At that time, Wenjiu had sugar in his mouth and looked down to count the maltose in the oil paper bag, but he was very nervous.

Grandma has always been partial to her daughter and granddaughter. She always leaves them anything good. She never has a share of ah Jiu.

Since the sudden fall of the backbone father Wen Shiyi, the family didn't even know whether they would have the next meal. The candy grandma suddenly gave her became a very bad omen.

Ah Jiu only ate one and wanted to leave the remaining five to Wen Wen. Before the oil paper bag was closed, he heard his grandmother. Zhang said, "I've inquired. Ah Jiu is the most valuable at this age. If you sell her, Shi Yi's life-saving money will be available, and ah Wen can continue to study in school..."

Grandpa Wen Youcai sat watching and said nothing.

This is his consistent style. When there are good things, he will be the master of the family. When there are bad things, Zhang will do them all. If you have money, you will have to face. At this time, you won't say a word and do it by default.

Warm wine suddenly looked up at her grandparents. The coolness at the bottom of her heart spread to her whole body. It was midsummer, but she was like falling into a cold pool. Her blood seemed to solidify in an instant, and her heart was cold.

She knew that her grandparents didn't like her because she was a worthless loser, a basin of water that would spill out sooner or later.

But she never thought that one day, she would be sold by them as goods.

"No!" Wen Shiyi disagreed. He was so angry that he nearly fell out of bed.

The house in the destruction was noisy and the chickens flew and the dogs jumped.

Wenjiu was so noisy that his ears hurt. He was busy helping Wenfu, but he didn't have time to cry.

Wen's mother blushed, "no! Ah Jiu is so small..."

"What's small?" Zhang scolded: "she has lived and eaten in the Wen family for twelve years. Now we can't support ourselves. What's wrong with selling her? Yuniang, you have only Arvin. If you don't sell the money losing goods picked up by Arvin, do you want to sell our own grandson of the old Wen family?"

Wen Jiu suddenly turned his head, full of disbelief, but stubbornly verified, "what did you just... Say?"

Zhang Shi usually dislikes her. He has already said his words and no longer hides them. "You are not the seed of my Wen family! When we eat and live in the Wen family for nothing, I always feel that my grandmother is biased and harsh on you. Now you know you are a wild seed with unknown origin, and you don't hurry to repay the kindness of the past 12 years!"

Warm wine is like being bombarded by five thunders. Everything in the past 12 years turns into fly ash at this moment and dissipates in the twinkling of an eye.

It's not that I haven't heard the gossip in the neighborhood that she picked it up.

She also knew that she was nothing like Wen's father. Fortunately, Wen's mother had beautiful eyebrows and eyes. When she smiled warm and soft, she was still two or three points similar.

Ah Jiu always knew that her father and mother loved Wenwen more. She just thought they liked their son more. She was a girl. She would marry and take other people's surnames in the future. She knew all these. Therefore, even if she was wronged in her heart, she never cared.

But today, Zhang said she was not the daughter of the Wen family at all!

She is a wild species.

Wen Youcai followed: "ah wine, you are so beautiful. You shouldn't have stayed in a poor family like us. When you go to the rich and powerful grandpa's house, you can eat anything. You can eat sugar like this every day!"

When he smelled the wine, his face changed greatly. He quickly threw the oil paper bag containing maltose on the ground, "I don't eat sugar! I don't eat sugar in my life. I'll eat less and work more in the future. I'll feed you. Don't sell me..."

Zhang immediately changed his face and scolded Wen Jiu for being unkind at a young age.

Wen Shiyi was a foolish and filial man. After becoming a useless man, his words won't work. Yu Niang is not good at words. Naturally, she is better than Zhang and Wen Youcai who planned not too early.

Wen Jiu was frightened when she heard it. Rao was no more intelligent than a 12-year-old girl at that time. She didn't know how to deal with this sudden change.

She could only hold Wen's mother's hand and cry in a low voice, "Aung, don't sell me... I can embroider and pick lotus... I will take good care of my brother..."

I can do anything. Please don't sell me

"Why haven't you finished?" Li Laihua came in with a bundle of hemp rope and directly put it on Wenjiu. "Don't hide, uncle, this is to send you to a good day. You can't even eat enough here. What else do you keep for?"

Wen Jiu knows that this uncle is a rogue of more than ten. He is proficient in eating, drinking, whoring and gambling, but he can't work honestly.

Zhang Shi and Wen Youji are too old to think of such a sinister way. Most of them were instigated by this man behind his back.

Wen Jiu struggled desperately, holding Wen's mother, "ah Niang, save me! Ah Niang..."

Only Wen's mother still loves her in the whole Wen family.

But Wenjiu thought so well.

At the age of twelve, even if she can go up the mountain and down the water and find everything that can sell money, it is just a drop in the bucket. No matter how sensible and capable she is, she can't beat Zhang's sentence: "if she doesn't sell ah wine, Shi Yi will have no money to cure his illness, and ah Wen will have no money to continue to go to school... There is no hope for our old Wen family..."

The sound did not fall.

Ah Jiu felt Wen's mother holding her hand and slowly released it.

Yes, it's loose.

Wen Wen is her life and the hope of the Wen family, and she is just a wild child who doesn't know where to come from.

Father Wen stopped looking at her.

Wen's mother picked up the oil paper bag on the ground and stuffed it into ah Jiu's arms. She said with tears: "ah Jiu, you should be obedient. If your brother is promising in the future, he will redeem you."

Wenjiu didn't ask for the package of sugar. She put her hand behind her and retreated to the corner. Her eyes were red, but she didn't dare to blink.

For the first time, she felt that her father and aunt were so strange.

Li Yun's gloating voice, "ah Jiu should have been sold long ago. His heart is higher than heaven and his life is thinner than paper. Hum... It's just a wild species. Why?"

Wen's mother stood by the couch, watching Zhang and Li Laihua put hemp rope around her, circle after circle, and then dragged her out of the room.

Ah Jiu shouted hoarsely, "ah Niang! I'll be good!"

"Ah Niang!"

As you said, I'm your favorite daughter.

You will watch me grow up and find me the best Erlang husband.

But why do you just let others sell me now?

Everyone has a home, everyone has parents, no matter how poor or bitter, it is also the apple of his eye.


I'm the only one. Is it an outsider?

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