Xie Yujun's face was slightly heavy, "strong words are unreasonable!"

Then he brushed his sleeve and walked away.

In fact, the third childe knew very well that Xie Heng came to Yunzhou for warm wine at night. Yes, the young man panicked. His brain was hot. So many people in the imperial capital stared at him and asked him to die. He came to Yunzhou city as soon as he rode alone.

It's not difficult for Xie Heng to leave with warm wine after staying in Nanning palace for so many days.

But he didn't go.

Instead, he quietly set up a bureau and collected a basket of Zhao Li's criminal evidence. He didn't hesitate to take personal risks. At this stage tonight, he directly brought the den of thieves in Yunzhou.

Xie Yu didn't say it, but he knew it in his heart.

Just looking at his style of "you can do everything well anyway, I don't care", I couldn't help but have a headache.

The third childe turned around to see those officials in Yunzhou write their confessions. He was covered with cold. Those individuals were shivering in the places he passed.

Xie Heng was thrown off his sleeve by him. He raised his eyebrows and said in his heart: these three CHILDES are really getting hotter and hotter. He must teach them well another day.

When the green guards stood near, they heard their master and the third childe laughing and looked at each other.

Xie Heng turned around and scolded; "What are you looking at? Be sharp!"

The green guards quickly straightened their backs and responded in unison: "yes."

Those Yunzhou officials farther away trembled even more, and they could hardly hold their pens.

The cold young man dared to shake his face in front of Xie Heng. His official robe would not be cut for a while.

But these individuals in Yunzhou were unlucky. Xie Xiaoyan was already moody. Another one dared to challenge him. As soon as the anger came up, it was likely that he would cut them again.

It's all about them. What kind of life?!

A few steps away, ye Zhiqiu looked at Xie Xuan for a long time. He looked at the well-trained green guards who were respectful and polite to him. He looked at Xie Xiaoyan's face with everyone's fear. The Fei official robe was worn on him, which was too burning.

"The third childe that general Xie called just now is..." Ye Zhiqiu turned and asked the green guards on his side. As soon as he opened his mouth, he found that his voice was a little dull.

"You say the third childe?" the Qingyi guard said, "he is the number one scholar in this subject. He was ordered to patrol Yunzhou."

A few steps away, Xie Yu said coldly, "the time has come to accept the confession."

With only a few words, it's like urging marriage.

The Qingyi guard who had just spoken to Ye Zhiqiu walked forward and a crowd came and went on his side.

Only she still stood where she was, and her thoughts were a little confused.

Sanxian is not only Sanxian, but also the poor scholar she knows.

In a twinkling of an eye, he became the third childe of the noble Xie family and the young top scholar covered with romantic debts.

Ye Zhiqiu looked at Xie Xuan in a daze.

There was a constant wail on the stage, and the blood splashed up and down.

The candle was swayed by the wind. Xie Xuan took the confession to distinguish the true from the false and separated the officials from the left and right.

From beginning to end, I didn't look back at her.

At the moment, when he raised his hand and threw his foot, he was the elegant and rigorous son of the aristocratic family, as if he should have been like this.


Such a cold and lonely young man should have been added with a jade belt in royal clothes. In a few words, life and death will be cut off, and there will be ups and downs when he reads it.

But from this moment, ye Zhiqiu realized that Sanxian was so far away from her.

Obviously, they are all standing on the flying flower platform, but ten steps away, as if separated by the Milky way, it is difficult to cross.

Ye Zhiqiu turned and ran down the flying flower platform.

The wind blows reeds by the lake, and the flying catkins are flying all over the sky.

Fireflies came and went from there, gathering dots of fluorescence. Warm wine in yellow clothes stood by the lake, back to the flying flower platform, looking up at the stars.

The wind will blow her ink hair, flying disorderly, and the glow of the lights will fall all over her, quiet and warm.

Four or five Tsing Yi guards stood not far from her and whispered to her. Warming wine just shook their heads without saying anything.

"Little Lord."

Ye Zhiqiu ran over and stood on the side of Wenjiu. He wanted to say something, but suddenly he couldn't say anything.

Wen Jiu looked at her sideways, "want to ask about the third childe?"

"HMM... yes." Ye Zhiqiu scratched his ears, "and the Xie Xiaoyan, the little Lord seems to have known them for a long time, I......"

Ye DA has a big heart, but she is not stupid. For this reason, if she can't see that she has already known Xie Heng, she is really simple enough to worry about.

Wen Jiu looked at her and said slowly, "I'm sorry."

Ye Zhiqiu said in a muffled voice, "sorry for what?"

"When I saw the third childe in Feiyun stronghold, I was very surprised. He was ordered to visit Yunzhou. Suddenly there was no trace. No one knew what had happened. I was..." Wen Jiu felt guilty.

Mingming had a chance to Tell ye Zhiqiu, but he had too many scruples and kept it from her.

Xie Yu is another master who can't say a word with three sticks.

Ye Zhiqiu didn't know what it was like for ye Da to be in charge of the family.

Now, it's no use talking more.

Wenjiu paused and asked directly, "what do you want to know?"

Ye Zhiqiu was stunned, waved his hand and said, "I don't have to know anything, but it's a little sudden tonight, Sanxian, no! Before the third childe of the Xie family..."

She said something messy. After stopping for a moment, she continued: "the first time I saw him was at the foot of shining mountain. At that time, a group of people in black chased a green cloth carriage and cut it. The blood spread on the road. I happened to come down from the top of the mountain next door and beat my horse and rushed over."

Ye Zhiqiu wore a blue round neck robe and tied his sleeves. The blue ribbon tied his hair high. It was simple and neat.

She stood in the moonlight and candlelight, looking like a young man.

She doesn't have any delicate appearance of a daughter. No one will think she is a girl in this dress.

But at the moment, ye Zhiqiu's voice was softer than usual. His eyes were clear and bright, looking at the stars.

He Wenjiu said about the scene when he first met Xie Yu, "those people in black can't help fighting. They're not enough for my brothers to practice. They have no place to use their strength. They all use their guns. They say whether the carriage is full of boxes of gold, silver and jewelry? Or what kind of immortal beauty."

Ye Zhiqiu smiled and said, "but when I shot the opening curtain, I saw a young man covered with blood. He was very thin and his injury was not light. He spent all my savings and might not be able to cure the injury. They asked me to leave it alone. I'm a mountain king and I'm not a good man. In fact, I think what they said is quite reasonable, but as soon as the young man looked up, I couldn't hear them."

Warm wine hung his eyes, listened quietly, and didn't interrupt.

Zhao Li has been domineering in Yunzhou for a long time. He can barely bear the pressure of corruption, bribery and human life, but the nitrate mine can't be known by outsiders. Otherwise, he won't kill all the officials who set foot in Yunzhou before.

At that time, Xie Yu suddenly lost his trace and said it was impossible to be unharmed.

It happened that I met Ye da.

How can I repay this life-saving grace?

Ye Zhiqiu raised his lips. "At that time, I was thinking, how can there be such a good-looking person in the world... It makes me want to go home and hide it. No one will let me see it."

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