The visitor was dressed in white. There were flying gold embroidery in the sleeve room and the hem room. Warm wine soon came back to his mind and said in surprise: "fourth childe?"

The elegant young people in the world prefer white clothes. Most of the rich children have beautiful sleeves. Like this, they embroider gold thread on white clothes. It will not make people feel vulgar. Among other countries, the fourth childe of the Xie family is the only one.

Warm wine came forward and helped Xie Wanjin up. Before he could ask, "why did you suddenly jump on the couch?"

Seeing that he looked up, he was very surprised and asked, "did you call me fourth childe? Ah Jiu, how long haven't you seen him? You don't even recognize your fourth brother?"

The fourth childe completely forgot how embarrassed he was at the moment. His face was full of grievances, and how could my ah Jiu look like this.

He was totally different from the quiet three CHILDES. Even if Xie Xuan knew what had happened at home, he would never mention more in front of warm wine. At most, he was secretly planning to make the current situation look like what he wanted.

But the fourth childe never knew what his face was.

As soon as you come up, you can put things on the surface because of the name, and people can't refute it at all.

Wenjiu didn't answer, but helped him down from his couch. Wensheng asked, "the Rongsheng people are outside the door. If you come like this, I'm afraid it's difficult to get out."

"Not afraid." Xie Wanjin raised his chin and looked confident, "elder brother is here."

Warm wine smell speech, has been anxious heart suddenly calmed down.

Even if she had said it many times, it had nothing to do with the boy.

But he was so honest that he became secure for no reason just by listening to his name.

Xie Wanjin took her to the wall and whispered, "go out and talk about anything."

No matter how powerful a person is, he pretends to be gentle and kind. He can hide his mind, but his eyes can't deceive people.

The fourth childe can't see the worry of warming wine, but this place is really not a place to talk for a long time. Let's talk about it in another good place where we can drink wine, drink tea and talk.

Wen Jiu didn't say much. He followed the fourth childe on the couch and touched the mechanism on the wall.

As soon as Xie Wanjin's hand touched the wall, he suddenly turned around and looked at the red wedding dress on the couch. He didn't understand: "this seems to be the wedding dress? Rong Sheng took the wrong medicine. He tied you here to wear this thing?"

He really didn't understand.

The first time I saw Rong Sheng was in my house. He pretended to be little five and cheated Wen wine to get married. He was almost killed by his eldest brother. How long has it been? Unexpectedly, he came to Bafang city to harm ah Jiu.

Wedding clothes... Why did he have to marry ah Jiu so persistently?

If it's for money, the Western Chu is not poor. The grand state teacher of the Western Chu will not be reduced to robbing the small God of wealth of the Xie family to live?

The fourth childe was puzzled. If there were not many people guarding outside the door, he would have asked Wenjiu like a fireball.

Wen Jiu noticed three or four points from his eyes. She didn't quite understand why Rong Sheng did this. She pondered for a moment and said: "Xu is that there are too many people who know me in the Bafang city. Rong Sheng wants to take me away quietly. It's the fastest and easiest place to go from Qingfeng garden. It's just an ordinary waiter or a brothel woman who is bought, put on a red wedding dress, and lift a sedan chair from the back door. No one will look more."

There is no place lighter than this place of fireworks in such a big eight square city with people coming and going.

Xie Wanjin nodded, still puzzled in his heart, but he couldn't delay much at this time.

He knocked on the wall. As soon as Chu Xuan in the elegant room next door opened the mechanism, the fourth childe pushed ah Jiu over. As soon as he was back, he heard a woman in purple in the outside urgently say, "it's very difficult for national master to take people away first."

As soon as the sound fell, someone pushed the door.

Xie Wanjin suddenly had an idea. He had a wonderful idea in his heart. He stretched out his hand and pushed the warm wine, "ah Jiu, you go first. Don't worry about the fourth brother. It must be all right."

He turned around, quickly put his wedding dress on his body and whispered, "brother Chu, close the secret door."

"Fourth brother!" Wen Jiu didn't know what he was doing. He leaned forward and the secret door closed in an instant.

She didn't even have time to say one more word to him.

A wall blocked them.

Fourth childe thought: what do you call fourth childe? Don't you call fourth brother now?

At the same time, the woman in purple broke through the door, passed through the bead curtain and came to him. At the moment, the fourth childe provoked a red cover to cover her face.

He was originally a skinny boy, and his body size was much shorter than that of his two brothers. He sat by his couch and warmed wine.

The women in purple were so anxious that they couldn't take a look at the red cover. They went up and carried them out from left to right. They stuffed them into the sedan chair and ordered the sedan bearer waiting outside early, "go quickly and send them to the ferry."

With that, he quickly disappeared into the chaotic Qingfeng garden and disappeared into the rain curtain at night.

The sedan bearer took this inexplicable job and carried the people for a while. He felt more and more wrong and said strangely, "why is this girl so heavy today?"

The people in the fireworks land are as thin as willows, and they don't have much meat. Today, this one is really not light.

"Never mind him," said another sedan bearer, "who knows what rich old men like."

In the flower sedan.

Xie Wanjin fanned the wind with a red cap and said to himself: fourth childe, I'm just not as tall as my eldest brother, but my weight is not less.

Just now, at the last moment of leaving in Qingfeng garden, the fourth childe suddenly thought of a wonderful way.

Temporarily decided to let Wenjiu go alone, but he stayed.

Whether Rong Sheng really wants to marry ah Jiu or has some ulterior purpose, he always wants to take people back to his old nest.

He wanted to track down Xiao Wu's whereabouts. Anyway, he had to chase this man. Why not just steal a dragon and turn a Phoenix. When he got to the place, he lifted the cover and scared Rong Sheng half to death.

As for ah Jiu, the Qingfeng garden has to pay a lot of money, and she has to deal with Chu Xuan.

The eldest brother came all the way here. He had to be alone with ah Jiu for a while. If he was lucky, the relationship between the two might ease after this.

So, kill two birds with one stone.

Very good.

Just waiting for the fourth childe, I don't know whether it's a wolf's nest or a tiger's den. According to the rumor of the division house of the Western Chu state, it's likely to be a puppet pile of corpses.

The fourth childe gently stroked his chest and said to himself: I'm not afraid.

Isn't it just a Rongsheng?

Elder brother, I'm free in my heart. I don't panic when the sky falls.

It's time to ask me for the bad luck of the Xie family. Rongsheng, wait for the fourth brother!

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