Go if you want.

No one is as handsome and happy as him.

Xie Heng didn't speak. He swept her across the eaves, returned to the windward platform and stepped into the flying light gauze.

He brushed off the wine dishes on the table with one hand and carefully put her on the stone table.

Warm wine raised his head, his eyes were slightly red, and his body trembled with anger.

"Can't you make it up very well? You continue to lie to me..." before she finished, the boy suddenly bowed his head and kissed her eyebrows and eyes.

Wen Jiu suddenly opened his eyes and unconsciously stepped back, but he could only fall on the stone table. Xie Heng leaned over, opened his arms and trapped her in this square inch.

"Xie, Xie Heng..." she struggled to push him away.

The young man's hand crossed her arm from her shoulder, and his white slender fingers crossed the fingers, clasping their fingers at the moment.

Xie Heng bowed his head and covered her with warm lips.

All the thoughts are turned into feelings at the moment, which is difficult to restrain. The flying veil reflects the hazy fire, overlapping and flying, and their clasped ten fingers are entangled on the stone table.

Just a moment.

Xie Heng's kiss attacked the city and occupied the land, devouring all her reason.

Warm wine back against the cold stone table, the boy's hot body temperature passed through the wet green shirt to her, burning her cheeks crimson and blood all over her.

The wind messed up the young girl's black hair, wrapped in one place, and couldn't tell each other.

The rain on Xie Heng's forehead slid down his cheeks, wiped the earlobes of warm wine, and fell to the ground bit by bit along his sleeves, and the water color spread.

The wind and rain outside the eaves were blocked by the flying gauze, and the vocal music and dance below became more and more clear in my ears.

Some people are playing the piano and singing, while others are indulging in laughter. No matter what the emperor's capital is, the dark tide is surging, and some amorous guests are falling in love with each other.

Flying red after rain and falling in the wind, peaks and turns meet again.

After a long time.

His face flushed with warm wine and he was almost out of breath.

Xie hengcai pushed away a little and let her change her breath.

The young man's amber eyes were shining, his thin lips were gorgeous, opened and closed, and said low, "I dare not."

Wen Jiu blushed and stared at him. When he heard this, he didn't know how to react.

Xie Heng leaned over to her ear and whispered, "madam, I won't dare in the future. Will you allow me this time?"

The ear root of warm wine was like a fire, and the blush quickly spread to the corners of her eyes. She suddenly sat up, but forgot that her hand was still held by the youth.

Xie Heng took advantage of the situation and Wenjiu jumped into his arms.

The boy lowered his head, put his chin on her shoulder, rubbed it full twice, then buried his head in her neck socket and said, "I miss you so much, ah Jiu."

I miss you so much, ah Jiu.

After walking for more than half a year, it only takes a few months.

But all over the world, thousands of miles away, I will never see you again.

In this sentence I miss you, it turns into ashes and dissipates in an instant.

Wen Jiu was still sitting on the stone table. His hands were caged by him. They all looked like ten fingers clasped. His posture was quite strange.

His clothes are also wet.

But... The heart is hot.

Warm wine froze and the whole person couldn't move.

Let the teenager hold her in his arms, and the rain between his hair falls, across his long eyelashes and on his heart.

Xie Heng's lips gently rubbed her ear, "you miss me too, huh?"

Warm wine deviated from my head and made a good half ring before I found my voice. I hated to say, "don't think so, I'll faint."

Mingming was still angry just now, but somehow, his heart suddenly softened and was almost fooled by him.

She took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "let go."

"Don't let go." Xie Heng's voice was really hoarse, so he kept it low, and there was something more deep and hoarse for no reason.

Unfortunately, when he took off his mask, he showed his original shape. At the moment, Wenxiang nephrite was full of love and unwilling to let go.

He said in his warm wine ear, "you forgot what I just said?"

Warm wine looked slightly. Thinking of Xie Heng's nonsense just now, she didn't believe a word.

There was nothing in my heart but anger.

Now he mentioned it himself. It's inevitable to think about it carefully.

Xie Heng said slowly, "if you take off my mask, you will marry me. Ah Jiu, you have to take it off. You can't go back."

"You..." Wen Jiu didn't expect that Xie Heng had the idea to set her up at this time.

If she didn't take off the ghost mask, he pretended that nothing had happened and left.

And when she reaches for it, she has to admit it.

With such a good abacus, why doesn't he do business?!

Xie Heng held her as if holding the most rare treasure in the world. He didn't want to let go for a long time. Knowing that she was angry, he coaxed in a low voice: "good wine, don't be angry, let me hold it for a while."

Warm wine drooping eyes, long eyelashes stained with water vapor, "since you have nothing, I..."

As soon as she opened her mouth, she didn't finish saying "you're all right, I'll go." Xie Heng suddenly said, "who said I'm all right?"

The boy gently rubbed her fingertips, "the prison is very cold. If I hadn't had you in my heart, I would have frozen to death."

Warm wine: "

I really should let this man think about what he said in front of the third childe.

She said she was ugly and afraid to scare her. She said she was just passing by and helped her. How long has it been? How can it be the same as amnesia?

Xie Heng looked up and saw that her eyes were full of: "lie!"

The boy raised his hand and gently brushed the corners of his eyes. "I have cheated you a lot, but I like you to be true without any falsehood."

That's too sudden.

Warm wine is so hot that I don't know how to answer it.

Originally, I had a lot to ask.

Why did you make such a scene with the third childe?

How chaotic is the situation in the imperial capital these days?

Who is the help of Nanning King Zhao Li in Dijing?

Every piece of pile is a matter of life, but at the moment, it's all forgotten.

Only the people in front of us.

The cold wind came from the pavement through the flying gauze, and suddenly called back the spirit of warm wine.

She shook off Xie Heng's hand and big sleeve Pianfei said, "what's true or false? Do you like it? Xie Heng, I tell you, don't rely on you to give birth to a face that will bring disaster to the country and the people and harm others! I'll go back to Dijing..." just then, she paused, and then said, "I go back to Dijing to make money. Don't be sentimental about the broken things of your Xie family!"

Warm wine turned his back and his heart was a little flustered.

I don't know when there was a little bloody smell on her lips. She raised her hand and wiped her lips. "Also, this is Yongle square. It's common to have fun. Just now, I just thought I was having fun."

She turned around like a man in a coat and didn't recognize people. She asked him, "do you want silver or something else?"

Xie Heng said, "I want you."

Warm wine and don't look at it. I'm speechless for a moment.

She should have known that Xie Heng would never be a mermaid.

But when his brain was flooded, he couldn't hold his heart down. He was always worried that something would happen to him.

Every time I watched him safe and sound, but I put myself in such an embarrassing situation.

But I don't have a long memory every time.

Xie Heng suddenly stretched out his hand, held her in his arms and said in a dumb voice, "ah Jiu, no matter what you think in your heart, since you have returned to me, I won't allow you to leave again!"

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