Warm wine drooped his eyes, collected all his looks, listened silently, and his heart became more and more unstable.

"She died at the age of 18 and couldn't wait for me to be a heartbreaker." Yu Liang looked up and wanted to turn back the tears in her eyes. "But when I left her, I obviously wanted her to marry a better person and live a better life, but how did it turn out like this?"

Wen Jiu wanted to appease him, but now he didn't know what to say.

You look at me and I look at you. Everyone seems to be mute.

"At that time, I wanted her to grow old together with others. It was better than suffering with me. But if I had known that she would go so early, I would never leave her at that time. Even if I didn't eat this meal, even if I risked my life, I would make her happy. I could live for a few days... But there are no regrets in this world." The good thing is that Liang answered it himself.

He sighed heavily, "life is just a few decades of spring and autumn, and we should take pity on the people in front of us."

Warm wine raised his hand and rubbed the center of his eyebrows. After Lao Yu's voice fell, it was quiet for a time.

Her heart was disturbed by the wind and rain, and she couldn't slow down.

Yu Liang was quiet for a long time, and then said, "sorry, shopkeeper, this man is old and easy to be wordy. I'll talk about it casually, and you can listen to it casually. Send that childe to Dijing, right? I'll..."

Before he finished, the crowd suddenly heard a "bang" and looked up. Only then did they see that shopkeeper Wen accidentally knocked over the white jade vase by the window.

She was stunned and looked at the broken jade pieces on the ground.

Yu Liang called, "shopkeeper Wen?"

Just a moment.

Wen Jiu suddenly looked up and said in a dumb voice, "I don't trust those cargo ships. I have to go and see them myself."

Yu Liang and the stewards: "...."

She didn't trust those cargo ships, but she clearly didn't trust that person.

But shopkeeper Wen thought of the excuse himself. One by one, they had to nod tacitly and say, "yes, this time it's going to be transported to Dijing. It's safer for the shopkeeper to go and have a look in person."

"Well, I'll have a look." Wenjiu nodded and walked out quickly.

In the twinkling of an eye, she didn't enter the rain curtain. The wind rolled up countless flying flowers and leaves, brushed her side, and the cold went to the bone quietly.

However, her blood was pouring into her head, she could hear nothing in her ears, and the rain was not painful or itchy.

When Lao Yu said those past events, she only listened to half of them, and the rest of her general mind was unconsciously tied to Xie Heng.

Naturally, he won't be as old as a girl who has lost her life. But the boy suddenly changed his temper. There must be something she doesn't know.

When he returned to Dijing this time, he was afraid of life and death, so he was so alienated from her.

Life is short, but decades of spring and autumn.

If it's too late to live a good life, how can we waste so much time on resentment.

Warm wine ran through the streets and alleys in the rain, running in the morning light, and the eaves of trees became a heavy shadow on both sides.

The rain kept falling on Wenjiu's face, and the pictures flashed through my mind from opposing him in the previous life to walking side by side under the same eaves in this life.

Wang Heng, general Xie, elder brother

In the end, there were only two words left, "Xie Heng".

I don't know when to start, no more nightmares.

Once thought that if she found the person who ruined her life, even a thousand cuts would not be enough to relieve her hatred, but Xie Heng handed her the knife and couldn't do it. He just wanted to think of the most stupid way, far away from the world.

Even when he hated to have trouble sleeping and eating, Wen Jiu never thought that Xie Heng would die.

He was still so young, but Dayan court was decadent for many years. Many old foxes and human spirits surrounded him into a dead end. Xie Heng left her clean, but he plunged into it, and there was no certainty of life and death.

Just thinking about it, she was flustered.

Whatever else, if you can throw away love and hate and send someone well, it's better to be chagrined in retrospect in the future.


Jade filled the hall.

The stewards stood and looked at each other.

Yu Liang lifted his sleeve to wipe the water light from the corners of his eyes and brought an umbrella from the corridor. He was going to chase shopkeeper Wen.

The next few managers couldn't help saying, "I didn't expect that Lao Yu was still a person with a past."

"I said why you didn't marry your daughter-in-law all the time. It turned out to be..."

"Hey, old Yu, if someone matchmaker you again in the future, just push it to me."

Yu Liang glanced at them and said, "I take advantage of shopkeeper Wen. You also believe such nonsense."

The stewards were stunned, "ah?"

Yu Liang beat the nearest man with his oil paper umbrella and said with a smile, "how can there be so many people in the world who have to do with you? It's only in the play that you don't marry, and you don't marry. There are only those in the secular world. If you miss them, you will live your life. When you think back in the future, you will have red eyes and sigh: why didn't I have a word with her? There won't be anything else."

