The broken porcelain pieces fell to the ground and only made a little noise.

Warm wine and pluck the strings three or two times, with the sound of drums and flutes directly covering the movement.

Zhao Li got up and shouted, "Wu Zheng!"

When the sound fell, countless officers and soldiers rushed to the flying flower platform. The empress Cang retreated and crowded into the corner to let them come out, so that the officers and soldiers with swords could walk together quickly.

Before the end of a song, the flying flower platform has been full of killing opportunities.

Wen Jiu and others were surrounded by officers and soldiers and continued to play music.

The young man in red in the center of the stage flew past the crowd and flashed a residual shadow in the air. Dozens of dancers waiting on Zhao Li's side rushed out and surrounded him in a circle.

The dancing girls turned their sleeves into a deadly move in an instant. They all greeted Xie Heng on his head, and the pink rhombic yarn covered him all over.

The lights in the air fell to the ground and fell to pieces. The lights devoured the paper lamps a little, and the lights were dazzling.

The young man raised his eyes and raised the flower branches in his hand. The invisible sword Qi broke the diamond yarn array. In an instant, the dancers were shaken out.

The cries of pain became one, and the dancers' water sleeves broke into countless rags, flying all over the sky and falling down one after another.

Wu Zheng, with hundreds of archers, stood in the middle of the stage and waved his hand, "shoot!"

The graceful young man's eyes passed through countless arrow feathers, and in an instant, he was close to Zhao Li.

Xie Heng's amber eyes were full of murderous Qi. He obviously didn't even have weapons in his hands. Holding flowers was also a killing sword.

Zhao Li didn't think about it, so he pushed out the pet Ji in his arms and blocked her in front of him.

The flower branch was embedded in the center of Chong Ji's eyebrows, and blood gushed out. She opened her eyes and looked at Zhao Li. She broke her breath before she could say a word.

The beauty who had just lain in Nanning Wang Lijiao's soft voice lost her life in a blink of an eye.

She didn't even know what had happened, so she became Zhao Li's shield.

Xie Heng frowned and abandoned the flower branch in his hand.

Zhao Li reached out and pushed away the dead pet Ji.

Their movements are almost simultaneous.

"Father, be careful!"

Zhao qingluan pulled out his sword and stabbed Xie Heng. He was very close. In the blink of an eye, the tip of the sword came behind him.

Xie Heng stretched out two fingers to clamp the tip of the sword, and forcefully twisted the three foot green front. With one palm, he flew Zhao qingluan and grabbed the sword in his hand.

Behind him, Zhao Li overturned the table, turned and ran away.

Xie Heng turned back. With a sword, he split the flying table into two parts. He immediately approached Zhao Li. As soon as he raised his hand, he put the long sword on his neck, "what are you running for?"

In a flash, the officers and soldiers who surrounded the flying flower platform became furnishings, and Wu Zheng and hundreds of archers dared not move.

On the other side, ye Zhiqiu directly raised the drum and hit the officers and soldiers. He jumped up and stretched out his hand to pull out a bamboo pole from the flower rack.

She moved her neck and put the bamboo pole to her waist. Before they could react, they saw the dark boy spinning quickly. The whirlwind came. The bamboo pole turned into a sharp weapon with her, and the first ones were beaten out.

In the blink of an eye, ye Zhiqiu came to the officers and soldiers, crossed the bamboo body, held the end position, fought with a bamboo pole, and the officers and soldiers fell down a large area.

Wu Zheng bit his teeth and drew a knife to fight with her in person.

The bamboo pole was fooled by Ye Zhiqiu. There were no moves to speak of. Wu Zheng couldn't lift it with his brute force alone.

"What are you still doing?" Wu Zhengyan looked at it and couldn't hold it. He angrily said, "don't give it to me!"

The officers and soldiers gritted their teeth and besieged Ye Zhiqiu. They went into battle without eyes.

Just now, the young man who only used brute force to hit Wu Zheng suddenly made a return shot, vomited blood and fell to the ground.

She took back the bamboo pole, swept the officers and soldiers, forcibly pushed them back, cleared a path of blood, and turned back and said, "Sanxian! Miss Wen!"

Xie Xuan immediately took the white jade flute back into his sleeve, dragged the warm wine and ran to Ye Zhiqiu. Jiang wucai reacted very quickly behind him, and gathered together to the chief.

Gradually, Xie Heng was only a few steps away.

The smell of warm wine is unstable and the heart beats very fast.

She always knew that she was a very afraid of death.

I don't know why. When I saw Xie Heng, I was suddenly afraid of nothing.

The young man slightly hooked his thin lips and put his sword on Zhao Li's shoulder. The long sword glowed silver in the moonlight. With a smile, he asked Zhao Li, "do you know who I am?"

Everyone held their breath.

The music and dance stopped, the fight stopped, and the flying flower platform suddenly became quiet.

Not far from the lake is the happy moon reunion for the festival. Under the strong contrast, it seems more and more quiet and strange here.

Zhao Li was held to his neck with a sword by the young man. He couldn't laugh again. The flesh on his face shook. He clenched his teeth and said, "Xie Heng!"

