Xie Heng held a four Xi pill for her and slightly raised his eyebrow, "what are you flustered about?"

"I don't know." Wen Jiu was a little confused. Looking at the boy in front of him, he always felt that it was him.

It's like someone switched it.

She stared at Xie Heng for a long time and couldn't help asking, "are you...?" halfway through her words, she stopped, "forget it."

Warm wine and immerse yourself in porridge.

In fact, she always knew what kind of person Xie Heng was. In the past, he was willing to be the shameful elder brother who treated you. When he met Yunzhou again, he became a tangled young childe in front of her. Now he is just another side.

His dissolute demeanor and his hostility are the side he wants people to see.

What Xie Heng didn't want people to see, no one could pry.

Warm wine ate quickly and didn't taste anything except hot.

Xie Heng sat opposite her and added some dishes to her from time to time. How can he not understand:

How did ah Jiu get angry again when he said this?

This woman's heart is deep in the sea. It's more difficult for an unusual girl like ah Jiu to understand her mind.

After a incense stick.

The porridge in the warm wine bowl bottomed out, and all the food Xie Heng put in her bowl went into his stomach.

When you are full, you have a lot of confidence.

As soon as she opened her mouth, she said, "I'm going back to bafangcheng."

Wen Jiu looked at the peony bushes outside the pavilion and said, "I told you, there's no discussion", but he couldn't help aiming at Xie Heng from the corner of his eye.

"OK." Xie Heng agreed very happily and put down the dishes and chopsticks. "When will you start? I'll give you a ride on the way."

Warm wine glanced at him.

Xie Heng raised his lips slightly, "how?"

He is so talkative that Wenjiu feels something wrong.

The boy who pestered you a few days ago turned around and became such a polite person. It seems that what he said in your ear before, his obsession to keep you around, was blown away by the wind.

Wenjiu was stunned for a long time before he came back to his senses.

This was what she wanted most.

But Xie Heng, as she thought, was wrong everywhere, but she couldn't say it again.

"Don't bother." Wen Jiu clearly realized that she couldn't go on like this. She got up and said faintly, "it's not far from Bafang city here. I'll go out of the city at this time and arrive in three days at the latest."

The light gauze brushed her side with the wind, and the garden was full of birds and flowers.

The hand under the warm wine sleeve rubbed gently, nodded slightly and said, "goodbye."

Xie Heng's eyes were a little dark. He pondered for a moment and said, "then I'll let the green guards escort you back."

"No need." Wenjiu refused directly. After a moment, he felt that this was too blunt, and added, "too many people attract attention."

Yunzhou was so chaotic that the third childe didn't finish his work. When she was in urgent need of manpower, she left. However, it was safer to withdraw than to stay in this dangerous place. There was no need for those green guards to come back and run around.

Xie Heng was silent and said with a smile, "OK."

Speaking of that.

Wen Jiu had nothing to say, nodded slightly and turned away.

She walked through the peony bushes to the arch. Xie Heng behind her suddenly shouted, "ah Jiu."

Wenjiu stopped, but he didn't look back. "General Xie, what else?"

She wore a goose yellow Luo skirt, her big sleeves were blown by the wind on the peony flowers, and the green silk flew in a mess, which made her face more and more like a curd jade.

Xie Heng stood a little far away, and a slightly hoarse voice came from the wind, "is this me you want?"

What you say is what you say.

No coercion, no entanglement.

Even after that, there is no need to send each other.

Warm wine heart suddenly tightened, eyes astringent, suddenly water light.

She looked up at the cloudless sky and whispered, "No."

The sound was too light, scattered into the wind and was blown away at once.

Warm wine passed through the peony bushes and left without looking back.

Xie Heng didn't see her last sentence. His right hand held his forehead, and his eyebrows and eyes were full of anxiety.

When that step goes away.

He said in a deep voice: "green one green two go to escort secretly. Remember, don't expose your whereabouts."

"Subordinate, take orders!"

Two green guards turned out from the dark, then swept over the eaves and followed the warm wine.

Xie Heng sat in the pavilion and pulled off the flying gauze. As soon as the wind blew, he fell into the peony bushes.

