The green guards immediately took up their swords and cut off the man's head. Fresh blood splashed on several people nearby, and then they fainted.

The others were so bloodless that they dared not even beg for mercy.

Jiang has no time to find Chen Yuanning inch by inch during the banquet. He is frightened by the scene, and the whole person stays in place.

One of the Qingyi guards directly pulled her to the side and whispered, "stand away."

The fireworks in the distance are gorgeous, only the flying flower platform is quiet.

Xie Heng sat in the master's chair. Zhao Li's body was at his feet. The ground was covered with residual red rags, and blood spread.

"Needless to say, I want all the evidence of Zhao Li's crime in Yunzhou." little Yama's eyes turned around in front of the people, and he was invisible and cruel, "nitrate mine, corruption and bribery, careless about human life, tell you all truthfully, if there is a lie..."

The boy smiled and said, "go down and bury Zhao Li."

August Mid Autumn Festival, the weather is not cold.

But they couldn't help shaking.

The moment the words fell, no one dared to speak.

Who knows if the little Yama will send them to hell after saying that.

What's more, Nanning king died and his son was there. Xie Heng is domineering again in Yunzhou. Once he returns to the imperial capital, he must also be questioned. The relationship among the royal family is complex, and the situation changes day and night. At that time, he doesn't know who is more unlucky.

It's safest for people to shut up.

Xie Heng was a little impatient and picked slightly from the corners of his eyes. "Don't you say it? Then take out all the men and come one by one. If you don't open your mouth, cut them directly."

The people were so frightened that they stopped breathing.

The Qingyi guards carried Zhao Li's sons and those in official clothes to the front, and the staff and steward were put in the back. There were about 20 in a row, five or six rows, more than 100 people. Most of them could not stand with soft legs, so they knelt directly in front of Xie Xiaoyan.

"Listen to me." the young man was unruly and said with a sneer, "the person who took your life today is Xie Mingheng. Reincarnation will follow me in the afterlife!"

No one dares to answer.

Don't mention reincarnation in the afterlife. If you had known that the little Yama was more cruel than rumors, who dares to come forward, it would be too late to run.

The green guards began to ask one by one with swords, "do you want to say it?"

The little official on the left shivered and turned white. He didn't say a word for a long time.

The next moment, the man's head fell to the ground.

His frightened head rolled in front of his colleagues, frightening them into a godless state.

The flying flower platform fell into a dead silence.

A moment later, the crowd scrambled to shout: "general Xie, spare your life, I know I said!"

"I move! I move!"

"Don't kill me, I have 80 old mothers and

As soon as the man was half howling, Xie Heng glanced at him and immediately shut his mouth.

A few steps away, ye Zhiqiu was stunned.

It seems that she was merciful when she was king of the mountain. At least she never cut people without saying a word.

It's time for them to come and see how talkative she is. There's no such talkative leader like her at the end of the day.

They talked about Zhao Li's malignancy over the years. They were afraid that if they spoke slowly, they would fall to the ground.

Xie Heng had a headache, helped his forehead, and Lang said in a voice, "third childe, you come."

"Third childe? Who is the third childe?" Ye Zhiqiu was a little surprised and just turned back to Wen Xie.

But I saw that the boy who was always silent didn't know when he had put on his Fei color official robe and hung a flying fish pendant around his waist. He really looked like a Zhilan Yushu.

Heavy lights shrouded the expressionless handsome face into a cold and lonely appearance.

Without looking at her, Xie Xuan naturally reached out and took the official hat from the green guards, put it on his head, and walked through the banquet with wide sleeves.

The green guards made way for him one after another. The shadows of trees on the flying flower platform were dazzled, and falling flowers brushed their clothes. The boy walked slowly to Xie Heng.

A red dress with wide sleeves, a scarlet official robe, double shadow of lanterns and flying red all become a foil.

The night wind gradually caught the cold. There was no blood on the ground. The two people stood in the same place, making people cool behind their backs.

"Shut up," Xie said expressionless

The spittle flying people were cold and quiet.

It's scary enough to thank the little Yama. Another cold-faced imperial envoy will take off his skin if he doesn't die this time.

Xie Xuan turned around and said to the Qingyi guard, "take the paper and pen."

Xie Heng raised his eyebrows and said, "half an hour?"

"No need." Xie Xuan said faintly, "just a stick of incense."

Xie Heng slightly hooked his lips, "huh?"

Without talking to him, Xie Xuan ordered the green guards to distribute paper and pens to the people, put the sword against their neck and write everything they knew on the paper.

The young imperial envoy, who was always expressionless, stood on the side of the little king of hell, full of cold and momentum.

"When you have half a column of incense, you can write and advise you to tell the truth." Xie Yu's tone is quite cool, and he doesn't hurry or slow down: "if the things mentioned are false or useless, Xie won't leave you. I hope you will take care of yourself."

They were stunned for a moment and immediately grabbed the paper and pen and began to write wildly.

This is more cruel than Xie Xiaoyan. If you say it one by one, at least the people behind can confess to the people in front. At the worst, you can also know what those people said before, but you can't know what to write.

He even analyzed who was true and who was false from different people's Confessions, saving time and effort and getting twice the result with half the effort.

Half a column of incense.

They only had half a column of incense. For a moment, they wrote like flying, shaking their hands, and sweating in the autumn night.

"Not bad." Xie Heng thought for a while, couldn't help laughing and reminded: "then write and draw a bet on the note."

Words have no basis. It's better to write as evidence.

If this stack of things is sent to the emperor's capital and placed in front of the old emperor, I'm afraid it will kill half my life.

"Third childe." Xie Heng stretched out his hand to brush the falling flowers on Xie Xuan's official hat, and his fierce eyebrows faded a little, "you have to come. When you're done, say, I'll go..."

He hasn't finished yet.

"Where are you going?" Xie Xuan interrupted first, paused for a moment, and then said, "you just sit here."

Xie Heng didn't understand: "so many people are here, and I have to sit here? Third childe, is it too inseparable from being a brother?"

Xie Yu didn't speak.

The third childe's unique skill has always been to respond to changes with a dull voice.

"For you, brother, I've brought out all the old people." Xie Heng said on his side, "look at these people. Who doesn't want to kill me for my crime of trespassing into Yunzhou? Any one of the 300 green guards and Nanning Wang Zhaoli's life is enough for me to die ten or eight times. For you, brother, you've done this for you. You still play a temper with me now, huh?"

Xie Yu looked at him, his eyes were as black as ink, and said in horror: "do you dare to say that you came to Yunzhou for me?"

Xie Heng: "I..."

As soon as he spoke, he heard the third childe answer by himself, "no, you're for ah Jiu."

Xie Heng stretched out his hand and put it on his shoulder. "Third childe, what you said is not kind! Brother Wei, if you don't want you to finish your errand and return to imperial capital quickly, you need to make such a big scene? If you start from the underground, eight achievements are similar to Chen Yuanning."

Xie Yu's eyes changed slightly and didn't speak.

"You see." Xie Heng said, "maybe Zhao qingluan will forcibly accept him as a male pet. He will be wronged and humiliated. Don't say it's difficult to get things done in one year or two, maybe he can't go back to imperial capital in ten or eight years, maybe you can't survive until then. Think about it like this. Is it all for you?"

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