The pale golden sun passes through the clouds and falls on the vast earth, shining brightly under the eaves and corridors.

Ye Zhiqiu walked back down the corridor countless times. The green guards on the edge were dazed by her eyes, and turned over to the eaves to avoid her.

Ye Zhiqiu really doesn't understand how the good little Minister of the stronghold turned into an imperial envoy.

This one is not the most bizarre.

After all, the third childe Xie is a man who wants to achieve great things. He can bend and stretch.

But how did the little white face who kept pestering Miss Wen every day become her little master.

let me put it another way.

She has been waiting in Shi Ning mountain for 20 years. She should have been the little Lord of the hero. How did she become the little white face of shopkeeper Wen.

Ye Zhiqiu didn't know before and despised him for so long.

She's worried about it. What should she do? So that the little Lord can forget her fate a few days ago?

Otherwise, the future will be difficult.

She thought like this. When she came to the corner, she turned around and continued to pace. She didn't take a few steps and nearly ran into someone.

"In the morning, you stand here..." when ye Zhiqiu looked up, he saw Xie Yu in a Fei official robe.

He seemed to have stayed up all night. At present, he was tinged with light cyan, but his clothes were very neat. He was as expressionless as when he dressed as a poor scholar in coarse cloth.

This is no different.

"Three strings?" Ye Zhiqiu was stunned for a moment, then came back and almost bit his tongue: "no, it should be called Lord Xie and Lord Xie..."

Xie Yu's eyes were a little dark and his tone was light: "I'm Xie, a single name, ranking third in my family."

"Ah... Oh, it's really related to three words. No wonder they all call you three CHILDES. There's another word in the two words that is true, which can't be deceived." Ye Zhiqiu said to himself.

Last night, Xie Xuan put on her official robe and went to the center of the crowd. At that moment, she already understood many things.

Thinking from then on, there is no longer her small prime minister Sanxian in the world.

There are only cool adults like the moon.

She even thought that Xie would come to tell her real name.

This is really rare for the third childe who cherishes words like gold. If ye zhiqiushi didn't know too much about his weight, he would almost think Xie Yu was interested in her.

She murmured, "forget it, who makes me like your face."

Xie Yujun's face was slightly stiff and arched his hand at her. "Thank you for the life-saving kindness of Ye DA at the foot of shining mountain. It will be reported in the future."

He said so definitely about the coming day that ye Zhiqiu couldn't help laughing, "it's over?"

Xie Xuan raised his eyes, puzzled, and asked in a low voice, "what else do you want?"

In fact, when I was in Feiyun stronghold.

Ye Zhiqiu said ten words to him, and the third childe may not be able to reply. It's the first time today.

She thought it was a rare opportunity. She didn't know if she could talk in the future. She had to say more this time.

"It's reasonable to say that at this time, you should give me a piece of jade pendant as a voucher." Ye Zhiqiu thought and thought before opening his mouth. The voice of the second half of the sentence was obviously much lower. "It's all like this in the play notes. The name of salvation should be promised by example. I'll marry you in the future..."

Xie Xuan's face became more and more stiff, "..."

Ye Zhiqiu's words didn't reach his meaning, but he didn't sleep all night. His mind was full of paste.

The third childe stood in front of her and got worse.

She scratched her hair. "I didn't mean that either. Anyway, I just wanted to leave it."

It was originally a teenager's dress. There was no daughter's delicate state. Speaking of this, it was more like forcibly pressing other girls to do something.

Xie Yu said expressionless, "No."

"No, No." Ye Zhiqiu yawned.

There are only two words.

This stuffy gourd!

Speaking of this, Xie didn't speak again.

The two stood opposite each other for a while. Ye Zhiqiu really couldn't help taking a deep breath, and then asked, "third childe, have you got a wife? Do you have an engagement? Do you have a favorite girl?"

Xie Xuan stood tall and straight, his eyes lightly swept Ye Zhiqiu's face, "what's the matter with you?"

Ye Zhiqiu choked when he arrived.

It's fucking blocked when you open your mouth.

It's better to be quiet and likable.

Xie Xuan pondered for a moment:

I made it so clear with Ye Da that I shouldn't miss my eldest brother's business.

Well, that's enough.

He turned and walked away. Facing the pale golden sun, he was full of brilliance, but his face became a little fuzzy.

Ye Zhiqiu stood there and watched the boy for a long time.

Completely confused.

Why did Mr. Xie look so confused? He came to tell her his real name, turned around and left.

What the hell does that mean?

Ye Zhiqiu hasn't figured out Xie Xuan's way yet. Suddenly, she feels that someone is looking at her.

Looking up, I saw Xie Xiaobai's face more than ten steps away.

Pooh! Thank you, little Yama.

Little Lord.

When the hell was he standing there?

What does this smiling look mean?!

The cold sweat came out behind Ye Zhiqiu. They all said that the little Yama was hard to talk. Now he looked at her like this. What was he going to do?

She stood stiff for a moment and really didn't figure out what Xie Heng meant.

His feet have been running towards the warm wine room involuntarily. As soon as ye Zhiqiu reached out and knocked on the door, the warm wine in the room opened the door.

The two looked at each other and looked at each other.

Wen Jiu was surprised and said, "Xiaoye, why are you running so fast? Why are you sweating so much in the morning?"

Ye Zhiqiu squeezed into the room, closed the door with his backhand, and leaned on it with a long sigh of relief.

Wen Jiu looked at her and wanted to laugh, "what's the matter?"

"Shopkeeper Wen, help me!" Ye Zhiqiu grabbed her sleeve and said earnestly, "the little Lord has been staring at me. I suspect he came to settle accounts after autumn because I called him xiaobailian a few days ago. You have the best way. Teach me quickly."

Warm wine smiled faintly, "he won't care about you. Don't worry. Go out and talk to him. It's okay."

Ye Zhiqiu held her sleeve and said, "shopkeeper Wen, Miss Wen... Young lady! In the world, only you think offending him won't do anything, I..."

When she said this, she suddenly saw the smile on Wenjiu's face disappear quietly.

It seems that just now, even the young lady called.

Ye Zhiqiu raised his hand and hit his mouth, "look at my mouth!"

The atmosphere is inevitably awkward.

Wen Jiu rubbed his eyebrows and whispered, "it doesn't matter. I didn't hear anything just now. ”

Ye Zhiqiu loosened his hand, remained silent for a moment, and then said, "if he asks, I'll say that Miss Wen specially asked me to treat him as a little white face in order to protect him. Do you think so?"

Warm wine: "

Who says Ye DA has no brain?


There was no ambiguity when dragging her into the water.

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