xie Dongfeng tonight." the boy said again, "you blow quickly. It hurts."

Warm wine can't beat him, so he can only do it in one breath.

Xie Hengsheng has a pair of Danfeng eyes and amber eyes. Her fingertips hold up the corners of his eyes, which makes the young man's eyebrows and eyes fly more and more. It's just like this.

Warm wine gently blew a breath at him. Indeed, he almost lost his mind.

Her breathing was disordered and she quickly stepped back with her back close to the back of the chair.

Xie Heng slowly sat up and said with a smile, "I don't seem to have heard you play the lute. How about playing a song for me tonight?"

As he said this, the corners of his lips rose slightly, but he was not completely shameless to stick to her.

Wenjiu didn't speak.

In the corner of his eye, he suddenly saw the figures coming and going under the flying flower stage. In the twinkling of an eye, there were a large number of officers and soldiers.

Zhao Li can't help it after all. He's going to do it.

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