Xie Wanjin thought, anyway, ah Jiu must be saved.

Rong Sheng's injury is not light or heavy. It's best to leave half of his life and go back to his nest all night. He'd better find Xiao Wu early.

In such an uncertain world, there is a killing opportunity in the prosperous place, and there is no peace in the poor and remote place.

It's not easy for a family to stay together in peace.

Inside, Xie Heng changed his clothes wet by the rain. When he was about to go out, he suddenly caught a glimpse of a white porcelain vase by the window, in which only a dead lotus was inserted.

He was slightly stunned and walked over involuntarily, reaching out to gently brush the petals.

Warm wine sometimes doesn't look like a girl at all. I don't like anything except putting some valuable things like antique vases in the house.

Once upon a time, when I was in the imperial capital, there were several maids with gold and jade around, arranging flowers and incense in her house, warming wine, and I never made these things myself.

The furnishings in this room are simple. Jade carvings are placed everywhere. The couch is covered with a golden curtain that ordinary people will dazzle when they see it more. From the inside to the outside, it is filled with the smell of the God of wealth, who is not rare except gold and silver.

Only this dead lotus seems out of place. Now the weather turns cold and the pond is bleak. This lotus was probably picked before Wenjiu was bound to Yunzhou. It was inserted in this bottle. It was only half opened and failed.

Xie Heng gently plucked lotus heart and unconsciously recalled his thoughts.

At that time, Xiao Wu was still at home. He only thought she was a little brother and sister who had never been to the door. He smiled at the interview and gave her the last lotus in autumn, He never read more than half of it.

It has only been a year, but many things have been very different.

"Elder brother." Xie Wanjin slammed the door outside. Many people didn't hear anything inside. They couldn't help asking, "are you calmer now?"

Xie Heng took back his sleeves and went to open the door. Before he could open his mouth, the fourth childe took out the folding fan pinned around his waist and stuffed it into his hand. "You take this fan. Since you go to Qingfeng garden, it must look like a dandy."

Xie Heng was dressed in Fei colored royal clothes. Standing in the gentle wind and rain, his big sleeves were blown to fly. Even if he was dressed in rich brocade, he was full of hostility.

Xie Wanjin said, stepped back and looked at it. He was a little distressed and said, "I remember my eldest brother used to look like a loser, but now it's all..."

In any case, it's all: you kneel down and call me uncle's rebellious spirit.

Xie Heng knocked a fan on the fourth childe's head, "you don't have to teach me this. It's dark now. Let's go."

"Go, go." Xie Wanjin bent slightly, "elder brother, please."

Several young men waited in front of the hall with lanterns and umbrellas. The stewards of the jade hall stood aside. They wanted to ask but didn't dare to talk. They just wanted to send these inexplicable dignitaries away quickly.

Who knows, Xie Heng stepped down the steps and just took two steps. Suddenly he turned back and said, "prepare some food."

All of them didn't react at once, and their faces were stunned and dazed.

The fourth childe turned around and said helplessly, "later, shopkeeper Wen will come back and prepare something to eat."

The stewards looked at each other and couldn't help but say yes.

Some people in this world, even if they appear inexplicably, have the momentum of making people bow their heads for no reason.

Qingfeng garden is in the south of the city, several blocks away from yumantang.

This place has been popular in bafangcheng for many years, and many beauties from various countries have been collected. There are handsome CHILDES who are proficient in poetry, songs and Fu, opera roles that sound like Orioles, and enchanting and charming Huakui beauties. Every night, we change ways to win business. Men, women, old and young don't avoid meat and vegetables. Night and night guests come like clouds.

Along the way, Xie Wanjin always told his eldest brother how people who came to such a place should love beauty. Xie Heng ignored him.

Junmei frowned and thought to himself that Rong Sheng had always behaved perversely. He took ah Jiu away and brought him to a place like Qingfeng garden. Who knows whether he intended to retaliate?

Xie Heng collected his eyes and frustrated Rong Sheng. It was hard to eliminate his hatred.

The fourth childe said to him on his side, "even if you're not looking for flowers and willows, can you, can you take away the murderous spirit of killing God and Buddha?"

I saw the gate of Qingfeng garden. Which one of the people in and out was not full of spring?

The eldest brother was very attractive. If he was full of murderous spirit, he probably didn't even enter the door. Rong Sheng inside got the news and slipped through the side door.

Xie Heng looked up, Danfeng's eyes were slightly picked up, the folding fan in his hand opened, shook it for a while, walked slowly through the heavy shadows of the lights, and the beautiful cloud sleeves on his side met. His thin lips were lightly hooked, and his smile was disorderly flashy.

The wind and rain in the night made the young man's sleeves fly. In an instant, he turned him from the bloody Xie Xiaoyan into a romantic childe wandering in the gentle countryside.

The beauties at the door were stunned for a moment, and then they seemed to gather around Xie Heng as if they didn't see anyone else at all. "This childe looks familiar. Where have you and I met in my last life?"

One of the girls asked like this. Behind him, a group of people smiled and surrounded the handsome childe to go inside.

Xie Wanjin's eyes looked at him as he approached Qingfeng garden, and suddenly took a breath.

The fourth childe has never seen his eldest brother Mianhua suliu's romantic appearance before. From others' mouth, he always thinks that ten cents in ten is false.

Today, I learned that people who can move their hands and never move their mouth like my eldest brother can't tell whether they are true or false.

But he is more like a loser who spends a lot of money, not... Rich and noble idle people.

Qingfeng garden is pushing cups for lamps. A crowd embraces each other. Drinking is rising. The sound and color are long, and the piano, flute and drum music are played together.

The lights were dazzling and the gauze was flying. Xie Heng passed by. The beauties around him spoke softly and kept talking to him. The young childe smiled on his lips, but he didn't say anything.

On the stage, there was a Slim Beauty disguised as Huadan. The taller singer sang Xiaosheng, winding and gently singing the story of the Peony Pavilion rebirth, "feeling doesn't know where it comes from. Go deep, the living can die, and death can live. Those who live but can't live with death, and those who die but can't come back to life are not the best of love."

The crowd screamed. Xie Heng went to the stage, pulled off the valuable fan pendant and threw it to the man sitting in the front. He looked like a dandy spending money like earth, "brother, change a place."

The man was stunned by being hit. He quickly got up to get out of the way and Xie Heng took his seat.

This is the most conspicuous position of the whole Qingfeng garden. Anyone who lives here can see him coming.

The young man leaned lazily on the back of the chair, crossed his legs and wandered carelessly. The side of his body was full of lights, wine and green, the figure was soft, and the beauties spoke softly.

Xie Wanjin, who had just been on the third floor, stood at the best viewing place of the whole Qingfeng garden, with bursts of flesh pain.

I bought my fan pendant for 3000 gold!

Elder brother, you threw it out for a position. If ah Jiu knew you were such a loser, he would be angry to death!

The owner of Qingfeng garden stood beside him and said, "brother Wanjin, what's wrong with you? It's good. Why does your hand shake all the time?"

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