In the dead of night, the Royal Palace of Nanning fell into silence.

The lights fluttered under the eaves. Xie Xuan walked slowly to the hospital, looking at Chen Yuanning in coarse linen with ink like eyes.

Seeing him coming out, the green guards saluted and said hello, "I've seen the third childe."

"Are you Xie Yu?"

Chen Yuanning looked up at him.

The Qingyi guards didn't pay much attention and made people look pale.

The No. 1 criminal record scholar who has heard of Xie Yu countless times can't catch up at all.

In his early twenties this year, Chen Yuanning joined the throne without being crowned. In those days when Xie Yu just went to the court, he often heard others compare him with Chen Yuanning.

Most people think that Chen Yuanning is more suitable to be an official in the dynasty than he is. The group under Wang Shoufu has lamented many times: if Chen Yuanning is still there, there is nothing to thank him for.

Fortunately, the third childe was always expressionless. He looked at his eyes and said, "take it to the dark prison."

He only said a word, then turned and crossed the thin shadow.

The underground prison of the Royal Palace in Nanning is huge. It has not been so busy since the day it was built.

It was full tonight. The officials of Yunzhou on the left were taught by the green guards, and the right shrank into quails. They wanted to slip into the ground.

Xie Xuan went to the cell in the most corner, stood with his hands behind his back, and listened to the ghost crying and howling, which was somewhat true.

Two green guards escorted Chen Yuanning in.

Xie Xuan waved his hand and the green guards bowed back.

Chen Yuanning patted the dust on his body and said politely, "my surname is Chen, Chen Yuanning."

Xie Xuan returned to his senses and asked him, "do you want to die or live?"

Chen Yuanning didn't expect that after Xie Xuan learned his identity, the first thing he said to him was to ask him whether he wanted to die or not. His eyes changed slightly and his expression was calm, "Lord Xie is joking. You and I came to Yunzhou to do business together. Now Wang Zhaoli's ambition in Nanning has been exposed. It's the best time to go back to Beijing and report the case to the emperor. It doesn't seem very good for you to make such a joke with me."

The young man's face was like frost, and he was born with an inhumane cold face, which also made people wonder what he was thinking in his heart.

"Who's kidding you?" Xie Xuan, expressionless, secretly took out a white porcelain bottle from his sleeve and poured a pill in his hand. It's not tight or slow: "Lord Chen who came to Yunzhou for investigation has already died, and you are nothing."

Chen Yuanning was stunned, "thank you..."

At the moment of speaking, Xie quickly put the pill into his mouth.

The pill melted at the entrance, but Chen Yuanning couldn't spit it out. His mouth was full of bitterness.

He felt himself choked by an invisible hand. He had difficulty breathing. He sat down on the bench. "What did you give me?"

"Break the soul."

Xie Yu is still simple and scared.

Young Jun's face was still as clear as frost and snow, as if the person who had just fed poison was not him at all.

Chen Yuanning has colic in his abdomen, cold sweat all over his forehead, and he lies on the table in pain. "Thank you, sir, you and I have no grievances in the past and no resentments recently. Why do you do this?"

It was the first time he had seen Xie.

The boy had a clear wind and bright moon, but his mind was really unpredictable.

Xie Xuan looked at him and turned pale a little. He stood with his hands down and said, "you chose too slowly."

Chen Yuanning nearly spewed out a mouthful of blood.

It was only a moment before Xie Xuan asked him the first word and the man gave him poison.

I thought he was too slow.

Xie Yu said: "those who interrupt the soul powder can live after taking the antidote within half a year."

"What do you really want to do?" Chen Yuanning couldn't stand his way of saying half and leaving half for you. He was so miserable, "you might as well say it directly!"

All kinds of wails overlapped in the dark prison, which was very noisy.

The candle was dim, only Xie Jue's white eyes in a Fei official robe. He said condescending, "go back to your master and use it for me."

Chen Yuanning slowly raised his head and looked at the cold young man in front of him.

For a moment, he forgot the pain and said coldly with a smile: "I didn't see that Lord Xie is also a man who doesn't give up his means for promotion to the rank! I endured humiliation in Yunzhou for so long and sacrificed my life to find the criminal evidence. You took it away without effort. Now you still threaten me with my life to work for you? Xie Xuan! Who do you think you are? Why should I be a stepping stone for you?"

Xie Yu said faintly, "your life is bad."

Chen Yuanning was so angry that he vomited blood and said, "your life is good? Just because Xie Xiaoyan is your brother?"

Xie Xuan looked at him and nodded slowly.

It's no wonder that Chen Yuanning's intention is so difficult to calm. If anyone else dared not be so arrogant and kill the king of Nanning in the boundary of Yunzhou, the matter will inevitably cause an uproar when it reaches the imperial capital.

Before Xie Heng did this, no one dared to think of such a thing.

Therefore, Chen Yuanning can only endure humiliation and bear heavy losses here, while Xie Yu's coming to Yunzhou can stir up thousands of waves with one stone. He has such means to do the job for the first time, and it is just around the corner.

Chen Yuanning propped himself on the table with one hand, got up hard, and the cold sweat slipped from his temples, "He is your elder brother today. You'll be in trouble when you get back to the imperial capital. Do you think you don't have to pay for your life to kill the king? Even if Xie Heng has a big life and can escape this disaster, do you forget the unwritten rule in the court? There are no two important officials in one school. Xie Heng is now the third grade, and you will be willing to subordinate to the fourth grade in the future?"

Chen Yuanning said with a sarcastic smile, "it's just that we haven't reached the step of competing for interests. What kind of brotherhood?"

Xie Yu didn't speak. His eyes looked at him like ink. He despised him seven points and remained silent three points.

I really deserve to be the number one scholar. I'm very eloquent. From now on to the future, I'll spare no effort to alienate my brother.

I don't know how much ecstasy Zhao qingluan has been filled with by him before he will stay with him.

Chen Yuanning thought his silence was vitality and whispered, "Xie Heng is so domineering that he will come to no good end in the future. Lord Xie, I advise you to choose trees as soon as possible."

Xie Yu's lip angle raised an invisible radian, "what does Lord Chen mean by good wood?"

Chen Yuanning had a happy look in his eyes and hurriedly said, "Your Highness..."

As soon as he opened his mouth, Xie Xuan stretched out his hand and pressed his head on the table. He was too strong and knocked the broken table to pieces.

The loud movement frightened the green guards outside and rushed over one after another.

But he saw that the third childe, who always didn't like to speak or do anything, pressed Chen Yuanning's head to death, and his face was like frost. "What are the crown prince and King Rui?"

The cold young man said word by word: "in this world, except my eldest brother, no one deserves me to bow down and be a minister!"

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