Yang Jiancheng's face turned blue when he heard this and said angrily, "Xie Heng! Don't talk about it!"

Xie Heng hooked his lips, but he couldn't smile.

These people who have lost their mind by reading, that is, they are so bad when they play abdominal manuscripts and harm others. When they attack them in groups, they say one set after another like a succession of witty words. They are so empty-minded that they even curse people.

The old emperor was also confused. Xie Xuan presented a lot of folds. He almost fainted when he saw the first one.

At first glance, the king of Nanning was also rebellious, so he opened it one by one.

At first glance, it's amazing.

Zhao Yi's face turned purple. The officials at the bottom looked at it and guessed that it was bad.

Even if Zhao Lizhen, the king of Nanning, was so full that he wanted to die that he was cut down by Xie Heng. Just now they said a lot of bad things about little Yama. If he retreated from his body, he would cut the door with his sword one night.

The great ministers exchanged their eyes for a moment, but they didn't think about how to speak.

Zhao Zhi, the king of Rui, was the first to stand up, "father! My son thought that no matter what wrong Nanning king did, he was also a member of Zhao's royal family. Even the crime of copying the family and destroying the family should be decided by my father. Xie Heng is only a third grade. The following crimes are intolerable!"

Zhao Feng pondered for a while. At first he heard that King Rui was going to condemn Xie Heng, and his eyes became darker and darker.

A group of Ministers spoke "state-owned national law" one after another. Xie Heng has always ignored the rules, killed people without blinking an eye, and has a stronger momentum. If he is not severely punished, Wang sun Quangui will be worried in the future. Finally, Zhao Zhi said, "we, the royal family surnamed Zhao, are afraid that Xie Heng will fail as a minister?" to suppress the public opinion.

The whole hall suddenly became quiet.

Xie Heng smiled lightly and picked slightly from the corners of his eyes. "There are no wronged souls under the sword. I dare say that I have never hurt an innocent life in my life. King Rui, dare you say that you have never been ambitious?"

"Strong arguments are unreasonable!" the quarrel is not Zhao Zhi's strong point. Usually, the ruiwang party rushes ahead. He just needs to make a one or two sentence speech at the most important moment.

Today, I met a man like Xie Xiaoyan who was not ambiguous in cutting people and was willing to quarrel when he was willing to speak. I was really angry.

Yang Jiancheng, who had been holding back for a long time, suddenly said in a loud voice: "emperor! Xie Heng is the remaining evil of the Duke of Heng. This man is here to disturb my court and avenge the Heng family!"

This sentence is like thunder on the flat ground.

Everyone looked stunned.

At the peak of the Heng family, generations of generals came out, and the Duke of Heng was even more famous. But all this ended 20 years ago. The Duke of Heng was exterminated, and the whole family, from the old lady in her eighties to the newly born child, died. Only a few days ago, half true and half false news came out that the little daughter had escaped, but how could this have anything to do with Xie Heng?

Xie Heng glanced slightly, his eyes fell on Yang Jiancheng, quiet as water, without any waves, but it made people cold.

Yang Jiancheng's figure trembled slightly, bit his teeth and continued: "twenty years ago, there was a fish that escaped the net in the Duke of Heng, who was copied and beheaded by the whole family. This woman is six years old, which is equivalent to Xie Heng's age..."

Zhao Yi looks at Xie Heng, his eyes are getting darker and darker, his face is purple, and suddenly coughs up a mouthful of blood.



Prince Rui and even all civil and military officials were frightened by the old emperor's blood, and they were busy caring for the old emperor's dragon body.

Yang Jiancheng, who was telling the old story of that year, also stopped in horror. All of a sudden, Wang Liang said in a high voice: "pass on the imperial doctor! Pass on the imperial doctor!"

Zhao Yi held the Dragon case and slowly sat up straight. His turbid eyes stared at Xie Heng and said word by word: "break Xie Heng into the prison!"

