And now, on the other side.

Emperor capital, heaven prison.

It rained for half a month. At the end of autumn and the beginning of winter, the strong wind roared through the window, cold to the bone.

The light in the prison was dim, and a few sporadic lights were shaken by the wind. The fire reflected on the young waiter's face, which became more and more cold.

Yang Jiancheng, covered with blood, was tied to the scaffold and said angrily, "Xie Yu! What are you? How dare you punish me! I'm the Minister of the Ministry of industry, the second grade senior official of the dynasty, and you're just a little waiter..."

"Three days ago, Lord Yang was still the Minister of the Ministry of work and the second-class senior official in the dynasty." Fengyi stood on the side of the cold Xie Shilang and interrupted him. "Now, he is just a prisoner at the bottom of the rank. Since ancient times, are there few senior officials who have died in the prison? If you have something to say, you can say it as soon as we adults are willing to listen. If you want to say it, no one wants to listen."

"You fool who supports others!" Yang Jiancheng took a bloody stick in his throat and opened his mouth to spray it on Fengyi's face.

Fengyi raised her hand, covered Yang Jiancheng's mouth, pressed his head back, and forced people to pour the old blood back to his throat.

It was amazing how skillful he was, how well he grasped the timing, and how fast and accurate he was.

It's not that Fengyi has suddenly become smarter. It's really because in recent days, those adults who have been in high positions for a long time like to spit on others' faces when they are tied to the scaffold and have no way.

Fengyi in this matter, practice makes perfect.

Speaking of it, after only a few months of hard work, Xie Xuan rose to the top and became the third grade Minister of the Ministry of punishment. The promotion was so fast that the old emperor's confidants and old ministers could only sigh at foreign countries.

But the man's character of sparing words has not changed at all.

Even in this day's prison, they rarely speak. Of course, the coldness of the third childe, who doesn't hesitate to turn against his eldest brother for power, even if he doesn't say a word, is shocking enough.

What's more, Xie Shilang's new official took office. Many central court officials were involved in the matter of the king of Nanning in Yunzhou, and he was sent to prison.

The waiter gave birth to a face like an immortal childe, but he was really cruel. Torture did not count. He didn't even blink his eyes.

In the past ten days, the prison has been wailing continuously, as miserable as purgatory on earth.

In the past, this was the day when the prison guards had the most oil and water. But thanks for coming, it was like living in a prison every day.

In addition to trial or trial, if he doesn't, he must have been called into the palace by the emperor.

The jailers were so busy that their legs trembled at the sight of the young waiter.

Only the rich people who had been with him dared to serve him, so they helped Xie Xuan to the front. They interrogated him for two sentences at a time. They were vomited twice by those old people who thought they were strong and iron. They were not surprised. At this time, they were calm and turned to Xie Xuan and said, "my Lord, you can almost be punished."

Xie Xuan was looking at the confession. He still had an expressionless face. He didn't even give Yang Jiancheng a look. His tone was very light and said, "come on, break his bones a little bit."

The two jailers waiting on the side had a cold on their backs, quickly greeted "yes", put Yang Jiancheng to the ground and knocked on his bones and joints with a special hammer.

Only two times, Yang Jiancheng couldn't hold on. He shouted bitterly: "Yang Jun died in Yunzhou. There's no proof of his death. You use him to trap me! Torture can't succeed. Now you have to humiliate me like this! Your majesty! I'm wronged!"

The cries of injustice echoed in the dungeon and gradually disappeared into the darkness.

Xie Xuan looked up and his eyes were as black as ink. At this moment, it seemed that there was a dark depth that swallowed up everything.

He said faintly, "if Lord Yang can't afford to be humiliated, he can end it by himself and leave a whole body."

Yang Jiancheng said angrily, "you want to force me to commit suicide, and then pour the dirty water of suicide on me! Thank you! You're delusional!"

The man almost broke his teeth and looked like he would rather die than surrender.

There was no change on Xie's face. It didn't matter. He said slowly: "continue."

Feng Yi took a smoke at the corner of his mouth.

Although there are no people in prison who don't shout grievances, like the third childe, no matter how bleak and miserable the other party shouted, they can be indifferent. It's rare in the world to continue to use punishment.

The prison guards were even more trembling. They continued to execute as if they had not heard Yang Jiancheng's cry.

Xie Xuan looked up at the dark clouds outside the window, and the sound of wind and rain covered everything.

Zhao Liyuan, king of Nanning, dug up nitrate mine in Yunzhou and transported it to Dijing. These were found out at that time.

But these saltpeter stones suddenly lost their trace after they arrived in the imperial capital, and became a hidden danger for the old emperor to sit and stand uneasy. Who should do this? Now it's not appropriate for Xie Yu, who is opposed to Xie Heng.

He was a cold-hearted man. He didn't even have a good colleague in the court. Without support, no one is in trouble.

It's most appropriate to do such a thing.

But Zhao Yi didn't expect that Xie Zhen could be so cruel that many officials involved in the big case of Yunzhou fell into his hands, either dead or injured, and most of them committed suicide in prison.

Today, Yang Jiancheng only needs a cup of tea.

The minister lay on the ground with a pale face and a cold sweat. He couldn't shout out with his mouth open. His voice was so weak that he asked, "thank you! What do you want me to say? What do you want to do?"

Before Xie Xuan came, he was still thinking that he had survived three days of torture in the prison. If he could hold on again, he would have a chance to turn over when he could see the emperor.

But the cold faced waiter appeared less than half an hour and broke his life.

Xie asked to read the confession and hand it to Fengyi. He looked up at Yang Jiancheng and asked in a cold voice, "how many times have you let Yang Jun go to Yunzhou? Where is the saltpeter dug up by Zhao Li now in the imperial capital?"

Yang Jiancheng's pupil suddenly shrinks and stares at Xie Yu for a long time. He doesn't speak.

The third childe of the Xie family had always been covered up by the name of Xie Xiaoyan. Even the No. 1 scholar Lang's style was covered by the marriage of the seven princesses.

Now Xie Heng is in prison. Fang Xian's thunder means make a group of eldest ministers unable to lift their heads.

Xie Xuan didn't ask Yang Jun if he was sent to Yunzhou. As soon as he opened his mouth, he took the key.

Yang Jiancheng was lying on the ground, embarrassed, gritted his teeth and said, "Yang Jun only went to Yunzhou three or four times because he was greedy for the appearance of Princess qingluan. As for saltpeter... I don't know what saltpeter!"

Xie Yu got up and looked down at Yang Jiancheng with his eyes like frost.

Yang Jiancheng looked into his eyes. If he saw the ghost breaking, he was not very firm in mind. For only a moment, he was flustered and lost, and unconsciously bit his tongue.

Xie Xuan went to his side, leaned over and said in a low voice, "bite your tongue and commit suicide. You don't necessarily die. You'd better die in another hour."

Yang Jiancheng suddenly opened his eyes and looked in horror at the young waiter in front of him.

How can such a young man who is not weak enough to see through people's hearts with all his heart not be afraid?

The whole prison was overcast. It rained heavily and the wind sneaked in. Xie Shilang was there, and the whole body was cold to the bone.

Everyone heard the sound of wind and rain quietly.

At the moment, the young Qinglang's low laughter suddenly came from the cell next door, "adult Yang, it hurts to bite your tongue and commit suicide. Do you want me to teach you some good ways to die quickly and comfortably?

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