Xie Wanjin put his hand behind his back and pulled out a smile. "Yes? I'm just too happy to see brother Chu. It's all right."

Chu Xuan looked at him for a long time and shook his head, "I don't think brother Wanjin is too happy, but..."

"Stop! Brother Chu, you can have a rest. I'm fine. There's nothing wrong with me. You don't have to recommend me any perfect tonic pills. You'd better leave these good things that deceive others." Xie Wanjin put his hand on Chu Xuan's shoulder, but his eyes kept turning everywhere in the building.

Rong Sheng is a person who is very good at hiding his figure. There are everyone in Qingfeng garden. There are clouds and temples, gorgeous clothes, rich businessmen and officials in civilian clothes. People with flickering lights are dazzled.

Chu Xuan is only in his early twenties. He is quite tall, but he looks like a boy and a woman. He is a standard beauty. I don't know how many beauties are in Qingfeng garden.

He stood on the side of Xie Wan's gold body and shook his fan to fan the fourth childe with a smile.

Xie Wanjin once visited almost all the cities of the state of Yan, and Bafang city also came several times. He did things in a leisurely manner. He looked like a loser in the pile of wealth and wealth. When doing business, he didn't lose any money. Most of the rich businessmen in the city gave him face.

Like Chu Xuan, those who are quite old and can drink together naturally become fair weather friends.

The fourth childe suddenly came to the door with this eager look. He always stared at the astonishing Fei Yi childe below. Chu Xuan had a bad feeling. He always felt that Xie Wanjin was going to do something in his Qingfeng garden today.

That's why I followed him like this.

Xie Wanjin didn't know what his elder brother was going to do in front of the stage. Rong Sheng didn't show up again. The more he waited, the more anxious he was. Sweat was coming out on his forehead.

He took the fan in Chu Xuan's hand and fanned it hard.

Suddenly, at the corner of the second floor, several purple butterflies flew to the stage through layers of gauze curtains.

The light gauze goes with the wind, and the lights are bright and dark. The young man with purple clothes and white hair comes with a piano. His white, almost transparent hands gently pluck the strings and blend into the Qin, harp, Sheng and Xiao, which virtually disturbs people's mind.

"Coming." Xie Wanjin couldn't help but bring it up, clenched the fan and wanted to remind his eldest brother.

But he found that Xie Heng didn't even lift his head.

The fourth childe gritted his teeth, threw out the fan in his hand, knocked over the wine lamp of the man below, and then quickly squatted down and hid in the heavy gauze curtain.

Chu Xuan was puzzled by his move and asked, "brother Wanjin, what are you doing?"

"Shh." the fourth childe put his index finger to his lips and made a silent movement.

Chu Xuan didn't understand at once.

In an instant, the sound of the piano increased, and flying butterflies flew from doors and windows in all directions and rushed to the front of the stage. Dozens of young women in light purple Luo shirts jumped out of the dark. With a wave of their hands, several poisonous needles were gathered to one place, and hundreds of Qi attacked the male Fei Yi in front of the stage.

"What's the matter?" Chu Xuan was shocked. He couldn't help staring at Xie Wanjin hiding behind the railing and asked angrily, "this is what you said. It will never hurt Qingfeng garden? Xie Si! Look for yourself. They're going to dismantle Qingfeng garden!"

The sound did not fall.

The bottom was already in a mess. Everywhere the poisonous butterfly went, everyone fled in a hurry and screamed. The noise had already disappeared without a trace, and only the confused Suisheng echoed in the Qingfeng garden.

The Fei Yi childe, sitting in the center of the stage, casually watching beauty and listening to music, got up calmly, stored strength in his palm, fanned out, and a huge airflow swept countless flying butterflies, followed by poison needles.

He kicked over the table, swept across the past, and then most of the poisonous needles.

After the table fell to the ground, it broke into pieces and raised countless flying dust.

Someone took the opportunity to send several silver needles. Xie Heng opened a folding fan, blocked most of his face and swept back. Several women in purple had no time to avoid and fell to the ground.


In the breeze garden, only the sound of the piano is left.

Xie Heng stood in the mess on the ground and looked up at the purple boy playing the piano. Danfeng's eyes narrowed slightly and his anger became more and more fierce. "Hand over the man and I'll keep your whole body!"

Rong Sheng was still wearing the half silver mask, his plucking hand was still hanging his lips, smiled and said, "no one has ever been so presumptuous in front of this seat. Don't worry, this seat will leave your whole body and make you the most brave puppet general in the world."

A Fei dress is flying and murderous, and a purple yarn is elegant and smiling.

The young national teacher with white hair like snow plucked his strings like flying, and his fingertips left only a residual shadow in the heavy lights.

Xie Heng scattered the butterflies just now. The butterflies gathered again and rushed frantically towards him. The dozens of purple clothes flew up with their toes together. Suddenly, red silk threads were thrown out from their sleeves, interwoven into a net centered on Xie Heng, and then caged the purple butterfly and him in the net.

Layers and layers blocked all the way.

The fourth childe saw this scene in the crack of the railing, and immediately took a breath. When he put his hand on the railing, he was about to turn over and jump down.

The Chu Xuan beside him was full of cold sweat behind him. When he scolded half of him, he immediately stopped and grabbed Xie Wanjin. "Are you crazy? Look at those poisons. Go down and die!"

"Let go! Let go!" Xie Wanjin looked around for something that could cut people and said urgently, "my eldest brother is still down there!"

Chu Xuan dragged him. The mysterious man with a mask on the second floor seemed to have a big background. There was no doubt that he would die if he went down.

"Rong Sheng! Your fourth grandpa is..." Xie Wangang wanted to open his mouth and was covered by Chu Xuan.

In the blink of an eye, such a large Qingfeng garden became a pile of rags. Chu Xuan couldn't help shaking. He pressed Xie Wanjin to prevent him from looking for death. He whispered: "the people you brought have made my Qingfeng garden look like this. Do you want to run? Don't even think about it!"

Rong Sheng on the second floor raised his eyes and glanced. The gauze curtain behind the railing shook, but there was no one.

At the moment, his heart is all on Xie Heng, and he plucks the string slowly. "In the past, you besieged us with Qingyi guards. Tonight, we'll let you taste it."

"Nonsense is so much." Xie Heng took the folding fan in his hand as a concealed weapon and hit Rong Sheng.

Scattered among the butterflies, they were soon caged together by the pressed red wire net and attacked him.

At the same time, the green guards lurking on the roof broke the tiles and threw out the chopped sword, "childe, take the sword."

Xie Heng picked slightly from the corner of his eye, "then you must be disappointed."

The young man flew up in an instant, took the chopping sword and split thousands of poisonous butterflies with one sword

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