The warm wine was obviously unavoidable. The cold sword edge was about to cut her throat, and the red umbrella with only half of her residual body was used as a life-saving thing by her, which she didn't want to reach.

The sword in the black man's hand broke the umbrella bone, the pressure of the sword came down, the warm wine retreated several steps, fell and sat in the rain and was in a mess.

Xie Xuan was suppressed by a group of people in black, three steps away from her.

Only three steps, like the distance between life and death.

The third childe didn't know where the strength came from. Suddenly, he kicked away the swordsman in black who stopped him with one foot. He held a sword in both hands. Whoever stopped him would cut him. For a moment, those people in black could not enter him.

Qingjun such a young man, his eyes like ice, ran straight to warm wine.

The people in black all made moves and attacked him.

Xie Zhen has been in the autumn maple yard for so many years. After reading thousands of books, he has never lost in writing articles on human knowledge.

But he... Never mentioned the sword. It was no better than those weak scholars who had no strength to bind chickens. Just now, his foot had almost exhausted its strength. At this moment, the swords of three or four people in black were cut off from his head.

Xie Xuan held up his sword and held it until the sword in his hand could not support it and broke into scrap iron.

The sword moves of those people in black deviated a lot, but they fell on Xie Yu. The blood color instantly infected the purple official robe, fell down along the rain and penetrated into the spray.

The young man still stood as loose as a pine, his eyes gradually turned red, and gritted his teeth and said, "if you hurt her life today, I will peel your skin and bone, bruise, bone, Yang and ash in the future!"

The young Chamberlain had just taken office and had already killed many people.

These words fell in the wind and rain and kept whirling.

Let the people be frightened.

The Xie family is not a simple role. There is only one thing that is very similar. They are bound to do what they say.

A crowd of people in black stood in the rain, shocked and didn't know how to start.

Wen Jiu looked up at the man in black who was full of the smell of "taking your life", and suddenly smiled, "Your Excellency took my life just for silver. In this way, no matter what the original employer offered you, I'll add ten times."

The man in black shook open the umbrella in Wenjiu's hand, and the tip of the sword touched the center of her eyebrow. Some flesh broke, and some blood slowly spread.

The girl sat in the rain, still smiling, "you and I are all earthly mortals rolling in the world of mortals. Let me go today. Maybe I can save your family's life in the future."

If not all the people in black had covered their faces with black cloth, I'm afraid their faces would collapse at the moment.

The girl is really not afraid of death. At this time, she is still in the mood to talk nonsense with others.

"Wen's clever tongue is like spring. Don't be cheated by her!" the man in black behind him said, "kill them and go back to work!"

"That's not right. I never cheat when I do business." as soon as Wen Jiu said this, the tip of the sword against her eyebrows suddenly raised high.

The man in black looked at her, and the silver light of the long sword in his hand shook slightly, "we are not determined, so we don't talk to shopkeeper Wen. There are many storms at night. Please go on the road early."

Wen Jiu looked up and watched the silver sword fall towards her, reflecting the lightning and thunder of the rainy night.

Are you dying?

She sat down in the rain, suddenly a little confused.

There seems to be a lot of things to do.

The previous hatred that seeped into the bone marrow, I don't know when, slowly faded.

People who thought they were just friends on the surface became her family.

She rushed thousands of miles, didn't listen to other people's gossip, risked to see him, didn't say anything, just called him "third brother".

Just thinking about him must be very sad.

And the young man trapped in the prison has long become her sharp heart.

This life is too short.

Too late to believe that those beautiful things are true, too late to put down those who are full of hate, and even can't see him again.

Is it over?

Wen Jiu looked at the direction of the Ministry of punishment through the heavy rain curtain, and his eyes were very red.

I really want to

I really want to see him again.

But the blade has fallen.

The hand under Wen Jiu's sleeve held tightly, looked at the direction of the man, and whispered, "Xie Heng... Xie Dongfeng, I don't blame you."

If I can see you again, go to his uncle's past life and old grievances. It's very difficult in this life! Go to his uncle's house. I can't see you across the mountain and sea!

When she closed her eyes, the sound of wind and rain in her ears suddenly subsided. She seemed to see Xie Heng standing in front of the fence of her house that day. It was like the bow of Acacia ferry. The two pictures flashed and overlapped.

Only the gorgeous young man's face was unusually clear. He smiled like a star in his eyes and said slowly, "I'm Xie Heng, the word east wind."

Rain and tears ran across Wen Jiu's cheeks. She gently called with a voice she could only hear, "elder brother -"

The last note in his mouth fell, purple lightning crossed the night sky, and suddenly a man in green jumped out in the dark night. With a sword, he opened the sword edge of the man in black, put his hand on the left wrist of Wenjiu and protected the man behind him.

The exchange of weapons, between lightning and flint.

Wen Jiu suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the young man with scattered green clothes in front of him. The ghost mask with green face and fangs covered his face, revealing only a pair of clear eyes and thin lips without any blood color.

He held her hand. The rain was so heavy and the wind was wild, but the palm of his hand was too warm.

Wenjiu's vision has long been blurred by the rain. She can't see the people in front of her, but her heart beats very fast. The temperature rises sharply, and her heart is hot, almost burning her.

It's him.

After these days of absence, the young man didn't know how many faces he had seen in prison, and his anger was much heavier. The only constant was that he would not ignore her, whether before or now.

Wen Jiu's mind is in a mess. There are so many guards and jailers in the prison of the Ministry of punishment. He even came out!

She was in a panic when she remembered the messy things she had thought about at the moment when she had nearly died.

God, I really like to see people's jokes.

Let's just say that it's unreasonable to change.

"Girl." the man in Tsing Yi beat a group of people in black with a sword. In his busy schedule, he didn't forget to look back at her. "You've been staring at me. Don't you want to make a promise?"

Warm wine opened his mouth and didn't say anything.

This man's voice is different from Xie Heng's.

Even her language is a little frivolous, as if she doesn't know her at all.

Wen jiuleng looked at him.

In the blink of an eye, the man in green shirt beat more than a dozen people in black into falling flowers and flowing water. The shadow of the sword was provoked and cut down in the rainy night. The lights in the distance were silent, and there was only one killing machine everywhere.

Heaven and earth are silent, wind and rain are always ruthless.

People in black fell down one by one. Finally, knowing that they were defeated, they attacked Xie Yu in Qi Dynasty, "kill Xie Yu first and withdraw!"

The man in green cut the throat of several people in black who hurriedly attacked Xie Xuan with a sword. The blood splashed. He turned and blocked the sight of warm wine with his shoulder.

In this way, the two suddenly looked at each other.

The man in green shirt stared at a ghost mask and slowly asked, "girl, do you like watching me kill or watching me?"

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