No one spoke.

Ye Zhiqiu himself said, "I think this method is feasible. It's really troublesome for Miss Wen... I'll try it first. Thank you, thank you ha!"

The man walked out as he spoke.

Wen Jiu wanted to say to her: your lies are too false. Xie Heng is not stupid and won't believe it.

Ye Zhiqiu didn't give her a chance to remind her at all. In the twinkling of an eye, Kung Fu had opened the door and walked outside.

Warm wine helpless: "

She raised her hand and rubbed the center of her eyebrows. She stood by the window for a long time. The sun fell on the window, the breeze came slowly, and the flowers swayed gently on the ground.

The green guards outside quietly passed by the door, and the whole Nanning palace turned upside down. Only the west wing was as safe as ever, even calmer than a few days ago.

Wen Jiu leaned against the wall and wondered why Ye Da, who had not been together for a few days, came to her to coax Xie Heng.

Obviously, she is the one who has no choice but to take Xie Heng.

Is it Ye Da who is in charge of the family, or Xie Heng who is too similar?

So that others thought that what he saw her was so important that one word and one look could control his mind.

Wen Jiu didn't want to think about Xie Heng any more. He closed his eyes and listened to the faint footsteps outside.

In my mind, I suddenly vaguely emerged last night's dream.

In her dream, there was a bright moonlight shining thousands of miles. She stood alone in the high-rise building and looked at the lights of the imperial capital. The wind around was like crazy. All people and things were like mirrors, but she could not touch them.

Looking at the singing and dancing of the people below, watching those people I used to know go away in the turbulent crowd, no one can see her, as if she was just a lonely soul in the vast world.

Suddenly, the flying lights swept up the high-rise building. The gorgeous young man stood a few steps away and stretched out his hand to her.

Wen Jiu was surprised and happy. He rushed over and hugged him: "elder brother."

Everything in the dream was illusory, but at that moment, she felt that the person in front of her really existed.

She is not a lonely soul that no one cares about. She is still remembered in the world.

At least, at least one Xie Heng.

The boy took her in his arms and said in a low tone, "I'm not your eldest brother."

Wen Jiu was stunned and looked up at him.

The young man lowered his head slightly, his warm lips fell on her earlobe, smiled and said, "ah Jiu, I'm your husband. We worshipped and became relatives."

She couldn't even say a word, and the waves surged in her heart.

In a flash, the dream exploded, and three thousand worlds collapsed into glass fragments.

Warm wine woke up from the dream. As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw the reckless teenager lying on the pillow, holding her hand carefully, even breathing so low.

The bed curtain was blown by the night wind, and the bright moon shone into the small porch window and fell on the boy like a dream. She forgot how to react, just closed her eyes as if nothing had happened.

The young man's cool fingertips gently crossed her cheek and asked in a low voice, "what do you want me to do? Are you willing to come back to me?"

Warm wine closed his eyes and pretended to be mature and asleep.

The heartbeat betrayed the state of mind, and countless emotions stirred up a mess.

When it was almost dawn, Xie Heng turned the window and went out. Wen Jiu lay on his couch and didn't sleep again. He thought about how to speak back to bafangcheng for a long time.

She didn't know how to speak until the sun rose. She couldn't stay in the house all the time. She stubbornly opened the door and planned to leave with a word or two. As a result, ye Zhiqiu was confused before she could get out of the house.

Now, I don't know how to say anything to Xie Heng.

"It's better to say early than late. Early death and early rebirth."

Wen Jiu said this to himself and took a deep breath. As soon as he opened the door, he saw Xie Heng standing two steps away.

"Ah Jiu."

Against the light, the boy wore red clothes and black hair, his eyebrows and eyes were flying and rebellious, and a pair of amber eyes flowed.

He whispered to her. When he opened his mouth, he was a little dry, "you're awake."

I didn't sleep in the middle of the night after drinking warm wine. It's all the trouble.

He has the face to ask!

"HMM." she answered, just about to say that she got up and went back to bafangcheng.

Xie Heng spoke first and said, "breakfast is ready. If you have anything to say after breakfast."

Warm wine: "

He knows she has something to say. What else can he say?

She nodded and walked down the corridor with Xie Heng.

After walking through the arch for some time, there was no one else around, only the two of them were parallel at a wide distance.

On this day, the sky was clear and the sun fell on me. It was too warm.

The wind also gently blew down a few Acacia flowers and fell on the withered and yellow leaves. It was quiet and beautiful in the depression.

Wenjiu thought while walking on the fallen leaves: when Zhao Li was the master of the Nanning palace, the waitresses sent the breakfast to the house. I don't know what Xie Heng was doing. He had to go so far with a breakfast.

She lowered her head and looked at the fallen leaves crushed by embroidered shoes. Her eyes shifted slightly. Xie Heng slowed down and kept the same pace with her.

He doesn't speak.

Wen Jiu raised his hand and touched the tip of his nose. It's cool in autumn. Why are you sweating?

The breakfast is in the peony garden. The whole Nanning palace is the place where Zhao Li's father and daughter are most proud. Even the palace can't raise such a wide variety of peonies. It's even more rare in a barren place like Yunzhou.

When Wenjiu stepped into the garden, the Qingyi guards quietly dispersed, leaving only Ye Zhiqiu and Jiang no time to stand beside the autumn peony and talk.

She went straight to the pavilion and sat at the stone table. Xie Heng then came and sat down opposite.

The table was full of delicious food, full of fragrance.

Wenjiu sat for a moment. He didn't know where to start. He turned and shouted to the two people who were talking, "Xiaoye, Miss Jiang, come and have breakfast together."

Ye Zhiqiu looked back at his little master and hurriedly said, "I suddenly remembered that I have something urgent to do. I won't accompany you for breakfast. Let's go first."

Before the sound fell, the man turned and left.

Warm wine: "

A moment ago, Tongjiang had no time to talk nonsense. As soon as she shouted, there was something urgent?

Why didn't you see that ye Da was also a master of improvisation.

She raised her head and rubbed her eyebrows. "Miss Jiang..."

Halfway through the conversation, ye Zhiqiu, who had taken a few steps, suddenly turned back and took Jiang wucai and said, "didn't you just say you were going to send breakfast to the third childe? It's late. Go quickly."

Miss Jiang didn't even have a chance to say a word, so she was dragged away by Ye Zhiqiu.

Warm wine nodded: "..."

This is to know that she is not the head of Ye DA in the small Lord. I have learned.

Forget it. I'll eat it myself.

Wen Jiu just wanted to start filling porridge, Xie Heng filled a bowl and put it in front of her, "eat, be careful."

The boy spoke of this naturally.

Warm wine holding a bowl, slightly tilted his head and looked at him, whispered, "Xie Heng, you suddenly do this, I'm a little flustered."

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