Qingfeng garden.

Warm wine was suddenly pushed by Xie Wanjin, which made it stagger forward. Chu Xuan, who was waiting early, quickly reached out and helped him, "shopkeeper Wen, be careful."

Chu Xuan's voice trembled when he spoke. Shopkeeper Wen loved money, but he always took it in a right way. Although he didn't look down on three teachings and nine streams, he never got involved in the business of the fireworks land.

Wen Caishen was a thunderclap to him, but in the same city, he never had the opportunity to come forward and say a few words.

Chu Xuan is the one who watched others make money with shopkeeper Wen. It's the first time to stand so close to her tonight. I don't know what to say.

Wen Jiu watched the secret door close in an instant. He couldn't help worrying about Xie Wanjin. However, the fourth childe always acted tactfully. At the beginning, so many CHILDES of aristocratic families called him brothers and sisters in imperial capital. Even Rong Sheng pretended to be the fifth in Xie's house and didn't hurt the fourth childe.

I can't help but get the way: Xie Wanjin has a good life. I hope I can turn good luck this time.

What's more, the fourth childe said that Xie Heng was here.

Warm wine moved his mind, nodded slightly to Chu Xuan and said, "thank you, boss Chu."

"Shopkeeper Wen knows me?" Chu Xuan's eyes lit up. "Do you recognize me?"

This business is full of eloquent people. Although boss Chu doesn't have to stand at the gate of Qingfeng garden to solicit customers, he is also a group of beautiful people. When he comes to warm wine today, he seems to be stupid.

"I've been in Bafang city for so long. Naturally, I can recognize it." Wen Jiu tidied up his clothes while walking to the outside. He opened the window and took a look. The purple women guarding the door carried the man in wedding clothes into the flower sedan chair, and was suddenly surprised.

Only she and Xie Wanjin were in that room just now. She left. The person in the sedan chair

The idea of the fourth childe is really getting worse and worse day by day.

Wen Jiu resisted the impulse to help his forehead and turned to ask Chu Xuan, "Xie... Where is the man who came with the fourth childe Xie?"

These people took Xie Wanjin away, but Rong Sheng didn't show up. He must have been dragged down.

And that man, except Xie Heng, Wenjiu couldn't think of the second one.

Her heart suddenly tightened.

Will Rong Sheng suffer if his means are so insidious?

"In, in the lobby." Chu Xuan replied with a little glib.

Wenjiu opened the door and said, "please boss Chu to lead the way."

Chu Xuan looked at shopkeeper Wen, who looked unchanged in front of thousands of gold, and walked quickly. He had to trot so that he could barely keep up, and even shouted "to the left or to the right" in the back

It's the first time in his life for boss Chu to lead people like this.

But Wenjiu was so anxious that he was still thinking about things. Wensheng said to him, "no matter how much qingfengyuan lost tonight, boss Chu, come to yumantang to find me."

Chu Xuan was suddenly excited. He just saw Xie Si run away and wondered whether the man deliberately did so in order to avoid compensation. Now, listening to Wen Jiu say this, it was like taking peace of mind and almost crying with joy.

Chuxuan thought: it's really a family. Shopkeeper Wen didn't even see the man's face. He knew that he had demolished the Qingfeng garden.

I know how to lose money. I'm a good man.

Wenjiu walked very fast and had a disordered mood, but he thought a lot of things.

Until we reached the hall, the roof of this place had been demolished, and the night wind and drizzle fell down. Those men and women with untidy clothes hid in the corner and sobbed in a low voice, shaking like chaff one by one.

Wen Jiu's eyes looked at the layers of gauze curtains blown by the wind. He saw the picturesque young man flying into the air and split Rongsheng's mask with a sword.

The latter did not escape or avoid, and countless pieces of silver shot at Xie Heng like a rainstorm.

The breath of warm wine suddenly stopped.

Chu Xuan stopped her nearby, "it's too dangerous over there..."

Her heart mentioned her throat. Without saying a word, she brushed open the gauze curtain and walked there. Only half way, Xie Heng and Rong Sheng had retreated to the safety zone respectively. The white haired young national teacher jumped out of the hole in the roof and fully interpreted what is called being able to bend and stretch.

Rongsheng stood on the roof. The night covered his face. The blue and purple robes were blown by the wind and wanted to go, "Xie Heng, you can live well, otherwise, won't we be too lonely in the future?"

"Get out, get out." the boy standing on the railing on the second floor sneered: "the sneaky man with a mask all day must not look good. What else do you want me to do with you?"

If Xie Wanjin hadn't been nagging in his ear and Rong Sheng couldn't kill him, he would have broken people to pieces by now.

It happened that this guy still didn't know how to live or die. He spent his whole life trying to be annoying.

Fortunately, he is not a third childe. He has never lost the move with a sword, and it's nothing to talk about.

The man standing at the eaves seemed to stagger and hum, "you're right. Now the dark tide has arisen and the waves have risen. You really don't have a future."

When the sound fell, Rong Sheng flew away and disappeared into the night for a moment.

A group of women in purple who were seriously injured also retreated quietly.

The green guards disappeared in the dark.

Xie Heng jumped gently from the second floor and fell more than ten steps away. He couldn't see his face clearly through the heavy gauze curtain, but just a hazy shadow.

But now, they are the only people who can stand safely.

When Xie Heng fell down, Chu Xuan had hidden behind the porch column next to him.

Even if another layer of gauze flew, it couldn't stop the boy. You could see her at a glance.

Xie Heng's body shape was slight. First he took the sword back to its sheath, and then brushed the flying dust on his sleeve. He didn't have to be so careful when entering the palace.

Then he walked through the shadows of lights and walked to warm wine.

The young man's hand cage was folded into a fist in his sleeve and carried behind him. At first glance, others looked like an expert with high martial arts and deep concealment. In the eyes of the singers and dancers, they were a handsome young man who was calm, elegant and exquisite in everything.

Only he himself knew that behind the curtain stood the wine he was thinking about.

I wonder if she will be unhappy when she sees herself, for fear that she will be angry, and that she will not hurt her body with a stomach of fire.

Once upon a time, I only felt sour when listening to the poems in those romantic affairs, but when I really lived alone in my heart, I knew that the acid point was nothing, and the pain could be endured. I was afraid that she wanted to be thousands of miles away from you.

Such a large breeze garden is actually OK, except that the roof beam has collapsed and a group of men who are looking for fun shrink under the table like quails and shiver in the corner.

Of course, it's OK. I've seen Xie Xiaoyan's sword rise and fall in warm wine for a long time, and there are a large number of deaths and injuries.

She was just on her way here and wanted to fly over with wings.

But when the man really came in front of him, the pace of warming wine slowed down. It seemed that people who had traveled for many years were timid in their hometown, and there were many emotions that were unclear.

In the lobby of huatuan brocade family, the light gauze flying also has a little more beautiful color. Warm wine goes very slowly, step by step, across the hazy bead curtain light gauze, see the young man come slowly from the floating shadow, pass through the heavy lights, and come to her like this

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