The handsome unmarried boy came into the hall against the light, with a faint smile on his lips and a burning posture, as if he didn't see the stunned color on the faces of the ministers.

Zhao Yi was silent.

For a moment, all officials were completely silent.

The whole hall was quiet, and only the end of Xie Heng's sentence fell in the people's ears. Somehow, there was a kind of life-threatening momentum.

Zhao Zhi was the first to say, "Xie Heng, you left your duty without permission to Yunzhou, killed the king of Nanning, and tortured many officials in Yunzhou. Such piles and pieces are all capital crimes of treachery. Now you dare not kneel when you see your father!"

King Rui thought about Xie Xiaoyan's life for many days. He finally got such a good opportunity. His voice was much higher than others. The echo echoed twice in the hall.

It makes people's ears ache.

Xie Heng narrowed Dan Feng's eyes, and the smile on his lips was almost invisible. "I know I can't escape the blame, so I went to the temple to ask for a blame. The emperor hasn't been held accountable yet. Why is king Rui so anxious?"

After leaving the imperial capital for two or three months, the boy saw that it was more invulnerable than before.

The more you talk, the more you poke into others' hearts.

Zhao Zhi immediately choked.

At this time, Prince Zhao Feng said, "my father hasn't asked me yet. King Rui should wait a little longer."

This sounds like a round the table, but in fact it's another word for Zhao Zhi.

Xie Heng hooked his lips, and the corner of his eye swept over the expressionless Xie Xuan, put his hand behind him, and stood more and more like jade.

The third childe looked at the emperor, as if he were not squinting.

It seemed to others that there was another burst of speculation: when the two teenagers of the Xie family stood together in the past, they wanted to bury people in the pit, so that people didn't have the strength to fight back. Now I turn my face, but no one wants to look at anyone more.

Xie Xiaoyan was thinking: How did the third childe become so thin? As if the wind could blow away.

Lord Xie frowned and wondered: how on earth can the eldest brother make people want to kill him every word he said?

No one spoke.

In this majestic palace, the old emperor of the Dragon seat, with a calm face and full of authority, raised his hand and smashed the fold on Xie Heng, "look at these crimes above, but which one wronged you?"

Zhao Yi has always wanted to be a Ming Jun these years.

There are few times to get angry with ministers. It's also a rare scene to smash people with memorials like today.

At the bottom of the room, the crowd was in panic and knelt on the ground. They didn't dare to get up at all.

It happened that Xie Heng had many charges, but he had great courage. He was stunned that he didn't stand expensive. He raised his hand and caught the memorial that hit him in the face.

When I looked at it, I felt something in my heart: the word "my third childe" is really good.

Then, the memorial is well written. It lists seven counts, starts with the most frightening one, and then writes them down in turn. It is clear and precise, without a word of nonsense.

The last one, uh... End with taking my brother's wife?

Xie Heng raised his head and looked at Xie Yu with deep eyes. "Xie Yu, what do you mean?"

As soon as the little Yama's tone sank, the hearts of the people were cold. Even if the man was an unarmed saint in the temple, he was full of hostility, which made people shiver.

Xie Zhen's consistent face was expressionless. He didn't lose sight of Xie Heng, "report according to the facts."

The third childe of the Xie family is the only one who can be on the front bar in front of Xie Xiaoyan.

Among the officials, someone has secretly raised his sleeve and wiped the cold sweat on his forehead.

"I killed the king of Nanning. Yes, I cleaned up the corrupt officials in Yunzhou. Cutting a dragon stone is the heart of killing a monarch?" Xie Heng almost laughed angrily. "And, did I ever send someone to chase you?"

This last one must have been deliberately made by Xie Yu after he had remembered it for a long time.

Third childe, this play is a little too much.

Xie Yu's eyes were as black as ink, and he didn't mess at all. "What you did, now you want to ask me?"

When the brother spoke, he had no chance to let others in.

Xie Zhen is so cruel that he has no mercy on his eldest brother. In this way, he wants to pile up all the crimes and make them useless.

In contrast, it's more and more like eating dry rice.

"How dare you be presumptuous above the hall!" Zhao Yi was angry and lost his patience. "Xie Heng, I only ask you, can you admit these seven sins?"

Xie Heng lowered his eyes and said nothing.

It is better to expect the sow to go up the tree than to expect the emperor to be wise and powerful.

But even if I have known this truth for a long time, I will inevitably feel a little cold when I am questioned in this political hall.

Seeing this, Zhao Zhi immediately came out and fell into the well. "If Xie Heng hadn't violated the national law and committed heinous crimes, how could Xie Heng, a younger brother, impeach his eldest brother? His father is wise and wise. He must punish Xie Heng severely!"

As soon as this was said, all the ruiwang parties spoke one after another. For a moment, the hall was noisy and wanted to cut Xie Heng on the spot.

Xie Heng threw the fold on Xie Yu, rolled his sleeves in an orderly manner, and looked like he would never move his mouth if he could move his hand immediately.

The ministers were as quiet as cicadas. Wang Liang and several small internal servants around the old emperor were like great enemies, ready to stop Zhao Yi at any time.

Who knows, the young man just turned his back and said slowly: "I was ordered to go to cangyun prefecture to suppress the rebellion. Later, I pursued Gao Yuanlu, the leader of the rebels, to the Nanning palace in Yunzhou. He just broke the Nanning King Zhao Li's heart of digging nitrate mine and making gunpowder."

"Wang Mingming of Nanning has recognized me for a long time, but he is going to hold a banquet at feihuatai on August 15 and wants to take my life with poisonous wine." Xie Heng said that the wind is light and the clouds are light, but the old emperor on the Dragon seat has already changed his face.

Xie Heng didn't say much. Every sentence was left blank.

The world is so big that the rebel leader doesn't go anywhere. Why did he go all the way to the prince's residence in Nanning, Yunzhou?

Zhao Li has been pretending to be rich and idle for so many years, but he is secretly digging nitrate mines and making gunpowder. If he doesn't rebel, he doesn't need these things.

How long has Xie Heng been general Xie? The king of Nanning has not been to Beijing for at least seven or eight years. How can you know what Xie Heng looks like? This pile, one by one, is a little brain, you know there are unusual things.

The boy didn't care how many twists and turns these old foxes had in their minds. It didn't matter. He said slowly, "if I didn't kill him, I'm afraid all the people in the hall of government today would have been reunited with their ancestors."

The hall is full of civil and military officials, elegant and silent.

No one expected that there would be such ups and downs.

In the early morning, Xie Heng suddenly came back. As soon as he came up, without saying a word, he participated in Xie Heng with seven counts.

There are really many people who have a grudge against little Yama. As soon as they hear this, they immediately hold a group and start adding fuel to the fire.

As a result, Xie Heng came back without saying a word.

Leng is that no one remembers that Xie Yu was originally investigating the case in Yunzhou. Yunzhou didn't say anything, so he patronized to stab Xie Heng.

At this moment, when I thought about it, I felt cool.

Yang Jiancheng scolded, "Xie Heng, don't argue! Now that the king of Nanning is dead, you can't say anything! Empty words and white teeth are not made up by you!"

Xie Heng slightly hooked his lips. "Naturally, there are so many who can live. Maybe they can be promoted to rank. Lord Yang, you see, you have such a life."

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