Among the Kongming lanterns flying all over the sky, suddenly dozens of them fell towards the flying flower platform like meteors.

Until the distance was close, the people saw that it was a huge boat lamp. There were at least twenty or thirty people on each lamp. Before they could see what it was, they jumped down together in an instant and kicked the officers and soldiers around Xie Heng and others off the stage with impact.

For a time, there were howls and cries everywhere, and the voices of people pumping air-conditioning overlapped, and the stage was in chaos.

The lights went out clearly, reflecting the three hundred green guards who jumped out of the flying lights at the same time, just like divine soldiers falling from heaven.

The man who took the lead fell in the middle of the flying flower platform with his face covered and led the people to salute Xie Heng, "general Xie!"

The light of the lamp shadow Sabre reflected each other in the slowly flying flowers. The young man in red stood in the light and shadow with a gorgeous demeanor. He raised his hand and threw his long sword into the air, saying in a deep voice, "leave them all."

A group of green guards responded in unison: "get the order!"

The masked man flew over and took the sword and cut down several officers and soldiers. He had no way to escape. He wanted to hide under the table from the prefect of Yunzhou. "The sword doesn't have eyes. I advise adults not to move."

The rest of the green guards are also skillful and turn around to guard the officers and soldiers who will not retreat.

Take those people in official robes down. There are no less ladies and childe brothers. They are holding swords around their necks, and even dare not give out the atmosphere.

The numerous lights on the flying flower stage made the people's pale faces more and more obvious.

It's just a moment's effort from the falling of divine soldiers to the great change of the situation.

Wen Jiu Wen Jiu looked at it and couldn't help taking a breath.

She looked sideways at the young man in red whose face remained unchanged.

The feeling in my heart is hard to say for a moment.

He always does things by surprise.

Yunzhou has at least 80000 troops, half of which have become private soldiers of Nanning King Zhao Li. Zhao Li doesn't panic when he learns that Xie Xiaoyan and Xie Yu are in his palace.

Yunzhou city is Zhao Li's territory. There are so many people who are afraid of death and have a cavity of blood to die these days that Zhao Li regards them as those two kinds of people. If you don't start early or late, you have to choose such a good day to gather all your confidants and subordinates on the flying flower platform.

He probably thought it was because he was rich and idle. After a long time, he wanted to kill a powerful character Liwei in public.

I don't know that there are no high or low under Xie Xiaoyan's sword. I want you to die tonight. I won't wait another moment.

The No. 1 scholar who got into the academy that year was silent, but he was a ruthless man with a black heart that Dayan had rarely seen in the past 100 years.

If these people stay in their own residence during the dinner and want to find them one by one, it really takes some effort. They can't run away tonight.

The two eight achievements waited at this time, and then they sat on the flying flower platform as usual.

Have already calculated to this step, how can we not turn over?

That is, Wenjiu was worried about this and that. The anxious one rolled around in the sea of knife and fire. In the end, she didn't need to do anything at all.

As the third childe said, it's only for throwing silver.

The scene was deadlocked and the night deepened.

"Xie Heng! How dare you send troops to invade Yunzhou without permission!" Zhao qingluan, who was seriously injured, struggled to stand up. Before he finished speaking, he suddenly vomited another mouthful of blood. "You dare to kill my father! The emperor will not spare you!"

Xie Heng smiled coolly, "if you make any noise again, I'll send you to huangquan to reunite with Zhao Li."

"You..." Zhao qingluan wanted to scold again, but he was forced to shut up by the knife put on her neck by the green guards.

Xie Heng raised his hand and summoned four or five green guards to Wenjiu's side. He whispered to her, "you can't see blood. Let them protect you to enjoy the lights by the lake."

Warm wine didn't speak.

At this point, it is inevitable to see blood.

She lived two lives and had never seen anything. Only this young man would think that she could not see blood and those dirty and dirty things.

Xie Heng said softly, "even if you are in a hurry, don't run around at this time, you know?"

Warm wine was stunned, and then nodded.

Her mind had long been clearly seen by the boy.

Xie Heng stretched out his hand and dialed the broken hair between her forehead. His tone was gentle and unreasonable, "ah Jiu, be good."

He was really afraid of the rush of her head as soon as it was hot.

Mingming usually pretends to be warm and soft. She rushes to the front when the key time comes. Eight horses can't hold her.

Warm wine opened his mouth, but he didn't say anything.

Several green guards on the side of the body said in unison: "less..." after a short silence, they immediately changed their words, "Miss Wen, this way, please."

Wen Jiu nodded slightly, turned around and stepped down the flying flower platform with several Qingyi guards.

The boy closed his hands and turned back his sleeves. He turned slowly and looked at the crowd.

Wenjiu walked out a few steps and looked back at Xie Heng. Suddenly, there was an illusion. It seemed that in a moment, he changed from Pianpian childe to the murderous Xie Xiaoyan.

Even if you are laughing, you are full of murderous spirit.

Seeing this, ye Zhiqiu wanted to take Xie Xuan down the flying flower platform. The latter stood motionless. Instead, he looked at her with warm wine not far away, gently shook his head and signaled her "don't follow".

The leader of Ye Da breathed a sigh of relief, patted Xie Xuan on the shoulder and asked strangely, "the situation has been settled. Why are you standing here, a scholar with no strength to bind chickens?"

Xie Xuan looked up at her.

The green guards on the side of the body also looked at the boy who dared to act on the third childe, with admiration on his face and surprise that "he hasn't been frozen to death by the third childe".

Ye Zhiqiu was looked at inexplicably and couldn't help but ask Xie Yu, "what are they looking at me for? Is it that I've become more handsome living in Nanning palace these days?"

The third childe is an expressionless jade statue.

A few steps away, Xie Heng's eyes and eyebrows were defiant. He slowly passed through the banquet, flew with wide sleeves, and walked to the top of the first seat, looking down at the people.

He still smiled and asked, "you all know I'm Xie Heng?"

The people who talked and laughed with the king of Nanning just now had no blood color on their faces. It was difficult to open their mouth and answer. They didn't dare to lift their heads. Their faces were full of panic colors of "you have made such a move. Who else can it be except Xie Xiaoyan?".

Just now several sons of the king of Nanning were still making fun of the boy's good health, so they could only eat with their faces as a male pet or an actor. Who knows that with only a few words, the king of Nanning was cut off, and everyone's lives were in his mind.

God knows whether to say "know" or "don't know". The knife is still on the neck. If you answer wrong, your head will fall to the ground in an instant.

Who dares to speak at this time?

Don't open your mouth. If the little Yama makes trouble, they have only one way to die.

People are suffering.

Even if the emperor came in person, he would not be afraid of this. At least the Dali Temple of the Ministry of human resources and punishment is reasonable. It's really impossible to use silver to dredge relations layer by layer. How can there be a glimmer of vitality.

But Xie Heng is different.

He is unreasonable, not only that, but also likes to cut people to solve things.

After asking such a question, half of the people knelt down and trembled for mercy, "it's the king of Nanning... No, it's Zhao Liwei who forced us to come to Feihua platform... Little Yama, no! General Xie... Spare us!"

Xie Heng smiled and spit out two words in a cool tone, "cut."

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