Zhao Zhi frowned and blurted out: "nature is the emperor's will!"

Xie Yu's posture was like jade and asked expressionless, "where is the imperial edict?"

"Imperial edict..." Zhao Zhi paused for a moment and became angry. "Xie Yu, what do you mean? Will the king still pass on the imperial edict to deceive you?"

"I have nothing to do with the Lord. I don't know his character."

As soon as Xie Yu opened his mouth, he half killed his popularity. It happened that he didn't think there was anything wrong, but his tone was still cool. "I only know that the prison is important, and I can't seek personal revenge without imperial edicts."

The sound fell.

Xie Heng, leaning against the straw pile, smiled low and sporadically in his amber eyes, "this is a good wine. I'm afraid I don't have a blessing today."

King Rui and the newly promoted Xie Shilang, you come and go, and move back in the sword of words. The people standing in the cell are as quiet as cicadas. Xie Heng's smile is abrupt and arrogant.

Zhao Zhi's eyes came back and looked between Xie Heng and Xie Yu. The old emperor always didn't leave people's truth. How could he make a clear intention to kill loyal officials and good generals in the prison.

Xie Xuan clearly did it on purpose.

Really hateful!

"Well, thank you! You act like you've become enemies with Xie Heng in front of your father! Secretly, you protect him in the prison. I'll report back to your father. Hum!" King Rui immediately understood something and said angrily, "thank you, I'm afraid you're going to be with your good elder brother on the huangquan road."

"King Rui is afraid that he has eye disease." Xie Yu stretched out his hand, grabbed the wine cup in Zhao Zhi's hand, and walked towards Xie Heng expressionless.

The young man looked at his eldest brother condescending. His eyes were as black as ink, and the darkness was not bottomed out. "I have already asked the emperor for an order. If I kill Xie Heng, I must do it myself."

Zhao Zhi was surprised. His eyes looked at the two people with complex color, and then reacted and said, "in that case, the king is happy to be free." he paused for a moment, and when he spoke again, his tone was seven or eight points happy, a little mockery, "thank you, Shilang, do you do it?"

Xie Heng slowly sat up straight, raised his eyes and looked at the waiter in front of him, who was like jade, raised his lips slightly, "thank you..."

He had just said two words when Xie Yu grabbed his collar.

On weekdays, the third childe, who only raised his pen and had never touched with anyone, didn't know where his strength came from. With one hand, he picked Xie Heng up from the straw pile, pressed him against the wall, and asked him expressionless, "Xie Heng, will go to the yellow spring. What last words do you have?"

Xie Heng thought for a while and said with a smile, "if you want to be buried with us, can it be counted?"

"That's unreasonable!" Zhao Zhi was so angry that he grabbed the whip in the jailer's hand and threw it away.

Xie Xuan pulled Xie Heng and turned his back to the crowd. Half of the whip was on Xie Shilang's arm and half on Xiao Yan's body. The blood scar began to crack from the back of his hand and spread to the latter's heart.

Bloodstained, shocking.

Everyone was stunned.

No one expected that Xie Xuan would avoid it.

Zhao Zhi was still angry. He saw that he was going to do it again. He quickly stopped him and forcibly dragged the man to the door of the cell. "Lord Rui, my adult will go to the morning court tomorrow. If someone asks how the injury came from, the bottom man said that he leaked his mouth. I'm afraid it will damage the Lord's reputation."

Zhao Zhi threw a whip at him and looked at the corner of the wall with hatred. It was either your death or my living cousin. His eyes were full of disdain.

The rain sneaked in from the narrow window and fell on the faces of the two teenagers, cold and deep-rooted.

Xie Xuan grabbed Xie Heng's collar in one hand and pressed him against the wall. With a wine glass in the other hand, he said in a cold voice, "aren't you holding a heavy army and bullying the king? You've made people in the imperial capital in danger, but now you've become a loyal minister and good general waiting to die in the prison! Why don't you do it? Xie Xiaoyan!"

Everyone held their breath, and the atmosphere did not dare to come out.

Everyone should be Xie Shilang. This is a satire of Xie Xiaoyan. On that day, Xie Heng ascended to the sky step by step. The third childe of the Xie family is still an unknown person, and he has to live in the house to see his face.

Now it's upside down. It's not what it used to be. How much resentment must be accumulated in my heart before I can get it back when I'm dying?

Only Xie Heng saw that his third brother, who had always been without waves and waves and was like a jade sculpture, dyed his black eyes red and said, "you are the opposite! Xie Heng!"

Xie Heng raised his eyes to see him, and the corners of his lips suddenly rose.

Who says the third childe of his family is an expressionless jade statue?

Now he looks more ferocious than he does. He looks like someone from the hell hall.

The wind and rain outside the window were calm, the city was dark under the night, and the lights in the prison were shaky.

The rain fell from Xie's forehead, just into the corners of his eyes, and then fell.

It's like the jade carving shed tears and its eyes are red. It's just that its back doesn't move like a mountain. It's hard to bear it.

Xie Heng brushed his hand away, leaned against the wall and smiled, "I bet once, only once, he won't kill me, or... He can't kill me."

"The heartbroken wine has been delivered to you! What else can you bet!" Xie Xuan bowed his head and said in a voice that only two people can hear: "now there is only one way left. Kill Zhao Zhi and go out!"

In the 20 years since Zhao Yi ascended the throne, Dayan River and mountains have been shaken and weakened day by day.

But once upon a time, Dayan was also a beautiful place in the world.

But now, the unfaithfulness of the monarch and the disloyalty of the minister have made a mess of noise.

Zhao Yi wants to be a pure minister who does not care about his own life and death for the country, but he is also afraid that the pure minister will cherish all the people and put his Zhao family in the second place or even further.

The emperor's skill is only to control the world.

No matter what kind of world it is, it is best to have a prosperous and peaceful world and become increasingly powerful. As long as its surname is Zhao, it is what those royal families who play with power want.

As for the lower officials, as long as they can control, they are good officials. Loyalty can be determined only when they are dead.

He wants his eldest brother to see the true face of these. The Zhao family is not worth it!

Kill! Reverse!

Bo a way out, Bo a future!

Xie Heng gently shook his head and whispered, "wait a minute."

Xie Yu lost all the blood on his lips, and his eyes were dark and almost paranoid.

The boy clenched the glass and said in a dumb voice, "elder brother... I won't let you die."

Xie Heng smiled and whispered, "I know."

"Thank you, what are you waiting for?" Zhao Zhi, who was a few steps away, was agitated and couldn't help but urge: "I'm going to die. How can I have so much to say?"

Xie Xuan raised his eyes and slowly raised the wine in the cup.

Xie Heng could not help but stop him with his eyes. "Don't act rashly!"

But the young man has made up his mind and will fall heavily when he raises his hand.

At this time, the girl suddenly raised her voice not far away, "the emperor has a purpose! Let Xie Heng out of prison!"

People came in a hurry. In the twinkling of an eye, they came to the door of the cell. A group of guards and prison guards stepped aside on both sides.

In an instant, the wind and rain were silent.

The lamp in the girl's hand lit up the dark cell from far to near.

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