The morning light in the courtyard was faint, and the green guards were silent.

I dare to joke with Lord Xie like this. If someone else doesn't freeze to death, he should retreat and hide far away.

Xie Ping took a breath and said in a deep voice, "Xie Heng!"

"Third childe, your temper is getting worse and worse." Xie Heng smiled and sighed half true and half false. "When he looked at his brother, he was so angry that he was more angry when he couldn't see it. What do you want me to do?"

Xie Xuan gritted his teeth: "take your hands off!"

"Take it away and take it away. You talk well, brother. It's not that you don't understand." Xie Heng put his hand back to his sleeve and carried it behind his back.

The radiance of the sky broke through the night, and strands of Xiaguang dyed the red clouds and fell on Xie Heng with a smile in his eyes. He was a dazzling young man as bright as the sun.

Xie Xuan, with a black face, took out a fold from his sleeve and threw it to Xie Heng. "Do you know what was written in the fold sent by Zhao Li to the emperor's capital?"

Xie Heng just opened the fold and said casually, "don't be impatient, young master."

The green guards bowed their heads and looked ashamed.

My master is always a big trouble maker. Yunzhou city is so chaotic that the third childe is too busy to drink a mouthful of water. However, he turns over the window in the middle of the night to watch Miss Wen sleep.

Look at the young man who is angry with the third childe. He is always expressionless and cold. He is about to get angry and smoke on his head.

It's just that he's still so light.

"You see clearly!" Xie Xuan closed his eyes and didn't look at him. He calmed down his mood. He still couldn't help frowning and said, "there are seven crimes, such as leaving the camp without purpose, breaking into the Royal Palace in Nanning, and fighting for sex... Zhao Li has already figured out how to get around after killing you. If he sent someone else to deliver folded children to Dijing, elder brother! If you stay in Yunzhou again, you will be dead!"

"Gee, I'm in a hurry. It's rare for our third childe to say so much at once. It's all for fear of being a brother. ” Xie Heng glanced at the fold, then closed it and threw it to the nearby green guards. The hand he took back hooked the third childe's jaw, "say two more words?"

Xie Yu's face was black and he didn't speak.

Xie Heng raised his eyebrows and said slowly, "third childe, don't you forget why I came to Yunzhou city? ”

The third childe hasn't spoken yet.

The nearby Qingyi guard said, "it was the third childe who brought Miss Wen to Yunzhou, so the childe came after her."

Xie Heng glanced at the green guards, "nonsense."

Another Qingyi guard hurriedly answered: "because the childe received the news that the third childe was missing in Yunzhou, he was worried about his sleep and food, so he ran thousands of miles to Yunzhou at night!"

Xie Heng nodded and said with a smile, "well, it's OK."

The praised Qingyi guard nodded and quietly retreated into the dark, hiding his merit and reputation.

Xie Yu patted off his hand, almost gnashing his teeth and asked, "you killed Zhao Li, didn't you think of offsetting merits and demerits?"

"I didn't think about it. I'll talk about it when I get to Dijing. Just relax." 'Xie Heng didn't worry and said slowly: "Zhao Li's body is completely cold. Can you climb over to take revenge on me in the middle of the night?"

Xie Xuan helped his forehead and turned sideways without looking at him. Only then did he feel that his breath was a little smoother.

Just now, in the dark prison, the imperial envoy, who had all kinds of means against the cloud state officials, was as black as the bottom of the pot with his eldest brother's anger. There was no way to take him.

Xie Xuan calmed down his anger and asked coldly, "did I let you kill Zhao Li?"

"No." Xie Heng said slowly with a smile in his eyes, "I think he has been unhappy for a long time."

The hand under Xie Xuan's sleeve slowly caged into a fist, "I asked you to transfer so many green guards and send dozens of flying lanterns to Yunzhou?"

It's hard to know if there is such a big noise in the imperial capital.

Xie Heng's lip angle rose slightly, "naturally not."

On weekdays, the third childe always looks calm when the sky falls. It's rare to have such a time.

That's like a person.

Not the jade statue enshrined in the temple.

"Since you have a plan in mind, why don't you care about anything at this time?" Xie Yu's eyes were deep and quiet, seven points angry and three points puzzled.

What you say is up to the third childe.

What's he doing here?

Zhao Li's crimes in Yunzhou are nothing but small things for those people in Dijing. It is important for them to know where the nitrate mines and the gunpowder have been transported and whether they have posed a threat to Dijing.

If Xie Heng found out all these, there is still room for maneuver after returning to Beijing.

The third childe stayed up all night to pry out useful news from these mouths, but Xie Heng didn't care at all.

Jade Bodhisattva will be angry with him.

Xie Heng stretched out his hand to catch a leaf flying flower and played with it in his hand. He was not in a hurry and said slowly: "the cases are all half of adults Xie. The credit naturally belongs to you. I killed Zhao Li. The torture below was done by Qingyi guards. I'll cover all the charges."

The third childe's first job was in a tiger's den like Yunzhou. It would be much easier for him to come to this town as the eldest brother.

But he did the details himself.

Even if there is a little Yama in Yunzhou and 300 green guards, all the things are done by the imperial envoy Lord Xie himself, and others don't interfere.

"What did you say?" Xie Yu didn't sleep all night, with a faint cyan.

He understood the meaning of Xie Heng's words, but his breath was more and more uncomfortable.

The young man looked at his elder brother in front of him. His eyes were full of blood. "Killing the king is the crime of copying the family and destroying the family. If you don't have unparalleled skills, how can you offset the crime?"

"There's no need to offset." Xie Heng raised his eyes and said carelessly, "take the fold, add some more, gather up a perfect number for my brother, and send it to the old emperor by hand."

Zhao Ligan must have made a lot of preparations to kill him at a banquet at Feihua platform.

The young general was holding a heavy army and was hated by people. I don't know how many people expected him to make a mistake and die. Unfortunately, his life was very hard and he didn't die several times.

Since those people regard this crime as a sharp weapon that can give him a fatal blow, who plays first is thunder on the ground, why don't you let the third childe come?

It's not a loss to let your family come.

Xie Heng stretched out his hand and put it on the shoulder of the third childe in Fei's official robe, smiled and said in a loose tone, "ah Yu, don't you think it's too slow to go up step by step? I'll take a ladder for you."

"Xie Heng!" the third childe heard the speech. A handsome face was white without blood. He asked in a deep voice, "in your heart, I am such a person?"

He even told him to sell his brother for glory.

At dawn, Xie Heng was cold and looked at Xie Heng with icy eyes. He almost couldn't stand.

"My third childe." Xie Heng sighed lightly, walked to the White Jade Youth and said with a smile: "brother Wei seems to have forgotten to tell you something."

Xie Xuan looked at him and smiled. He suddenly had a bad feeling. His tone was not good and said, "what?"

"Forget it, I won't scare you today." Xie Heng smiled and patted him on the shoulder. The wind blew the leaves slowly.

He put his hand on the third childe and said with a smile: "the time has come, you will know."

Xie Yu's mind was dizzy and he was speechless for a moment, "..."

It doesn't sound like a good thing at all.

His thoughts were still immersed in Xie Heng's words, and he was a little distracted for a moment.

In fact, what Xie Heng said is not unreasonable. If others get such an opportunity, they will certainly kill Xiaoyan.

If this matter is under his control, it must be much better than listening to others decide life and death.

It is good for the latecomers to be in the top position, and the odds of winning by preemption are greater.

"Die and be reborn." Xie Xuan gradually figured it out, looked up, and his ink like eyes lit up slightly, "do you want to..."


Xie Heng put his index finger to his lips. "God knows it, you know I know it."

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