Most people couldn't sleep at the Royal Palace in Nanning that night.

In particular, those who were suddenly thrown into the dark prison were tossed around by the green guards with 18 punishments. They almost lost their lives. They didn't dare to hide what they asked or said.

Chen Yuanning sat in the cell in the corner, wiping the blood on his forehead.

Although Xie Yu is a thin and weak young man, he is not vague at all. He is quite popular with the true story of Xie Xiaoyan.

What kind of heartbreak cost Chen Yuanning most of his life. Trapped in this dungeon, he didn't work every day. He felt that he was about to die here.

In front of me, I was confused, but I suddenly saw Jiang's flawless face.

"No time." Chen Yuanning whispered and smiled bitterly, "I'm probably dying. How can you come to see me if you hate me so much..."

Jiang Wuxian outside the cell, expressionless, opened the chain and pulled Chen Yuanning from the ground. "Come with me before you die!"

"No, no time! It's really you?" Chen Yuanning's eyes were full of disbelief. He stretched out his hand to hold Jiang no time's wrist, but she threw it away. "If you don't want to die, go quickly! Don't bother me."

She took Chen Yuanning from the tunnel of the dark prison and came out of the dark room of the peony garden in the dark. Before dawn, everything was shrouded in the hazy moonlight.

Jiang had no time to pull Chen Yuanning and walked very fast. He arrived at the back door of the Royal Palace in Nanning soon.

This evening, the guards of the whole palace were disturbed by the people brought by Xie Heng. No one came at the back door. She didn't have anything. Chen Yuanning, who was pale, stepped back from the door, "from now on, how far you go, don't appear in front of me again!"

Before the sound fell, Jiang had no time to close the door.

"No time!" Chen Yuanning stretched out his hand to hold her, and the mood in his eyes was very complex. "You go with me. Xie Heng and Xie Yu are idle people. If they know you let me go, they will kill you."

"Don't bother." Jiang has no time to look at him and his eyes can't hide his disgust. "After tonight, I just think my fiance is dead and I have nothing to do with you. You go."

"No time..." Chen Yuanning pulled her hand. "I didn't know I would hurt you when I came to Yunzhou. All kinds of things here..."

"It's all God's jokes?" Jiang wucai sneered. "It's so far. There's nothing to say between you and me."

As early as the moment when Chen Yuanning laid hands on her in order to protect herself, there will be no future.

Jiang wucai said, "let's go. Don't procrastinate. If I go back, you'll never have a chance to go again."

Chen Yuanning hesitated. "Do you really... Want to stay here?"

Jiang has no time to look at him, his eyes are cold, and there is no lingering love in the past.

"Be careful yourself." Chen Yuanning raised his sleeve and wiped the blood from his forehead. Just as he was about to speak to her again, he heard a "bang", and Jiang had no time to close the door.

He was stunned. His face froze. He looked left and right for a few times. Then he covered his face with his sleeve and disappeared into the street.

Behind the door, Jiang has no time to laugh at himself.

He smiled and couldn't help crying.

She lost the life of the whole family for such a person. Her parents and her brother thought she had found a lover early and could spend her life together safely in the future.

But in the end, a dream is empty.

"What are you crying for?" Xie Xuan walked out slowly from under the tree, stood a few steps away, and looked at Jiang Wuxian with an expressionless face.

"I don't want to cry either." Jiang has no time to lift his sleeve and wipe away the tears on his face, but he can't wipe it clean, so he just won't wipe it.

She looked at the third childe with tearful eyes, "I want to kill him."

"Wait a minute." Xie Xuan said faintly, "at that time, let those green guards slow down and leave him to you."

Three CHILDES seldom say more words.

He will not appease people, so it is a rare tenderness.

Jiang wucai nodded while crying. "Thank you, third childe."

Xie Yu pursed his lips. "You played too badly."

"What?" Jiang Wuxian's sight was blurred by tears, and his hearing became too good.

Xie Zhen said positively, "if you can play more sincerely when you let him go, he will feel more ashamed. After that, he will have trouble sleeping and eating day after day. Maybe one day he will ask you to kill him. In this way, wouldn't he be more relieved?"

Jiang Wuxian was stunned.

The Qingyi guards hiding not far away felt cold behind them.

No one can offend the third childe.

He didn't kill too much, but Xie Yu killed his heart.

A moment later.

Jiang Wuxian nodded, "thank you for your advice."

"HMM." Xie Xuan nodded and turned away.

"Third childe." a moment later, Jiang wucai suddenly called him, "you can kill him and return to Beijing alone. Why should I let him go? If he returns to imperial capital first, he must take most of your credit..."

"He's still useful."

Thank you for your consistent short words.

But what Jiang wucai wants to know more is obviously a more external problem.

Xie Xuan stood in a hazy sky, his eyes were like stars and ink, and there was almost no expression on his face. "Except you, who else can make Chen Yuanning think he escaped?"

Jiang has no time to be stunned.

The third childe turned around and stepped on the fallen leaves to the west wing.

Politicians are the most complicated minds.

Chen Yuanning mentioned his Royal Highness the prince last night. God knows who his real master is. It's useless to lock him in a dark prison. It's better to let him go back to imperial capital. Maybe it's useful at the critical time.

As for credit.

All the things Chen Yuanning collected in Yunzhou were detained by Qingyi guards. How can he rob them?

West Wing room.

It was slightly bright and the morning light faintly shrouded the courtyard.

As soon as Xie Xuan passed through the arch, he saw a red shadow coming out of the window of the wine warming house. The green guards in the courtyard were as blind as if they didn't see it.

The third childe stood under the tree with a handsome face, "elder brother!"

Xie Heng turned back and saw the three childe with a black face and smiled, "it's so early, three childe."

Xie Xuan stood with his hands down and looked at him, his eyes getting darker and deeper.

The nearby Qingyi guard couldn't see it anymore. He whispered at Xie Heng's side: "the third childe has been busy since last night. He hasn't closed his eyes yet. He just threw Chen Yuanning out..."

"I see." Xie Heng smiled and walked up to Xie Xuan's eyes. He asked distressedly, "third childe, are you reluctant to see Wei brother now? You're very angry when you see Wei brother?"

Tsing Yi Wei: isn't that nonsense?

The third childe said earlier, let you take the young lady, bah! Miss Wen was a sister. You turned the window in the middle of the night and were seen by the third childe!

Xie Xuan pursed her lips and looked unhappy.

"That's easy." Xie Heng directly stretched out his hand and covered the third childe's eyes. "You can't see your brother now. Do you feel better?"

Xie Yu: "

My parents' brother is probably out of his mind!

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