Wind lotus garden.

Qingqi injected Wenjiu and then fed the pills. She didn't wake up. She fell asleep in the middle of the night and suddenly began to get hot.

Xie Heng stayed by the couch and helped her wipe her forehead with a cold handkerchief. A group of green guards tried all the antipyretic methods they knew all their life, but there was no effect.

The cheeks of warm wine are hot and sweating all the time. The white skin is a slight pink because of the heat.

She was also very uneasy in her sleep. She tightly pulled a corner of the brocade quilt, like pulling some life-saving straw. She begged humbly and pitifully: "don't... Don't sell me... Auntie, I will be good... I will take care of my brother, and I will eat very little... Please, don't sell me..."

The sound was too low and intermittent, and was scattered by the wind as soon as the exit.

Xie Heng bowed to listen, only to hear her cry in a low voice, "please, don't sell me..."

The heart suddenly hurt like a needle.

He remembered that on the day he went to pick up the wedding for Xiao Wu, he came to the dilapidated house of the Wen family and saw Wen Jiu, who had not yet reached the hairpin, dressed in coarse cloth and old clothes. She was eager to sell her granddaughter's grandmother for money. There were a lot of people in the neighborhood. She clearly didn't even grow her eyebrows and eyes. She had sharp teeth and turned those people around.

She quarreled and grumbled about a big play. All the bad luck fell on others, and she took the house deed and sold it, and went back to Xie's house with him.

My grandparents liked her very much at the first sight. None of the young ladies in the mansion didn't say she was good. Even Mrs. Xie, who was always picky in her eggs, couldn't find her fault.

A few days later, the Xie family called her "little lady", and Xie Heng was also a little surprised.

Others said that she was born with a lovely appearance and smiled at everyone. It's hard to like her or not.

But warm wine is not born to do anything well. No one asked her, "how can you smile at everyone?" "how much pain have you had to take those troubles seriously?"

No one has thought about it. Why can she handle large and small properly when she is less than 15 years old?

Who taught her? Who forced her to be the one to support a family so early?

Warm wine loves to laugh. Tears are more valuable than gold beads. In front of people, it is always a posture of "I'm not afraid of the sky falling". He always pretends to be docile and clever in front of him and the third childe. When something happens, he wants to rush to the front to block them.

Only now, when she is ill and dizzy, will she cry a low voice or two, "don't sell me... I, I want to have a home..."

That's what the Wens did to her? How can they be willing?

How dare they?!

Xie Heng's hand gently stroked the eyebrows and eyes of warm wine. The burning temperature on her face made his fingertips hot, and his eyes became a little sour.

The young man bowed his head and whispered in her ear, "if I don't sell you, ah Jiu... How can I be willing to sell you."

The warm wine in his sleep could not hear what he said, but begged again and again. Those words were said back and forth, hardly making any sound.

Only tears spread out of the corners of her eyes, wet her long eyelashes, and the hazy water vapor streamed under the lights, making her helpless and sad like an abandoned dying chick.

"Ah Jiu, I will give you a home that will never abandon you." Xie Heng closed his eyes, gently kissed her eyes, cleared her tears and whispered "don't be afraid, ah Jiu."

Qingqi just made a new medicine. As soon as he looked up, he saw the childe kissing Mrs. Shao's eyebrows.

Such a gentle and tired look would appear on the face of Xie Xiaoyan, who killed people without blinking an eye. He didn't dare to believe it.

Probably ask him, "did you drink too much?"

Qing Qihao didn't return to his mind. He listened to the sleeping young lady talking vaguely in her sleep. It happened that his childe was still responding by the couch, which made people look very anxious.

Qingqi took the medicine and went to the bedside and whispered, "young master, I'm afraid Mrs. Shao is living in a nightmare..." he especially wanted to tell the young master that no matter what you say to Mrs. Shao now, she can't hear it, but looking at him like this, he was stunned and swallowed what he said.

He was afraid of being cut in two by the childe.

He offered the medicine and asked him to feed it to Mrs. Shao. He said to reduce the fever for about a day or two, and then implicitly reminded him that "Mrs. Shao seems to have a heart knot. You'd better wait until she wakes up."

Green seven finish saying, then backed down.

Xie Heng fed the pills to warm wine. She was so docile that she didn't even add a trace of trouble to others when she was ill.

Give her the medicine and she swallowed it. But her eyebrows frowned more and more tightly. She should think the medicine is too bitter.

Xie Heng took a sweet scented osmanthus candy from the small table and fed it to her. But she refused to eat it this time. She bit her teeth and refused to speak.

The boy whispered in her ear and coaxed, "good wine, this is sugar, sugar is sweet."

Xie Heng had never coaxed a person so clumsily, knowing that she could not hear and that she was unconscious.

What kind of sweet words I didn't say when I picked the red and green clothes, but now I can't even coax the girl in my heart to eat a sugar.

He bowed his head, pecked the corners of her lips gently, and shouted in a low voice: "ah Jiu..."

At this moment, Wen Jiu loosened his teeth.

The boy fed her the sugar, and there was a thin sweat on his forehead.

Those low pleading words dissipated in an instant, and her tight frown also stretched a little.

The warm wine in the dream is also eating sugar.

When she was 12 years old, her father went up the mountain to collect medicine for her grandmother and broke his leg, which plunged Wen Jiacai, who had only enough food and clothing, into poverty.

The family can't afford idle people. Grandma said sell ah Jiu.

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