"Brother Dongfeng." Zhou Minghao walked slowly into the pavilion with a fan. "I vaguely remember that you despised my clever plan of hard to get and play last night. You can use it faster than anyone else."

Xie Heng raised his hand to hold a piece of flying flowers and hit Zhou Minghao.

Just as Shizi stepped up the steps, he suddenly turned over and jumped, narrowly avoided it, and the cold sweat came down.

"Calm down, brother Dongfeng." Zhou Minghao raised his sleeve, wiped a sweat, shook the fan to Xie Heng's side, fanned him, and said with a strong smile: "victory or defeat is a common thing in the army. You play hard to get in front of a strange woman like shopkeeper Wen, but you don't succeed... This is also expected."

Xie Heng's Danfeng eyes were half narrowed, and his face was full of anger of "I think you deserve to be beaten".

Zhou Minghao felt that the murderous spirit around him was getting more and more serious. He picked his eyebrows and said with a smile: "last night you drove me too fast and didn't finish talking. Although this plan is good, it's not a hundred trials and all works. Besides, you have to be patient. If you don't succeed today, you may succeed tomorrow. If you don't succeed tomorrow, there are thousands of tomorrows. As long as you have deep Kung Fu, nothing will fail."

It's not a boast that the prince can lead a group of officials in the imperial capital and be a dandy head.

Xie Heng hooked his lips and raised his hand to open the folding fan in front of him. "Who told you this was hard to get?"

"Oh." Zhou Minghao accepted the folding fan and sat down on his side. He looked so curious, "I'd like to hear it in detail."

Xie Heng ignored him, got up and broke a peony, pulled off the petals one by one and scattered into the autumn wind.

Having been a romantic childe for so many years, the hand holding the sword is also elegant when it is used to urge flowers.

Xie Heng looked into the distance and said slowly, "if I'm okay, I'll calculate her in the wind and moon affairs; if my luck is bad and my life is broken, it's true that the mountains and rivers don't meet, and the ends of the world rest."

Ah Jiu, it's better to stay away from him.

At least, it won't be involved.

There was a moment of silence in the pavilion.

After a while.

Zhou Minghao was surprised and said, "I don't see that brother Dongfeng did this for a woman. I admire it! I admire it!"

In troubled times, it's hard to protect yourself. Why talk about sincerity?

Who could have thought that general Xie, who was holding a sword like hell, really protected the girl on the tip of his heart. He didn't want her to suffer any crime.

Xie Heng threw the flower branch in his hand and turned to the pavilion.

"I didn't mean to make fun of you." Zhou Minghao was so frightened that he got up and hid aside. "That was a sincere emotion just now."

Xie Heng sneered, "I won't hit you."

Zhou Minghao picked his eyebrows. "Who's right about this."

Xie Heng picked slightly from the corner of his eye, "what did you say?"

Zhou Minghao smiled, threw up the fan and caught it. He was very busy and didn't have time to talk to you.

But Xie Heng's eyes didn't move away. He was very fierce and threatening. The prince turned his words and asked, "you've been delayed in Yunzhou for so long. What are you going to go? Go back to cangyunzhou or go directly to the imperial capital?"

Xie Heng reached out to cut off the falling folding fan, knocked on Zhou Minghao's forehead and asked carelessly, "what would happen if you were me?"

The son of God took a breath in pain. He reached out and rubbed his forehead. He said, "clear all the people who know about Yunzhou, then go back to cangyunzhou, and then kill them to deny the Nanning palace. No matter what the old guys in the imperial capital say, it's none of my business."

Xie Heng smiled, "this is what self righteous people will do."

There are so many people in Yunzhou, even if they are all killed, it is difficult to ensure that there will be no fish in the net. If you want to hide one thing, you are bound to do countless things to hide it. He never likes such trouble.

What's more, those old guys in the imperial capital don't have much ability to frame and add fuel to the fire.

Zhou Minghao said in surprise, "so you want to choose another way?"

Xie Heng hooked his lips, his eyes were like stars, and asked, "why not?"

What's wrong with trying to figure out the life and death situation and breaking it with your life?

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