Xie Xiaoyan has long been a thorn in the flesh of those people in the imperial capital. At the time of the change of Dynasty, he either stood in line early and Bo I learned from the dragon's skill, or he was beaten to death and never turned over.

Xie Heng's sudden change to break the balance between the hatchback and the hatchback is naturally unacceptable in the eyes of the public. He is still alive.

Xie Xuan frowned slightly and retreated a little, "when did you make this plan?"

"About yesterday, maybe the day before yesterday..." Xie Heng touched his chin, thought a little, and asked with a smile, "I can't remember clearly. Is it very important?"

The third childe looked at the man in front of him and his eyes were like ink. "What else are you hiding from me?"

Xie Heng smiled, reached out and knocked on Xie Yu's official hat. "My brother has grown up and has become a brother."

"Don't knock." Xie Xuan tilted his head, took off his official hat, held it, frowned, and asked solemnly, "what did he say before you split Gao Yuanlu's body in the peony garden?"

Xie Heng picked his eyebrows and didn't speak.

"Why did he come to kill the Xie family in such a big Changping County? Why didn't he come early or late? It happened that he did it when the big golden iron cavalry attacked the city. What's so worthy of the Xie family?" Xie Yu was as white as a jade and stood in the morning light.

He always thought carefully. Even if Xie Heng didn't say those things, he could figure out a general idea.

The more so, the more frightened.

Xie Heng looked at the third childe for a long time and said slowly, "I am."

He said a word.

At this moment, Xie Zhen connected all things together.

As early as in Changping County, Xie Heng was always on the move. No matter what he did, his grandmother wouldn't ask much. Even Mrs. Xie, who was in charge of the family, was very polite to his nephew.

Therefore, the crown prince party will watch when Xie Heng takes over the Moyu army. They have long known that he has a death hole and can kill him if necessary.

Xie Yu seemed to have a reasonable explanation for all the things he couldn't figure out before.

Xie Yu was silent, and a handsome face gradually turned pale.

A Jiu always thinks that he has a heavy mind. When he is silent, he must be calculating people, but he doesn't know that his eldest brother is the most calm one.

Xie Heng was drunk in the flowers for 18 years. The name of dandy spread all over the thirteen cities of Jiang'an. However, when the whole city was destroyed, he suddenly held a sword against the enemy and became Xie Xiaoyan, who frightened the enemy.

Looking at the young childe's romantic appearance, he started to kill without blinking an eye. He was born and sophisticated.

What others see is always the appearance he wants people to see. The real him is difficult to peep after layers of fog.

This man is his eldest brother.

With a smile, he took all the charges and said he would give him a ladder to the sky.

Xie Heng patted him on the shoulder. "There are some things you still don't know. If it's not necessary, I hope no one in the world will know again."

Xie Xuan lowered his eyes and looked at his Fei official robe.

In the end, he is not strong enough, so he has to shoulder that responsibility alone.

"No." the third childe connected all the time together. He thought there was something missing. He grabbed Xie Heng's hand. "Since Gao Yuanlu attacked the Xie family for you, why didn't he have this intention in the previous 18 years?"

Xie Heng's eyes were slightly heavy, "you mean?"

"Someone deliberately disclosed the news to him." Xie Zhen thought for a long time and said definitely, "from Ling LAN to Gao Yuanlu, I don't know how many people are behind the wire and net, trying to get rid of you first and then quickly."

"Who do you think that man is?" Xie Heng stood with a negative hand, his eyes were as bright as stars, and his eyes were full of "my third childe is really smart".

Xie Xuan pondered for a moment.

From the beginning of Dajin's attack on Dayan, regardless of the success or failure of the two sides, the Western Chu, Nanhua and northern desert can benefit from it. If both sides lose, it is what they want to see. These three places are the most suspected.

Twenty years ago, the Heng family was very powerful. When the Duke of Heng was in power, no one dared to invade the state of Yan. Thousands of miles of rivers and mountains were beautiful and prosperous. The people lived and worked in peace and contentment. It was the surrounding countries that couldn't sleep every day.

Since Zhao Yi ascended the throne of the dragon, in order to stabilize his position, he has killed a number of capable ministers. There is no one to pick the beam. The countries that have been bullied for a long time are becoming more and more prosperous. As soon as he turned over, he stepped on Da Yan under his feet.

Dayan has been weak for a long time. There are no generals or available people. The iron cavalry of all countries are eyeing. They are waiting for Dayan to give a fatal blow on the day when he is too corrupt to turn over. The counselors are also pondering every day how to carve up the fat meat of the state of Yan and win more territory without a single soldier.

It is probably that the Heng family was so famous in those years. Twenty years later, some people were afraid of "descendants of the Duke of Heng", and tried their best to get rid of them.

Xie Heng did not live up to the fear of those people. If he really became famous in the first World War, he became the pillar of Dayan and the thorn in the flesh.

Knowing that the imperial city was full of dragons and tigers, he rushed in without hesitation.

The sky is getting brighter, and the morning glow is all over the sky, stretching thousands of miles, beautiful and dazzling.

Xie Xuan's face gradually returned to a look of no expression. "You're in the light. You don't know how many people want your life in the dark."

