They all looked at the cell next door.

Xie Heng's thin lips smiled and sat on the straw pile. He was playing with a piece of hay in his white jade hand. The sleeves of his white prison clothes were rolled to his wrists. He looked more and more depressed and lazy.

No matter how cold and humid the cell is, it can't hide the youth's bright and gorgeous.

"Why is Xie Heng okay?" Yang Jiancheng saw Xie Heng, suddenly changed his face and struggled to get up from the ground. "Why do we all have to be punished, but Xie Heng is still fine?"

These days, all the officials who fell into Xie Xuan's hands were tortured to death as soon as they entered the prison, but Xie Heng in the next cell had no scars on his body, and even his prison clothes were much cleaner than others.

Xie Heng also thought seriously and asked, "maybe it's because I confess quickly?"

Xie Xuan and a group of prison guards: "

Yang Jiancheng was so angry that he immediately spewed out an old mouthful of blood. The whole man fell on the torture instrument and couldn't afford to struggle.

As soon as the wind blew, the blood foam stars fell back on his face, full of scarlet.

Xie Heng raised his eyes, and the smile in his amber eyes was cool and thin. "If you recruit earlier, maybe you don't have to suffer like me."

Yang Jiancheng has lost half his life now. He can't open his mouth if he wants to.

Xie Xuan looked at Xie Heng making fun of Yang Jiancheng. He became more and more expressionless and said coldly, "Fengyi, let adult Yang sign the pledge."

Fengyi answered "yes" and took the long prepared confession to Yang Jiancheng. "Adult Yang, draw a pledge. After painting, your suffering will be over."

Yang Jiancheng suddenly opened his eyes angrily, and a mouthful of old blood stuck in his throat. The more anxious he was, the more speechless he became.

Xie Yu didn't ask him a word about what was written above!

Where did you get the confession?

"Thank you!" Yang Jiancheng shouted angrily after a long time of cards. "You're bold! You're just a waiter. You dare to deceive the superiors and deceive the subordinates! Put these charges on me! Aren't you afraid that the emperor will pursue them in the future, and you'll end up dead?"

Xie Xuan said coldly, "none of this confession has been wronged you. Why not send you to bliss early after painting?"

The young waiter looks like a crown of jade. Speaking of such words, he is also gentle and calm.

"You..." Yang Jiancheng choked.

Xie Xuan said slowly, "if you don't want to, you can only invite everyone in your family to come to the prison for reunion. At that time, several more articles need to be added to the confession."

The whole prison was silent.

The jailers were mute, and even the rich clothes, which had always been used as a sharp weapon for Xie Shilang, were useless at the moment.

Third childe

You'd better speak less.

This remark makes me angry. Who can eat it?

Yang Jiancheng stared at him as if he couldn't get up at one breath.

Xie Yu continued: "however, Lord Yang's only daughter is gone, and he is probably not afraid of the death of the people in the house."

"Poof -"

Yang Jiancheng spat out a big mouthful of blood, which almost couldn't lift his eyelids.

Heart and blood is the source of vitality. Xie Heng spit out his Qi once just now, but this time, he was forced by Xie Shilang.

He is nearly 50 years old and has only one daughter. Last year, he was broken in the hands of the Xie family. This hatred is irreconcilable.

Therefore, Yang Jiancheng made a stand with Xie Heng. He didn't think that in less than a year, the Xie family's youth became a new upstart in the court. Even if his brother turned against him, he forced him to this point.

Man is not as good as heaven, and heaven's will cannot be violated.

"I heard that Lord Yang has been raised in the outer room of Nanming lane. He likes to eat sour. Xu is a son." Xie Yu leaned over and whispered on his side: "how about I send him down to accompany Lord Yang?"

Yang Jiancheng's whole body was stiff, "thank you, thank you! You..."

The boy seems as clear as frost and snow, but he has even found such a private thing. His means are really frightening and chilling.

Xie Xuan stood up straight, looked at him condescending, and asked coldly, "can you admit this crime?"

Yang Jiancheng almost broke his teeth, but he raised his right hand tremblingly.

Fengyi quickly handed Langhao to Yang Jiancheng, opened his confession and asked him to draw a pledge on it.

Xie Xuan didn't even look at him. He turned and left. When he passed the cell next door, he glanced at Xie Heng with the corner of his eye.

"Waiter, you're so powerful." the young man Dangdang, who had become a prisoner from zhengsanpin general, raised his chin and whistled at him. He laughed and was very romantic and didn't know how to live or die.

Xie Yu's handsome face suddenly sank and left.

Xie Heng sat on the straw pile and smiled. In the dark cell, the wind and rain outside the window, the youth was as bright as the stars and the moon.

For a long time after the waiter left, all the prison guards were relieved.

One of them stepped forward and asked Xie Heng, "general Xie, what do you want today?"

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