Warm wine suddenly left the ground. Surprised, he stretched out his hand and grabbed the man's arm.

I thought he would fly away. Unexpectedly, the man suddenly pulled out his sword and stabbed the cold sword silver light straight into Xie Yu's heart.

The third childe stood in place and raised his eyes. It seemed that a handsome face was still expressionless.

"Get away! Thank you!" Wenjiu's heart stopped suddenly and just reached out to stop it.

Several bodyguards rushed out of the fire not far away. The leader rushed to him with a long gun in his hand. He shouted loudly, picked up the sword with a gun and fought with the green man for more than ten moves. Between the moves of the long gun and silver sword, only the shadow of the road remained.

The man in green shirt took a wet warm wine with him. While not falling, he could jump up and attack Xie Yu.

Wen Jiu grabbed the wrist of the green man with both hands, and asked in a very low voice, "what are you doing?"

However, the man in green shirt ignored her, took the sword flower lightly, danced with a long sword in the dark night, and split a sword at Xie Xuan.

Several bodyguards stood on Xie Xuan's side. Seeing this, they quickly stretched out their hands and pulled the man back. The green man had a long sword in his palm. He could cut off the official hat of the third childe. His hair bun was scattered and his ink hair was scattered over his shoulders. Only his eyes looked like ink when they looked at them.

"Bold thief! How dare you attack the emperor with a sword!" the man with the long gun shouted angrily and flew up to block the sword move of the green man. The next attack became more and more fierce.

The man in green shirt took warm wine and retreated several steps. He threw down a sentence, "goodbye tomorrow, Lord Xie."

Then he turned and jumped onto the eaves, and his green shirt flew into the dark.

In the blink of an eye, there was no trace.

Several people were just about to chase after Xie Shilang, who was covered with blood, suddenly snorted and stood back.

"Lord Xie!" the young man with a long gun hurriedly turned back and helped Xie, "do you know what the thief came from just now..."

"Zhong Yi." in the wind, a man's gentle voice interrupted Zhong Yi, who was anxious to ask questions. A carriage driven by four drivers stopped a few steps away.

The left and right attendants raised the driving curtain. Prince Zhao Feng, dressed in civilian clothes, got off the carriage, walked quickly to Xie Yu, helped him up with his own hands, and asked anxiously, "where did Xie Aiqing hurt? Can you hold it?"

The young man was surrounded by dead bodies. The wind and rain fell all over his body. Blood and water dissolved and spread everywhere. It happened that he had a clear face. Standing among these bodies was like a cold faced God standing alone.

Xie Xuan raised his sleeve, wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, and gave him the most formal ceremony of kings and officials, "thank your Highness the prince for saving his life. Weichen never forgets."

"Xie Aiqing, who is also the one to share the worries and solve the difficulties for his father and emperor, why do you say such a thing." Zhao Feng flashed a happy look in his eyes. For a moment, he covered it up and became the prince who looked like a sincere and gentle old man.

As he spoke, he took off his black cloak and put it on Xie Xuan. In a warm voice, he said, "Lord Xie has been hurt like this. First go to other hospitals of the palace to heal the wound. As for the assassin, the palace will trace it to the end. The emperor capital will never tolerate such arrogance!"

Since Xie Yulian was promoted several levels to take charge of the power of the Ministry of punishment, a thorough investigation of officials related to the king of Nanning has almost completely offended all factions in the court. The people who assassinated him took turns for several times in the middle of the night.

Xie Yu is withdrawn and has no shelter in the court. That is, he has a great life and can stay alive.

Zhao Feng thought that this time tonight, he almost died in the hands of the assassin and was saved by Zhong Yi. He just had a chance to win over. At that time, he ordered Zhong Yi and others to track down the assassin and personally helped Xie Yu into the carriage. He didn't forget Wen's voice: "Xie Aiqing, be careful."

Xie Yu frowned and whispered, "thank you, your highness."

The four driving carriages galloped towards Zhao Feng's other courtyard. Zhong Yi took a group of bodyguards to search for assassins in the city. Under the thick night, they searched everywhere.

And the other side.

The man in green shirt took the warm wine and flew over the eaves and walls. The wind was like crazy in his ears. The two men's large sleeved clothes turned and overlapped, and became one color in the night.

Not long.

Then we came to Yongle square, where the color of zither and Harp filled the pavilions, Yingsheng and Yanyu, and bursts of joy.

The man in green shirt fell on the windward platform of the small attic. The water red gauze fluttered on the side. There were stairs at the corner, and the lights were bright at the bottom. It was at the time of deep wine and joy at night that they became more and more embarrassed.

He let go of the warm wine, took two steps back with his back hands, and whispered, "here it is."

Warm wine stood in place, did not move at all, and looked at him with eyes as black as ink.

"Yonglefang, here we are." the man in green shirt thought she didn't hear it. His hoarse and ugly voice increased a lot, but he looked at the distance and never went to see her.

Wen Jiu looked at him, his eyes getting redder and redder. He wanted to talk to him, but he couldn't say a word at the moment.

The man in green shirt raised his hand and stroked the scabbard. He grabbed her words calmly. "Girl, don't thank me. I just happened to be on my way."

Before the sound fell, he clenched the sword in his hand, turned around and walked away quickly, flew and jumped into my eyes..

Wen Jiu stood in the flying light yarn and whispered, "Xie Heng!"

The man's footsteps suddenly stopped.

He stood on the green tile and red face, his green shirt flying gently by the wind, and the rain fell down the scabbard and mixed into the broken thread bead curtain.

A moment later.

The man in green shirt drooped his eyes and said, "Miss, I recognize the wrong person."

His hoarse voice was almost blown away by the wind.

Wen Jiu walked slowly to the railing, looked up at his back, said in a very light tone: "thank you Dongfeng, come down."

Without any doubt, she recognized that the man in front of her was the teenager she remembered.

The calm at the moment is somewhat unexpected.

The green man's eyes changed slightly, turned around, but his hoarse voice did not change at all, "I don't know who the girl calls, I just want to advise the girl..."

"You don't come down, do you? Just stand there and wait for me." Wen Jiu didn't want to act with him again. He went to the edge of the railing and stepped on the eaves. The embroidered shoes were full of water. He suddenly slipped and fell forward out of balance.

The green man's eyes were fierce and he was about to reach out to help her.

However, she saw that the warm wine that had almost fallen firmly stabilized her body. She untied the red cloak that was in the way and threw it down the high-rise building, leaving only a thin large sleeved light clothes.

The girl's black silk was blown by the wind, and the bright yellow skirt swept flowers in the prison.

Wen Jiuwei is afraid of high. Standing at such a high place, his face is as white as paper and his legs are soft.

But she stumbled and still clenched her teeth, stepped on the tiles and walked towards him step by step.

With a pair of water eyes, the girl looked at the man with a ghost mask, forced down the impulse to gnash her teeth, and forced out a third smile, "you continue to make it up... Elder brother."

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