The appearance of warm wine at the moment is definitely not good-looking, but the man in green shirt looked down at her and couldn't move his eyes.

The stars in those amber eyes flowed, stunned, but also mixed with a little panic.

He pursed his thin lips and said nothing.

In the twinkling of an eye, Wen Jiu had come to the man in green shirt. Moss was growing on the eaves, and his feet slipped many times,

The blood color on her face faded a little, but she stood on tiptoe at the top of the eaves and reached out to take off the ghost mask on the man's face.

The green man's eyes changed slightly and suddenly retreated back.

However, as soon as he pushed away half a step, he leaned over and fell back suddenly.

In the middle of the night, the wind and rain urged people. Seeing that she was about to fall off the eaves, the man in green shirt flew back, put his hand around her, firmly held her in his arms, and whispered, "did you forget whether you were afraid of heights or..."

Before saying this, Wenjiu had been very neat. He took off the damn mask and looked up at him.

The young man flies his eyebrows into the temples, and the corners of Danfeng's eyes are slightly picked up. Even if he is half hidden in the night, he doesn't really see it, it's hard to hide his charm.

Her eyes were clear, smiling and angry, and she said, "don't you mean I recognize the wrong person?"

Xie Heng lowered his eyebrows, and his thin lips rose slightly, quite helpless.

When I was wearing a mask just now, it doesn't matter what I said.

Now I'm choking.

Wen Jiu stretched out his hand and clasped his wrist. He was afraid that the man would suddenly run away and clasped it.

She asked word by word, "thank you for forgetting so much that you don't recognize me?"

"You let go of your hand first." Xie Heng's voice was hoarse and ugly.

Warm wine frowned, but his hand refused to let go. His eyes looked at him like ink, "what's the hurry?"

Xie Heng: "

When ah Jiu was angry, he was really not afraid. Even he dared to hold on.

I haven't seen you for a few days. Why is this a good girl?

In the corner of Wenjiu's eye, Yu Guang glanced elsewhere. She couldn't help shivering at the high eaves, so she stared at Xie Heng's eyes and said in a clear voice: "my surname is Wen, and my single name is wine. Can you recognize Mr. Xie now?"

Xie Heng lowered his head and looked at the girl holding his hand. Unconsciously, he lowered the volume and whispered, "I just..."

"The sword you stabbed at the third childe was so sharp." Wen Jiujing directly his words. His eyes were so sour that tears could hardly stop pouring out.

So she tilted her head and let the rain fall on her cheeks, as if the boy in front of her couldn't see that she was crying.

Warm wine clearly had thousands of emotions in his heart. He had to pretend to be indifferent and right. He raised his eyes and asked him, "do you think you can kill two birds with one stone every time?"

What are you talking about? It's cold in the dark prison!

She flew back to the imperial capital. On the way, she dared not close her eyes and dared not delay for a moment.

As a result, childe Xie came out long ago. He wanted to come and go under the eyes of those who wanted to die in their dreams

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