Heaven and earth are vast, but someone delimits the land as a plate.

And they, unknowingly, have become chess pieces in this game.

"Xie Heng looked up at the sky, and his side face was plated with a warm color by the morning glow. He slightly hooked his lips and showed a cool wind that could see through the noise of the world.

He said with a smile: "when you return to Beijing this time, you must be quick, accurate and cruel. The more thrilling I write in my book, the better. If I can't escape this disaster, the Xie family can rely on you to support the court in the future. Grandma and little six and seven won't be implicated, and the third childe will be implicated in the future."

"Don't be paranoid!" Xie Xuan's voice was as cold as ice, but his eyes were a little red.

"I'm dazzled." Xie Heng reached out and rubbed the corner of the third childe's eye and said with a smile: "Why are our third childe's eyes red?"

Xie Xuan clapped his hand, looked up and asked, "what about ah Jiu? Where do you put ah Jiu?"

Xie Heng turned around and looked at the closed door. His eyebrows and eyes were gradually gentle.

He whispered, "ah Jiu doesn't want to see me."

Xie Yu wanted to speak, but he couldn't say anything for a moment.

Warm wine heart has a barrier that can't be crossed. It's useless for little Yama to bow down.

If you can't go back, you can't go back.

"When she wakes up, I'll send her to bafangcheng." Xie Heng smiled and said to himself, "now think about it. If she really doesn't like me, it's also good. If I'm gone, she doesn't have to be sad."

"Elder brother." Xie Xuan's eyebrows wrinkled into Sichuan characters, thousands of words stuck in his throat, but he couldn't say it.

"I'm lying to you." Xie Heng patted him on the shoulder at this time, "third childe, you're still not facial paralysis enough. If you don't look like those old foxes and can't help spitting fire at those who want to harm my popularity, it will harm your life at any time. You learn to be a brother..."

Xie Xuan gritted his teeth and threw the official robe to the green guards a few steps away. He began to roll his sleeves expressionless.

Xie Heng raised his eyebrows slightly, jumped up and went up the tree. The young man's red clothes flew, his toes stepped on the branches, and behind him was the morning glow.

He took his hand and looked at Xie Xuan condescending. He was full of chilly romantic and smiled in his eyes. "If you don't want to be your brother, there is a singer from primary school in Qingyi Wei. You can ask him for advice while you are in Yunzhou these days, huh?"

Xie Xuan's face was as black as the bottom of the pot and said in a hate voice, "Xie Heng, you come down!"

Xie Heng nodded with satisfaction. "Remember that you hate me so much now that you gnash your teeth. It's almost enough for you to put such a face on me in the hall of politics in the future."

The green guards who were a few steps away covered their eyes one after another, but they were afraid that the third childe would faint. They wanted to take a look from time to time.

Xie Xuan raised his hand to cover his eyes and took a deep breath.

Xie Heng jumped down and gently stroked the third childe's back to slow down. "Just now, I seem to have forgotten to tell you something."

Xie Xuan closed his eyes, adjusted his breath, and squeezed out two words from his throat, "what?"

"It seems to be quite critical." Xie Heng said slowly, "there are other descendants of Duke Heng."

There is a door to life.

Those people have thousands of calculations. It's a bad move.

Xie Xuan suddenly opened his eyes, "what did you say?"

The third childe has had big ups and downs this day, and the wet feeling in his eyes has not receded.

The handsome 18-year-old boy's eyes are like ink, reflecting Xie Heng's appearance clearly.

"Third childe, don't panic. Just now it's just the worst plan. In case, our ancestors burned high incense for several generations and smoked purple smoke, I'm not sure." Xie Heng said with a smile: "as long as my brother is still one day and the sky falls, I'll support you."

He was laughing, but Xie felt his heart rolling on the tip of the knife.

Cry. You can't cry.

The third childe bit his teeth, "Xie Heng, shut up."

He is so light and light, but how many people can retreat in the game?

Those people were of no use before the national disaster. They were really better than each other when calculating their own people.

Xie Heng's Qi and blood poured back and his limbs were cold.

"In the future, I have to rely on the third childe to care for my brothers. I knew I should have been better to you." Xie Heng smiled, stretched out his arms, hugged the cold young man, and whispered in his ear: "ah, if you have to, you must protect yourself first."

Xie Yu's hand under his sleeve clenched into a fist, and his body became stiff. He said word by word: "I will do this. You don't have to teach me!"

"Hahaha, that's good." Xie Heng smiled and patted him on the shoulder. He slowly said, "if you want to hustle outside, you must first settle in. Dayan is a vegetarian in the past dynasty. It's time to clear up."

Xie Xuan closed his sleeves, "you said there was another person in the descendants of Duke Heng. Who is it?"

The third childe was immersed in how to increase the winning face. After thinking about it, he thought of this man.

"You are a man you know." Xie Heng glanced at the opposite corridor.

The third childe was busy all night. Ye Zhiqiu paced under the corridor all night without closing his eyes. His face was full of anxiety and didn't know what he was thinking.

Xie Xuan looked at the man, his eyes slightly heavy.

"She is the key." Xie Heng whispered in his ear, "third childe, you have to think of a way to let her stay."

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