"Warm wine." Zhao Yi raised his head and looked at warm wine with muddy eyes. His eyes were full of the pressure of the superior. His voice suddenly sank and said coldly, "what are you talking about? Say it again to me!"

The palace attendants of the whole Longyin hall knelt on the ground. They were timid and already trembled.

Wang Liang, who was closest to her, frequently winked at warm wine and asked her to pay attention to her identity.

Piansheng Wenjiu didn't see anything. He didn't even put the emperor's dignity in his eyes. He raised his chin gently and met the old emperor's eyes. He said slowly, "I'm here to do a deal with the emperor. If you think it's beneath your dignity to do business with the emperor, you can also say it differently."

She said slowly: "there is a custom of redeeming prisoners with thousands of money in all dynasties. Warm wine is willing to pay the highest price in history and buy Xie Heng's life. What does the emperor think?"

Zhao Jingyi stood aside and raised her eyebrows slightly.

This is quite polite, but there is clearly only one way between the lines. No matter what you say, you must let Xie Heng go.

Zhao Yi's face turned purple, and his hand behind his back clenched into a fist. "Is it difficult that I won't let Xie Heng go, so you'd rather pile those rice grains with moldy insects than take them out for disaster relief?"

Warm wine and silence.

"The most poisonous woman!" the old emperor's angry face turned blue and black, and immediately shouted angrily, "you monopolized the grain market in Nanzhou for a Xie Heng. You ignored tens of thousands of victims in beizhou... You dare to come to see me! Warm wine, how dare you!"

"The emperor's words are bad." Wen Jiu bowed slightly, lowered his eyes, looked docile and pure, and refused to let him speak.

The strong wind outside the hall swept the leaves from the doors and windows, blowing her sleeves.

Warm wine, close your sleeves, stand with your hands down, and say slowly: "Xie Heng didn't deserve to die. Why is it difficult for the emperor to let him go home? I just want to ask you to make a decision earlier. Moreover, the rivers and mountains of Dayan are surnamed Zhao. Thousands of people suffering now are your people. If you, the king and father, refuse to make a little concession for them, why should I, a woman with no two words, love the world , help the people? "

"You..." after hearing her words, Zhao Yi was so angry that he almost couldn't stand steadily. He stretched out his hand on the table, and a mouthful of old blood reached his throat and pressed it back.

"Emperor!" Wenjiu continued before the old emperor became angry: "I haven't read any books. I only know that I can have a good life in the future by holding the silver in my hand. But if the country is broken and the family is destroyed, all gold and silver will be useless... Xie Heng told me that there is a country, there is a family. He is very loyal and has never thought about turning over the old hatred. Why can't so many people tolerate him?"

She raised her eyes. Her eyes were bright without any conspiracy. She just wanted to know why.

The more simple and clear.

The more the old emperor couldn't answer.


Because all kinds of signs show that Xie Heng is the remnant of the Duke of Heng!

Because of his existence, it will involve those old things 20 years ago at any time.

He... Must not stay!

"I am fully responsible for the rice grain and money needed for disaster relief in beizhou. I will distribute them in the name of the imperial court. The emperor is the emperor who loves the people like a son. All the people will sing praises for their achievements and virtues and will be immortal in the future."

After Wen Jiu contradicted the emperor's anger, he lifted his skirt, knelt in the center of the hall and cried, "I'd like to give up my family to save all the people in beizhou, just ask the emperor to stay Xie Heng's life." she was the one with a gun and a stick. After Zhao Yi's half death, she suddenly showed her kindness.

Both hardware and software are applied, and the switching is only in an instant.

The offer is attractive enough.

Zhao Yi was livid. After thinking for a moment, he asked, "where are the rice grains you monopolize?"

If there is no direct conviction, there is room for turning around.

Wen Jiu said: "the Emperor gave me a decree to release Xie Heng. I will inform the emperor of the whereabouts of rice grain immediately."

The old emperor sneered, "you can do business."

Wenjiu subconsciously wants to open his mouth and answer, but he also knows that he shouldn't say more at the moment.

Seeing this, Zhao Jingyi went to the old emperor and whispered a few words to persuade the old emperor to relax.

The National Treasury has been empty for so long, and the disaster relief fund is the biggest problem. Coupled with the rice grain, it is difficult for a penny to defeat the hero.

Wen Jiu ran out to give money and food at this time. It was a savior. Not to mention Xie Heng's life. Even if they wanted the prince or King Rui, they should be willing to go.

The eldest princess was eloquent and stabbed the old emperor's mind.

A moment later, Zhao Yi's complexion gradually eased. He recruited Wang Liang to serve his pen and ink, personally wrote down the imperial edict to release Xie Heng, covered it with a jade seal and asked someone to hand it to Wen Jiu.

The old emperor said, "I can always say it now. D"

Warm wine opened the imperial edict and looked at it carefully for more than three times. It was determined that Xie Heng's will was released. Only then did he stabilize his mind and hold the jade scroll. His face became colder and colder.

After all, Zhao Yi was unhappy. He had to let Xie Heng go. At the same time, he cut off his official position and demoted him to civilian status.

How many times do you go through life and death? A paper book becomes powder.

The old emperor asked, "where on earth did you hide those rice grains?"

Wen Jiu raised his eyes and replied, "rice grain is already on the way to beizhou. It will arrive soon. The emperor doesn't have to worry."

Zhao Yi: "

There were so many ministers in the court that they couldn't find out where the rice grain went.

Everyone is looking for a rich place. Who ever thought that it was already on the road.

How many think tanks and ministers can't guess the girl's exquisite heart.

Zhao Jingyi raised her eyes and looked at her with a smile. "You have already transported rice grain to beizhou? Why did you just say that?"

Wen Jiu nodded slightly and said, "the emperor let Xie Heng go. Those rice grains were transported by the imperial court for disaster relief. Otherwise, it would be the name I bought for Xie Heng. He is dedicated to his country. Someone must remember him."

"OK! You warm the wine!" Zhao Yi was speechless.

It's not as simple as warm wine.

If the old emperor doesn't let Xie Heng go, just these rice grains for disaster relief can set off a grand slope. If a person with a heart stirs up the situation, saying that he is a king, he kills people, abandons the victims, and may revolt under the banner of claiming justice for Xie Heng.

It's just that she did it so openly.

Everything is in front of Zhao Yi. Let him choose. Anyway, her back move is ready.

It makes it impossible to convict.

"Thank the emperor for his praise." Wen Jiu shamelessly saluted. Before the old emperor became angry, she nodded: "if there is nothing else, Wen will go to the prison to pick up Xie Heng and leave first."

Zhao Yi smashed her with the fold on the case, "get out!"

"Yes." Wenjiu answered meekly, holding the Edict and turning out of the temple door.

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