The rain fell on Xie Heng's skirt along his cheek. The young man's face was as white as jade, and her appearance was reflected in a pair of amber eyes.

The sky was hazy and rainy. Blue and white waves roared from both sides of the wooden bridge, white waves rose and fell, and warm wine slowly fell back to the distance.

She stared at Xie Heng, "let me see the cargo ship."

After brewing for a long time, he began to speak, but his words were obviously trying to cover up.

Xie Heng stood two steps away from her and nodded with an expression of "I believe whatever you say".

He raised his eyes and asked her, "since you came to see the cargo ship, why did you call me?"


Warm wine was in a mess, and he choked at once.

Xie Heng looked at her. There was no expression on his face and his tone was very light. "The wind and rain urge people. If shopkeeper Wen has nothing to do, he'd better go back earlier."

The sound fell, and the young man passed by with warm wine. The strong wind made the two men's ink hair flying and winding, and their sleeves flying and overlapping.

She stood in place, slightly stunned, but her hand involuntarily raised and grabbed the boy's sleeve.

Xie Heng's eyes were slightly bright. He suddenly stepped back and stood on her side.

The boy's warm shoulder was holding her cool arm. The rain fell on the palm along his sleeve. It was cool. I couldn't tell what it was like.

There was only the sound of the tide shooting around, which was too quiet.

Wen Jiu looked down at the rain falling on the ground and countless rain flowers.

She took a deep breath and whispered, "I didn't come to see the cargo ship."

Warm wine used to deceive people. When people live for a lifetime, they often talk to people and ghosts.

Only in front of the boy did she feel that it was wrong to say one more word against her heart.

She raised her eyes and looked at Xie Heng. The water in her eyes was shining. She couldn't tell whether it was the rain falling into her eyes or the sadness of parting. "I want to, I want to send you."

Xie Heng lowered his eyes and looked at her. The corners of his lips rose unconsciously, "I know."

The boy stretched out his hand and slowly pinned her scattered green silk behind his ear, "you blame me and annoy me, but you never thought of hurting me. Ah Jiu, how can you make yourself better?"

If she was really that selfish person, thinking "people don't do it for themselves, heaven will kill the earth", he wouldn't worry about her future.

But this man pretends to be greedy for money and lust, but in his bones, he is a silly girl who can't wait to treat others well.

If there is no him in the future, who can know her good and who will protect her good heart?

"I will naturally find a way to make myself well." Wen Jiu raised his head and smiled at the young man, "Xie Heng, I'm not as good as you think, and I'm not as fragile as you think. No one in the world will die if I leave. The world is so big, where can't I be home? At most, I just think of the past, and I'll be sad."

Xie Heng looked at her. "It's good if you can always be like you said."

When warm wine is outside, it looks gentle and kind. Occasionally, it uses some harmless tricks to calculate people. Most of the time, it doesn't care much about anything.

Girls of this age are different.

But the open-minded and indifferent she showed in front of him at the moment was more worn out by the difficulty of sleeping and eating these days.

She wanted to say goodbye to him as if nothing had happened.

Warm wine.

When she felt that she was invulnerable, she was always defeated by the boy's word.

"Xie Heng, you are really..." Wen Jiu loosened his sleeve and raised his hand to rub the center of his eyebrows.

She didn't say a word for a while.

Dark clouds rolled in the sky, the rain gradually decreased, and the wind made a whole row of sails sound.

"Really? Not likable?" Xie Heng looked at her, his eyes were faint and said, "ah Jiu, I didn't want to be liked by anyone except you."

Wen Jiu smelled the speech. For a moment, he only felt the turmoil of the soul. It took a while to slow down. Some didn't know how to speak, "I came today to talk to you..."

"Hmm?" Xie Heng waited for her patiently.

"You've forgotten all those things in the past." after Wen Jiu said these words, the boulder that had been pressed in his heart for a long time finally fell to the ground.

She looked at the young man in front of her, no longer tangled with love and hate, her eyes gradually became bright, and her smile came from her heart, "You don't have to worry about what happened that night, and you don't have to marry me to be responsible. I've figured out these days that people's life is not long or short. There's so much money waiting for me to earn, and there's so much beauty and delicious food that I don't have time to see and taste. If you always complain about yourself because of those things in the past, isn't it a waste of time? So... Forget it, Xie Heng."

After these words, she felt that her breathing was much smoother.

It's hard to love someone recklessly.

It's not easy to hate a person day and night.

Let yourself go, let him go.

It's also good to be a nodding friend if you meet again in another country in the future.

Xie Heng looked at her and had many words to say. At last, he just hung his eyes and said "OK."

Once all kinds of entanglement are broken, you don't have to remember love and hate.

Wen Jiu looked at his eyes and turned soft again.

Xie Heng nodded slightly at her and said, "thank you, shopkeeper Wen, for seeing you off in the rain."

There was no nonsense. She had acquiesced to her words.

Wen Jiuyi nodded slightly, "have a nice trip."

Xie Heng raised his eyes and looked at her. He jumped on the ship, and his sleeves flew to the front of the cabin.

Just then, Yu Liang also arrived. Tongwen wine said, "shopkeeper, let's start now." and he got on the boat.

Wen Jiu stood on the shore and watched the boatman untie the rope and swing the oars together, so the big ship went offshore.

The ferry is foggy, the sails are blown by the wind, the lanterns are shaky, the fire is weak, and the morning light is dim.

The boatman were busy. Yu Liang collected his umbrella and entered the cabin. The ordinary young men dressed up with the green guards also quietly avoided.

Only the young man in Fei clothes stood under the lights at the side of the cabin, with his back to the shore. His red hair band and ink hair were blown by the wind, seven points crazy and three points lonely.

Wen Jiu stood on the shore, watching the boat go away from her, watching the boy gradually disappear into the fog, and his figure became more and more ethereal.

Warm wine raised his hand and rubbed his sour eyes.

Suddenly, the young man suddenly turned around, strode to the bow of the boat and bowed to her, "I'm surnamed Xie Mingheng and the word Dongfeng. I fell in love with the girl at first sight today. If I have fate in the coming year, I'd like to invite the girl to enjoy flowers and candles and drink Changsheng wine."

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