"OK." Xie Heng said with a smile, "since you know my name, it's not a waste of time to go to the hell palace."

Zhao Li fiercely went down in vain, "this king is the son of heaven's younger brother, Xie Heng, how dare you!"

The young man's lips were cold and his long sword was raised. Empress Zhao Licang retreated and fled in panic.

Xie Heng flew up and cut Zhao Li's head with a sword. The blood stain spread all the way from his forehead to his abdomen. In a moment, the blood was all over the ground.

Zhao Li shouted bitterly, startling the moonlit night.

In an instant, he died and fell to the ground.

He fell to the ground and stared at Xie Heng with unbelievable eyes.

Xie Heng looked at him and said, "there is no one in the world I dare not kill. What about the son of heaven? It's just a sword."

After a moment of silence.

There was a sound of "bang" when heavy objects fell to the ground. The sons of Zhao qingluan and Nanning king shouted "father!"

Wen Jiu was also surprised.

Even if the king of Nanning made a big mistake, he was also the brother of the old emperor. He could not be convicted until he was escorted back to the third imperial court for joint trial.

Xie Heng's sword will continue to cause trouble in the future.

What can I do?

If you're going to die today, what do you care about later?

She took a deep breath and held Xie Yu. "Third childe, what else can you show your identity?"

Xie Yu said expressionless, "No."

Wenjiu was anxious. "Aren't you an imperial envoy? You came to Yunzhou without anything?"

Xie Yu said faintly, "don't you care about our Xie family?"

Warm wine: "

Is this the time to say this?

Why didn't she know that the third childe was so unreliable!

In this way, he looks very much like his brother with Xie Heng.

Warm wine said: "don't say that, third childe, take out what you have. Once Zhao Li dies, it's hard to guarantee what his stupid sons will do!"

Zhao qingluan wiped the blood from his mouth, his eyes were full of hate, and said angrily, "Wu Zheng, what are you doing? Don't take them down quickly!"

A bodyguard said, "Lord Wu and Lord Wu... Are dead."

"Useless waste!" Zhao qingluan's face became more and more ugly. He covered his heart with one hand and angrily pointed to Xie Heng with the other. "Listen to my princess! Today, I Nanning palace will kill Xie Heng and Wenjiu at any cost! Avenge my father!"

The two masters are dead. The hundreds of archers and thousands of officers and soldiers at the bottom have no backbone. Now they can only obey the orders of Princess qingluan and are afraid of Xie Xiaoyan's reputation. Their momentum is weakened in an instant.

When the crowd rushed to the first seat, Xie Heng suddenly flew and hugged the warm wine.

Flying flowers were flying all over the platform, and the moonlight was like this. He had a little blood smell on his body, but his arms were too warm.

The boy held her, stepped on the heads and shoulders of the officers and soldiers, and whispered to her, "where's the koi lamp?"

"In..." Wenjiu turned and looked around, "there!"

The koi lamp is well placed in the last seat. The flying flower platform is in a mess. It is easy to live, and the beads in its mouth are brighter and brighter.

"I wanted to slow down." Xie Heng suddenly opened his mouth in a low voice with some regret and hugged her waist.

Wen Jiu didn't hear what he said. He couldn't help asking, "what's slower?"

Xie Heng jumped to the case, his eyes were slightly bright, but the conversation suddenly turned, "ah Jiu, if you and I want to be buried here today, what you said that day is different from me, the bed and death will be taken back."


Wenjiu wants to scold him.

It's time to say something like this.

But a pair of young people's eyes couldn't say anything.

He always has the ability to keep her speechless.

Xie Heng drooped his eyes and gently pasted his warm lips on her earlobes, "take it back."

The voice is also low and soft.

Like a spoiled and grinding person.

There was no way to warm the wine, so he simply closed his eyes. "If you say something, how can you take it back? It's too hard for you."

Xie Heng looked at her with burning eyes, "I don't know if I can live to tomorrow. Can't you say something nice?"

Wen Jiuxin said: do you know fear?

In Yunzhou's territory, the king of Nanning was cut down with a sword. Now his son and daughter are crazy and want you to pay for your life.

When you do it, why don't you think about whether you can live until tomorrow?

But as soon as she opened her mouth, every word stuck in her throat. Finally, she only asked, "what do you want to hear?"

"You haven't said you like me." Xie Heng smiled in his eyes and said slowly, "ah Jiu, just say you like me."

Wen Jiu took a deep breath, picked up the koi lamp on the table, smashed it on the boy's face and said angrily, "I like you, sir! What's all this? Find a way to clean up the mess and leave!"

Xie Heng is really the person in the world who can poke her heart most.

In the past, all her tenderness and kindness were used on the young man. Later, I'm afraid even her anger and bad nature will be taken over by him.

How can there be such a person in this world?

Even if Wenjiu had a mild skin bag that had been cultivated for so many years, it was useless in front of him. As soon as he smiled, she threw away her armor and broke all her disguises with a word.

"Don't like my uncle, you can only like me." Xie Heng smiled and flew the koi lamp into the air with a sword.

The fire burned the whole paper lantern. A moment later, it exploded and bloomed into a colorful sky.

The thought of warming wine was the same as that Koi lamp.

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