The stewards shook their heads and sighed, "if the shopkeeper knows you use her... Ha ha, please ask for more luck."

Yu Liang said, "don't panic, don't panic. I'm going to go to Dijing with that one. When I see the shopkeeper again next time, she'll be relieved."

People said that ginger was still old and spicy.

"I'll go first." Yu Liang hugged his fist and said, "it's up to you to do these things. I'll see you later."

Everyone said, "see you later."

Yu Liang stepped into the rain with an umbrella. Li Ying, who had been standing in the corner, chased him and sent him all the way to the door. He couldn't help asking, "Lao Yu, you said you were shopkeeper Li Wen. What happened to the girl who liked you?"

"She." Yu Liang stepped slightly. "She married a good family with both children under her knees. Last time she saw me, she also said: I see my husband's face is good, but where have I seen him?"

"This......" Li Ying was stunned for a moment.

Yu Liang couldn't help laughing when he saw his silly appearance. "It's raining so hard. Don't stand silly. Go back quickly."

Li Ying scratched his head and said, "Lao Yu, which one of your words is true and which one is false?"

Yu Liang said, "whichever you want to believe is true."

Li Ying stood in front of the door and whispered, "what are you talking about?"

Yu Liang strode into the wind and rain, laughed and sang, "I used to lie in a tall building, listen to the wind and rain, step on the moon and face the wave number of spring and autumn. Love and hate are empty and long in the twinkling of an eye, why don't I smile and die of gratitude and hatred?"

Acacia crossing.

In the name of Acacia, the ferry of bafangcheng welcomes guests from all over the world, leaving many love hate entangled affairs.

The sky was slightly bright, and more than a dozen passenger ships docked at the ferry. The Qingyi guards all changed into the clothes of ordinary boys and entourages and went to the middle ship.

Xie Heng walked in the rain. The wind along the river was like crazy, blowing his clothes flying.

The boy's face was slightly white. He never looked back when he got on the boat, but he didn't open his mouth to let the boatman set out.

The green guards couldn't stand it. They walked over and whispered, "childe, it's urgent to go back to the imperial capital... Let's start quickly."

Xie Heng stood in the bow, turned his back to the shore and whispered, "what if she wants to look at me quietly in the dark?"


The green guards suddenly choked and wanted to say something more, so they were pulled aside by another person.

He stood alone in the rain, with fog on his side, almost integrated with the river and the sky.

After waiting for a long time, the boatman couldn't help saying, "don't wait. The people who will come have long come. I've been a boatman for so many years. I'm used to leaving. I have to leave early and late. It's better to..."

The boatman hasn't finished yet.

Suddenly I saw a yellow shadow running in the rain. The vast fog covered the man's eyebrows and eyes. I could only see a wet girl.

She stood on the Bank of the rising and falling tide and shouted in a dumb voice, "Xie Heng!"

Xie Heng suddenly raised his head, his back was stiff, and he didn't dare to look back.

Afraid that the call was an illusion, he turned back and became an empty joy.

The green guards on the side of the body reacted more than their own childe, "young lady is coming!"

"Childe... That's young lady!"

Even the boatman who just let Xie Heng want to open a little was surprised, "isn't this shopkeeper Wen?"

As soon as the boatman looked back at Xie Heng, he saw the boy flying up like a gust of wind, landing on the bank, passing through the vast fog, looking for the owner of the voice in the faint morning light.

"Xie Heng!" Wen Jiu gasped, raised her sleeve and wiped the rain on her face. She wanted to be louder, but her throat was hoarse.

Through the fog, she could not see Xie Heng clearly on the ship. She had to shout and run on the long plank bridge made of wood.

Her eyes were also washed by the rain more and more sour, and her sleeves could not dry the rain.

She stood at the end of the ferry and looked around blankly. All the people on the ship stood at the bow to see her, but there was no Xie Heng among them.

The boundless water was so beautiful that Wenjiu couldn't find him.

Suddenly understand that people who really leave always have no time to say goodbye.

Warm wine raised his hand to cover his eyes. Hot tears slipped from his fingers and mixed in the rain. No one could see them.

Even she just laughed at herself and murmured, "isn't this what you want? What are you sad about? What can you be sad about?"

It's just... I don't want to see you anymore.

There are so many people coming and going around. Why can't Xie Heng be the same as others?

At the moment, she heard her heart say very clearly: Yes, Xie Heng is different from others!

You just can't hate him.

I just can't be a stranger to him!

The wind came after itself, with rain and a young man's low voice, "I'm here."

Warm wine, heartbeat like a drum, look back.

In an instant, the sound of wind and rain quietly dispersed, the fog subsided, and the world lost its color, leaving only the gorgeous young man in front of us.

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