The forbidden guards escorted Xie Heng into the hall. The boy didn't change his face, as if he had expected this.

With a mocking smile on his lips, he raised his eyes and looked at the old emperor who suddenly coughed up blood. He was seven points cold and three points cold.

If Zhao Yi didn't feel guilty and took what happened that year as a knot, how could he spit blood as soon as he heard a sentence.

If you don't even ask about the case of Nanning King's rebellion, you'll put him in prison?

Xie Heng only looked at him for a moment, then turned around, glanced at the ministers and stopped on Xie Yu.

The third childe's eyes were as black as ink, and there was some anxiety.

Xie Heng gave him a look of "don't act rashly" and left the hall with the same forbidden guards. The royal guards were young, as if they didn't know that the prison was a place where people eat people and don't spit bones.

How many royal relatives and nobles went to prison and never came out again.

Xie Xuan stood in the hall, the crimson official robe was blown by the wind, and the civil and military in the hall were panicked. Only he looked at all this expressionless, watched Xie Heng taken away by the forbidden guards, watched the sun covered by dark clouds, and the huge palace was full of haze.

This morning, things were not small, but there was no final conclusion.

Xie Xiaoyan entered the prison, and Nanning king also went west. What official position can the third childe of Xie family be promoted to? When can I really let the little hell close his eyes? And who will lose the Lord of the huge fief in Yunzhou in the future? These things have become things that people have to think about in their hearts.

The imperial concubine shouted to retreat from the court. The ministers walked out three or five times and whispered, "no wonder Xie Heng killed people so ruthlessly. It turned out to be the remnant of the Duke of Heng."

"Those individuals of the Heng family are not born and like to kill."

"Why didn't you die? We have to worry about it now!"

When Xie Xuan heard these words, he became more and more expressionless. When he walked, he ignored his colleagues and him.

When the third childe of the Xie family was a commoner, he looked like nobody cared. Now even his eldest brother has been sent to the prison. Others only think he is a new upstart in the court. He is cruel enough and has superb means. In order to climb up, he didn't ask for trouble by any means.

Xie Yu had just stepped down two steps. Two small waiters caught up and whispered, "Lord Xie, please stay."

Xie Xuan looked back, "what's up?"

The waiter didn't say anything, but said, "please follow me."

These are the people Wang Liang often takes with him, that is, the people who serve the old emperor.

Xie Xuan raised his hand, motioned two small waiters to go first, and walked around into the old emperor's bedroom. He just saw the doctor retreat and wipe his sweat as he walked.

The waiter led Xie Yu to stand outside the temple door and asked someone to inform him. Then he took him inside.

Wang Shoufu and several confidants and old ministers of the old emperor were there. Yang Jiancheng, who had only said half of what he had just said in the hall of political affairs, was kneeling on the ground and said: "the minister said Xie Heng was a surplus evil of the state of Heng, not because of personal resentment, but because Xie Heng had a clue. The minister was not sure earlier, so he privately asked someone to go to Jiang'an to investigate several times and found something strange by chance..."

Yang Jiancheng said, taking out a yellow letter from his sleeve and presenting it, "This is a secret letter that the traitor Gao Yuanlu received before the city was broken. It was revealed that Xie Heng's mother was the surplus evil of the Duke of Heng. Even the military art that the Heng family has regarded as a treasure for generations is also in the Xie family. Therefore, Gao Yuanlu will kill all the Xie family when the city is broken! Gao Yuanlu is for the military art of the Heng family, and Xie Heng is the surplus evil of the Duke of Heng! Emperor!"

Wang Liang went to pick up the letter and presented it to the old emperor, but the old Emperor didn't. He looked up at Xie Yu and said in a dumb voice, "Xie Aiqing, come and have a look."

After Xie Xuan entered the hall, he stood aside. He always looked pale when he heard these words, as if he had nothing to do with himself.

The third childe nodded, took the letter and unfolded it slowly.

For a moment, the eyes of all the people in the temple fell on him.

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