It was snowy in front of the court. Xie Wanjin was dressed in white brocade, and the gold embroidery on the sleeves was unusually eye-catching.

The young man's elegant clothes are just the age that misleads people's hearts. Everywhere he goes, the maids and boys look one after another, and the jade dew who takes him inside is even more red.

He entered the flower hall, smiled and shouted, "elder brother." then, with a distressed face, he asked Wen Jiu, "now, should I call you ah Jiu or sister-in-law?"

The smile on the warm wine face did not disperse. At the moment, it was a little embarrassed and just wanted to speak.

Then he listened to Xie Heng on his side and asked, "are you back alone? Where's Xiao Wu?"

Xie Wanjin said with a smile, "guess."

Xie Heng narrowed his eyes, pulled the fourth childe over, pressed on the soft chair, and asked condescending, "are you sure you want me to guess?"

"Don't, don't, don't..." the fourth childe always agreed that those who know current affairs are Junjie. He hurriedly said, "elder brother, you're three steps away from me first. Can't I say it yet?"

Wenjiu, who had been out of the state, suddenly stood up, and his eyes suddenly changed, "there is news about the fifth childe? Fourth brother! Where is he?"

Xie Qi is the warmest and special teenager for her.

When she didn't really like someone, she even had the idea of accompanying him like this.

Later, the boy lost his trace in Changning River, which also became a pity for Wenjiu in his life. He didn't hesitate to make a wish to die in front of the Buddha, just asking Xie Qi to be safe.

But at that time, arrows were flying everywhere, and the water was vast. What kind of opportunity would it take to survive in such a dangerous place?

Warm wine can't believe it.

I'm afraid it's another empty joy.

She looked at Xie Yu, pinched her fingernails into her palm, tried to keep herself awake, and asked in a dumb voice, "where is the fifth childe now? He... How is he?"

Xie Wanjin smiled with a shallow pear vortex, "in the Western Chu."

Xie Heng said, "why didn't you bring him back?"

"Elder brother." Xie Wanjin helplessly shouted to him and said with a smile, "you know Xiao Wu used to like those strange stories and aspirations most in reading. Now it's not easy for him to go away. Naturally, he wants to go out more and come back."

Warm wine, silent.

That obviously doesn't sound credible.

The fourth childe has always been out of tune, which makes people hang in the air again.

Xie Heng frowned and began to roll up his sleeves.

"Elder brother... Elder brother!" Xie Wanjin quickly changed his mind: "I've just talked nonsense. In fact, Xiao Wu is not in good health and is not suitable for long-distance travel. Moreover... The girls in the West Chu are very unreasonable, and you know it. After Xiao Wu was saved, I don't know how those people saved his life. Now I want him to stay there as a door-to-door son-in-law. I'm afraid he can't return home for ten or eight years."

Wen Jiuwen was surprised and delighted when he heard the speech. "In this way, the fifth childe is really... Still alive."


Xie Wanjin wiped his face. "Ah Jiu, can you pour me a cup of tea to moisten my throat first? I've been all the way..."

He was about to complain when his eldest brother saw him in a color and stopped immediately.

He had to pour himself a cup of tea and said bitterly, "I've had a good trip."

Warm wine: "

No wonder in previous lives, there was always a saying in Dijing:

Xie Yu's mouth is a deceitful ghost.

The fourth childe is really capable of making up, pulling, collecting and releasing. He is very capable.

Xie Heng obviously thinks so.

He didn't believe the fourth childe's mouth. He bent his fingers and knocked on the table, "how's Xiao Wu?"

Xie Wanjin took a sip of tea, "very good."

Xie Heng's Danfeng eyes half narrowed and suddenly became imposing.

The fourth childe sat upright for a few minutes and said honestly, "is it worth it to grow taller?"

Xie Heng closed his eyes and didn't go to see him. "Where did you see Xiao Wu?"

"Capital of Western Chu! Elder brother, why don't you even believe me? I don't want to give you this letter from Xiao Wu." Xie Wanjin got up to go.

The next moment.

He was pushed back to the soft chair by Xie Heng, "bring the letter."

"Is it easy?" Xie Wanjin was really wronged. He stretched out his hand in his arms for a long time, took out a letter, shook it in front of his eldest brother and handed it directly to Wen Jiu.

Seeing Xie Heng moving his fist, he jumped up and hid on Wen Jiu, "elder brother, this letter was written by Xiao Wu to ah Jiu. You're not happy to find him!"

"Don't make trouble."

Wen Jiu's voice is low and hoarse. The envelope says "Miss Wen's personal enlightenment". The handwriting is correct and elegant, just like the young man's elegant demeanor.

Her hand trembled slightly when she opened the letter, and the eyes of Xie Heng and the fourth childe also stopped.

Inside, there is only one piece of stationery.

A few words.

——Miss Wen, you're all right.

Qi is very lucky. When she was dying, she was saved by a ghost doctor and taken good care of by someone. Now she has no worries about her life.

In addition, Qi first knew the world, and was willing to be free and travel all over the world.

In the past, when I was young, I admired Shu color and missed Qing's time. Now I regret it.

May you and I be one and two wide, and the ends of the world are safe.

Warm wine apricot eyes were slightly red, and tears swirled in the eyes.

This is a withdrawal letter.

She is different from Xie Heng and Xie family.

This is Xie Qi, who is thousands of miles away. He also wants to give her a fair name.

He set her free from inner condemnation.

Let the warm wine sink in soberness face the light, stand in the sun with Xie Heng and accept the blessings of relatives and friends.

Let them have a better rest of their lives.

More importantly, such a warm and beautiful boy still lives in this world.

Xie Heng stood aside and looked back and forth at these lines several times. He just whispered, "this is Xiao Wu's handwriting."

"The word Xiaowu can't be correct. Even the third brother can't copy it!"

Seeing this, Xie Wanjin hurriedly said, "ah Jiu, elder brother, now you should believe what I said? Xiao Wu is still alive and well!"

The sound did not fall.

Xie Heng suddenly stretched out his hand and picked up the warm wine. "Now can I hold you openly?"

Wen jiuleng for a moment, pulled the letter tightly in his hand and nodded.

Drops of water slipped from the red and swollen eyes.

The boy held her, rotated several times, directly flew out of the flower hall, and turned several times in front of the court in the face of the flying snow.

Red plums fall with the wind, and flying snow falls between the eyes and eyebrows.

Xie Heng said, "ah Jiu, you can like me now.

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