Warm wine quickly left, and disappeared in the heavy palace without looking back.

The old emperor was so angry that he coughed on the table.

Zhao Jingyi hurriedly went up to help Zhao Yi, raised her hand, patted him behind his back, helped slow down, and gently advised: "Wen Jiu is just a little girl. She doesn't understand anything, but only knows how to protect her sweetheart. This time she took out such a large family business to relieve the disaster and solve the urgent needs of her father and Emperor. Why do you care about her?"

"Little girl who doesn't understand anything?" Zhao Yi gradually slowed down, and his eyes full of exploration fell on the eldest princess's face, "Jingyi, a person who monopolizes all rice grain in Nanzhou for the sake of a lover, do you really think she doesn't understand anything? Knowing that everyone in the court is uneasy about this day and night, she quietly asked someone to transport rice grain to beizhou on this condition and threatened me to release Xie Heng. What would be the consequences if she couldn't do it?"

Don't wait for the big princess to speak.

The old emperor said again, "she doesn't want to buy a name for Xie Heng. It's clear that she wants to confuse the disaster victims in beizhou and disturb our country!"

Zhao Jingyi was stunned and scolded in her heart, "if Xie Heng had been released early, there would be no trouble!"

"The rabbit is anxious and bites people, not to mention the girl who is brave from love." the eldest princess smiled and promised with an impossible look: "if there is such a city government, the son minister would be the first to draw a sword and cut off her head and send it to her father. However, she bought Xie Heng this time, and there must be no more trouble in the future. The father emperor is very relieved."

Zhao Yi gradually calmed down and sat on the sandalwood chair with deep eyes. "According to you, if Wen Jiu didn't keep Xie Heng this time, would he dare to regenerate in the future?"

When Zhao Jingyi heard the speech, her heart suddenly cooled. She asked in disbelief, "father Emperor... What does that mean?"

Just now, King Rui hurried out of the palace. Did he go to Xie Heng?

Do you have time to save her sweetheart for the warm wine just got the edict?



It gets dark very early after winter.

The strong wind passed through, and the yellow leaves fell all over the sky, mixed with bean raindrops.

Xie Heng sat on the straw pile and looked up at the small window at the top right. The rain fell on his face, so cold.

A group of people's footsteps overlapped and came to the cell. The jailer opened the cell door, bowed his head and respectfully said, "please, Lord, Xie Heng is the first to close here."

Zhao Zhi went into his cell and looked down at the young general on the straw pile. His eyes were disdainful and mixed with some happiness. He said word by word: "Xie Heng, you also have today!"

"Your Highness Laurie cares about me." Xie Heng stretched his waist, raised his eyes and looked at him. His thin lips gently drew a sarcastic arc. "Every time Xie goes to prison, the Lord is so anxious to see me. I don't know. I thought you and I had a secret past."

The boy hasn't been crowned yet. He has been in prison twice. Unfortunately, Zhao Zhi rushes to see him every time.

"In such a situation, you don't forget to take advantage of your mouth!" Zhao Zhi sneered. "Unfortunately, no matter how powerful your mouth is, it can't protect your life. Come on, fill general Xie with the Royal Wine given by the emperor!"

Two internal attendants came forward, one holding a wooden plate and the other lifting a golden jade pot. The wine poured down and the cup was full, making the surroundings more chaotic and dark.

Xie Heng looked up and the smile on his lips quietly dispersed in a moment.

The fool knows what it means to give Royal Wine in the prison.

The old emperor could not tolerate him.

Just because of the name of a Duke of Heng who has no evidence, he refused to let the tiger go back to the mountain because of his rebellious youth, which touched the scale of imperial power.

Because he killed the fruit for all the people in the world, not only the orders of the Zhao family.

"General Xie, the king and you are acquainted. Today, I'll offer you a cup of wine in person." Zhao Zhi personally took up the wine lamp and handed it to Xie Heng from a commanding position. "An Sheng, go on the road, Xie Heng."

The jade liquid was shaking slightly in the golden cup. The prison guards and casual waiters who led the way were silent. There was no sound around. Only the wind and rain, lightning and thunder outside the window.

Xie Heng closed his eyes and thought for a moment. He didn't speak or respond.

Zhao Zhi couldn't help urging: "Xie Heng, don't you get the order to thank you soon?"

"What's the hurry?"

Xie Heng opened a pair of amber eyes, a little more uninhibited than before. He lazily raised his hand to pick up the wine cup. His fingertips just touched the cup and suddenly took it back.

The young man was very dissatisfied and said, "King Rui, is this the first time you have done such a thing?"

Zhao Zhi was confused by him and became more and more angry. He said fiercely, "you are the only one in the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty! What else do you want to do with this honor?"

"To tell you the truth, Xie Mou is not very satisfied." Xie Heng went to the rice straw pile, put his hands behind his neck, and said slowly: "I've inquired in the prison for so many days. Even the traitors and villains have a decapitation meal before they die. They have to have roast chicken without roast goose. After all, they have meat. Only when they are full can they feel at ease on their way. Prince Rui is so stingy that he can't add a few drinks and vegetables when he comes to deliver wine?"


Zhao Zhi was almost turned upside down by his anger.

Once upon a time, when he was in the political hall, Xie Heng had nothing to do with whoever he caught. Now he has been in the prison for a few days, and he is more and more shameless and skinnless.

"Tie him up to the king!" Zhao Zhi gnashed his teeth and said angrily, "give you a face. Don't blame Ben for being merciless!"

The jailer in the prison smelled the speech and looked at you. He was too embarrassed to come forward.

The bodyguard of Prince Rui's residence got the master's order and hardened his head to tie Xie Xiaoyan with a rope. His face turned white before his hands were raised.

"Why did Prince Rui come to the prison?"

The cold voice came from a distance. A group of jailers in the prison stepped back a few steps, and their movements stopped and looked back.

The young man in purple robe and jade belt strode forward, and his handsome face like jade was shrouded in the dim light of the cell.

Seven points cold, three points cold.

In the twinkling of an eye, Xie Xuan went into the cell and looked coldly at the golden cup in Zhao Zhi's hand. "I was in charge of the punishment department at the beginning. I haven't seen the prince send wine into the prison. Dare to ask, what is king Rui doing tonight?"

Xie Heng raised his chin and said with a smile, "King Rui is anxious to send me on the road. He also wants to rely on my decapitated rice. Xie Shilang, you say he is a noble Lord. How can he be so stingy?"

Xie Xuan stood with his hands down and raised his eyes to Zhao Zhi.

The two fell out in front of the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty. Now one holds the punishment department and occupies a high position when he is young. The other is a prisoner. I don't know where to bury his bones in the future.

But Zhao Zhi felt cold at the bottom of his heart when he looked at Xie Yu at the moment. "The king is acting according to the order. Does Xie Shilang want to stop the king and resist the order?"

"I dare not resist."

Xie Yu's tone was flat. "Who's the purpose of King Rui's service?"

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