Warm wine looked into his eyes. The night was silent. The ghost mask this man wore was like the ugliest ghost in hell, but the uglier the mask, the more it set off the eyes like stars and moon.

She was weak and embarrassed reflected in such beautiful eyes.

She didn't know why. The tip of her nose was suddenly sour.

A pair of apricot eyes were red. Only for a moment, the water color flooded, and they couldn't stop falling tears.

"That..." the green shirt man who just killed people without blinking his eyes suddenly got confused. Looking at the tearful girl, he didn't know how to persuade her.

After half a ring, he said, "my mask is a little ugly, but... It won't make you cry?"

The man's voice was dumb and obscure, as if his throat had been burned. It was very ugly.

Wen Jiu took a deep breath, lifted his sleeve, wiped away his tears, and said, "I didn't cry. It's all rain!"

"Oh, I see." the man in green shirt looked like "I believe everything you say", turned his head and stopped looking at her. He just said in his hoarse and ugly voice, "please close your eyes, girl. I can't solve these sundries neatly if you stare at me like this."

Warm wine: "

She almost said the sentence "you didn't have to pay so much attention before". She endured it. After all, she shut her mouth and closed her eyes.

The wind and rain overlapped in my ears, and the pain of those swordsmen in black was dispersed by the wind.

Finally, there was the sound of more than ten people falling down together.

Warm wine opened his eyes, the corpses on the ground were everywhere, and the blood dyed the blood at his feet red.

She used to be afraid of death.

Afraid of the dead, afraid of seeing blood, afraid of using a knife and sword, it seems that all that courage is filled with silver, and you can't see anyone else anymore.

But now, the man in green shirt held her hand and stood quietly in the rain.

Wen Jiu thought that life and death were just like that.

Her eyes fell on the ghost mask for a long time.

The man in green shirt loosened her hand, took the sword back to the scabbard and let her see it for a long time. In the end, he couldn't help but turn around and say to her, "girl, do you see my mask?"

Xie Yu, who was covered with blood, sneered and slowly put on his worn official robes neatly. He didn't look at them any more.

"HMM." Wen Jiu didn't refute such ridiculous words, but nodded slowly.

"It's not a coincidence." the expression of the green man was all covered under the mask. His eyes narrowed slightly, and said with a smile: "it's ugly. There's nothing in the sky and there's nothing in the earth. I can't give it to you no matter how much I like it."

Wen Jiu just looked at him, "I don't want you to send it. Just take it down and let me have a look."

The man in green shirt paused. "I'm afraid it's not right."

He said, taking two steps to Xie Xuan's side, picked up the third childe's unbalanced body due to injury with his scabbard, and then carelessly loosened it, "I'm going..."

The man in green shirt looked up at Wen wine at a distance of two or three steps. He was very ugly. He was thousands of times uglier than this ghost mask. He was afraid to take it off and scare the girl

Warm wine said faintly, "I'm not afraid."

"I'm afraid." the man in green shirt answered very quickly, and his hoarse voice seemed nervous. "When I wore this mask, I swore that if someone took her down, I would either die or marry me."

Warm wine made him laugh angrily.

Why didn't she know there was this shit?

The man seemed to find restraint. She turned her head, carried the sword hand behind her, walked up to her and bowed her head slightly. "Do you want to die under my sword or marry me as your wife?"

The warm wine was wet and shivering all over. He suddenly approached, and the warm breath came to her face, which made her shiver.

"If you are afraid, go home early. What are you running about in the middle of the night?" the green man turned and picked out a signal bomb from the body of the man in black with a long sword. As soon as the scabbard was picked, yellow fireworks burst into the sky.

Soldiers and torches poured in at the corner of the street, and the voices of a group of patrol guards overlapped, "who?" "emperor capital, at the foot of the world, who dares to pick a thing here?"

"I'm just going to help you when you see injustice. You don't have to promise me by example or money." the green man glanced at Xie Yu and Wen Jiu calmly, "take a step first."

The sound fell.

He then stepped lightly on his toes and flew away to use his lightness skills.

And the next moment.

The green man with his toes off the ground fell down. He turned around and looked at the warm wine holding his sleeve in disbelief, "girl, what are you doing?"

"I'm going to Yongle square. It's too dark to find the way. Please do it and give me a ride." Wen Jiu said very politely, but he held his sleeve.

It's clearly not a negotiation.

The green man's eyes changed slightly, "Yongle square?"

Warm wine nodded, "exactly."

He can pretend, and she can calm down.

Only the third childe reached out and rubbed the center of his eyebrows. It seemed that the injury of this body was no better than a headache at the moment.

There are so many inns in Dijing that they have to live in yonglefang. Why don't they say they don't know the way.

At the beginning, shopkeeper Wen had never been anywhere in Dijing. Now he says he can't find the way, and ghosts don't believe it.

Not far away, the patrolling soldiers gradually approached, and torches lit up most of the street.

The man in green shirt glanced at Xie Yu. The next moment, he flew up with warm wine

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