Opposite wing.

The candle was constantly swaying by the night wind.

"Imperial capital?" Zhou Minghao was surprised and didn't even shake the fan. "So, it's safe outside now. There are so many princes and nobles in imperial capital. If something happens..."

It's hard to imagine.

Xie Heng said, "there are three CHILDES to deal with the affairs here in Yunzhou. You will leave for Dijing tomorrow, and I will come later."

Zhou Minghao couldn't laugh. "I've only been out for a few days? This chair hasn't been hot. Will you let me go back to Dijing?"

The prince whispered, "Xie is not a thing."

In the room, two people surnamed Xie looked at him, one with murderous eyes and the other with cold eyes.

Zhou Minghao "brushed" and opened a folding fan to block his face. "Two to one, don't take such a bully!"

"Don't talk nonsense!" Xie Heng reached out and picked him up and threw him out. "How long can your double last? The imperial capital is in chaos, and the old emperor is the first to cut you!"

Zhou Minghao smiled bitterly and walked back. "What's the use of cutting me? My father has more than one son. If I die, he won't worry."

Xie Heng raised his hand and took a picture of him. It doesn't matter. He said slowly, "if you were willing to die, you would have been reborn!"

"Those who know me, brother Dongfeng also." Zhou Minghao laughed.

The third childe ignored him. His fingertips were stained with tea. He wrote and drew on the table, frowned slightly and fell into meditation.

Zhou Minghao sat on Xie Heng's side and looked at them. "Anyway, I really want to ask you what you've been doing in Yunzhou for so long?"

Xie Heng picked his eyes slightly and didn't say anything.

The third childe always keeps silent when he doesn't want to talk to others.

"I won't tell you." Zhou Minghao directly bypassed Xie Heng and looked at the third childe for a long time. He couldn't help but say: "check the case well. Why don't you just ignore the things below and go straight to the Nanning palace? Can you eat the bear heart and leopard courage?"

Xie Yu looked up and said, "it's too slow."

"What's too slow?" Zhou Minghao didn't understand at once. The third childe's mind was writing and painting. Obviously, he didn't explain to him.

The son of God had to turn to Xie Heng, "has your third childe always talked like this? Can those people in the political discussion hall stand it?"

With an expression of "I finally understand why", he said: "no wonder Yunzhou's hard work fell on him."

Xie Heng glanced at Zhou Minghao. "He said it was too slow to check from the underground. ”

"I see." Zhou Minghao nodded and said helplessly, "the third childe speaks so sparingly. Who else can understand except you who are the eldest brother?"

Xie Heng did not think about cableway: "ah Jiu."

The third childe just drew the last stroke with tea on the table. He looked up and his eyes were as black as ink.

Zhou Minghao felt cold when he saw it. He hurriedly said, "you continue, you continue. I'm just curious. There's nothing else."

Xie Yu said faintly, "people should be caught back."

"Who?" the Shizi master was confused. He and Xie Xuan sat together, but it seemed that one was floating in the air and the other was buried in the soil.

Xie Heng drank tea orderly and said slowly, "you'll know right away."

Zhou Minghao nodded and played with the folding fan without asking again.

Just a moment.

The Qingyi guard knocked on the door, entered the house and said, "I've caught Chen Yuanning, childe."

The other was younger, presented with a coarse cloth burden, and his face flushed with excitement. "The third childe expected things like God. Chen Yuanning really dressed up as ordinary people and went straight out of the city to the capital. All these things with him were the criminal evidence of the king of Nanning in recent years!"

Xie Heng slightly picked up the corner of his eye and motioned Xie Xuan to pick it up.

The third childe took the baggage and put it on the table. He opened it and turned over the contents.

Most of them are correspondence between Zhao Li and imperial officials. The Minister of industry Yang Jiancheng is the most, and the names of many kings, relatives and nobles are also impressively listed.

Chen Yuanning has been lurking in Yunzhou for so long that he even doesn't hesitate to become a minister under Zhao qingluan's skirt. He really has a lot of things in his hands.

There was no expression on the third childe's face. He put the burden in a cage and said faintly, "where are you now?"

Qingyi guard said, "I'm waiting in the yard."

Xie Yu got up and said, "I'll go and ask for a word."

"Well." Xie Heng smiled, "take it easy. Don't kill his popularity and leave him half his life as a guide."

Xie Yu nodded and walked out.

The Qingyi guards compared the current situation of Yunzhou officials with After reporting it again, Xie Heng waved his hand, and several people withdrew.

Only Zhou Minghao sat opposite him.

Shizi is used to being romantic. Seeing that Xie Heng is not used to it now, he couldn't help asking, "what's the matter with you, shopkeeper Tongwen?"

Xie Heng said, "that's it."

"That's not very good." Zhou Minghao poured himself a glass of water.

While drinking, he said, "although good women are afraid of entanglement, they are all ordinary girls. Shopkeeper Wen of your family is a strange woman who stands in front of all the noble CHILDES in the imperial capital and keeps her face unchanged and remembers to charge for wine. How can you use ordinary methods for her!"

Xie Heng looked sideways, his eyes were slightly bright, "hmm? How do you say that?"

Zhou Minghao wouldn't tell him what he wanted to drink by rubbing his face. As a result, shopkeeper Wen ignored him, shook his fan and pretended to be profound: "hard to get, you know?"

Xie Heng smiled and raised his hand to take a picture in his mind.

"Hey!" Zhou Minghao blocked his hand with a fan and raised his eyebrows. "If you want to win your heart, you will face the two armies. There is not much difference. War is not tired of fraud, and so is beauty."

Xie Hengqu flicked the candle wick and listened to the master's nonsense carelessly.

If he hadn't come all the way from Dijing, he would have kicked it out.

Zhou Minghao laughed and laughed, "Sometimes, if you like someone, you can't be too obvious. People have to hide things. If you like that person, you have to keep quiet. When she takes the bait, you can take the rope. The girl's family likes duplicity best. She says she doesn't like you and annoys you. When you really don't look for her, she will think of you. Don't worry about the girl's family Think about it. I can't understand it anyway. Just listen to me. "

Xie Heng hooked his lips, "come here."

"No, no, no, don't laugh at me like that!" the prince jumped up directly from his chair and kept away from Xie Xiaoyan.

The boy laughed. It was a damn death.

Xie Heng got up, picked him up and threw him outside the door. "If you show off your tricks to coax the brothel woman, don't go back to the imperial capital."

Once the door was closed, the hazy moonlight was cut off.

Xie Heng walked slowly to the window and looked at the closed door opposite. His eyes were deep.

at large the better to apprehend him?

In front of ah Jiu, he had only to be caught.

But she doesn't want him anymore.

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