Warm wine slightly Leng, and then bent his lips, and the smile spread from the bottom of his eyes to the corners of his eyes and eyebrows.

The wind and snow in front of him faded slowly, and only Xie Heng's face became very clear.

She put her hand on the boy's shoulder, lowered her head and kissed him, "I've liked you for a long time, Xie Dongfeng."

I don't know where it comes from and go deep.

The next day, he was tall and broad. He thought he could put it down. Until now, he found that he had a sharp heart.

Xie Heng smelled the speech, hooked his lips and smiled. The stars in his amber eyes flowed, "it's lucky that you can say that you like me in this life."

It is impossible for them to have no worries because of the fifth childe.

Even if you don't say it, in fact, you have done a good job in your heart early. Now you are full of twists and turns and are overjoyed.

Who doesn't like being honest?

If heaven and earth prove it, the elders wish and brothers and sisters rejoice together, it is the best thing.

In the past, I didn't dare to think about it, but now I meet a good marriage.

Warm wine, the tip of the nose is a little sour, "I..."

Just as he said a word, the boy suddenly raised his hand and threw her into the air. Warm wine suddenly exclaimed. The plum blossom petals slipped into his sleeves, and the wind and snow touched his eyebrows.

The coolness was faint, and she fell down again.

The young man smiled, reached out to catch her, held her firmly in his arms, kissed her corner of the eye, "don't cry. ”

The voice was low and gentle to the extreme.

Wen Jiu had no time to speak, so he was thrown up by Xie Heng again.

"Xie Dongfeng -" I'm afraid of heights!

The second half of the sentence had no chance to say, so she took a gulp of the northwest wind, which penetrated into her throat with snow.

The cool is unspeakable.

"I'm here." Xie Heng answered with a smile, caught her, turned twice and threw her up.

Xie Xiaoyan is happy and can't think of anything.

All I know is to hold high.

It's bitter, warm wine.

"Put me down -"

She can't say a complete sentence at all.

Xie Heng's arm strength was excellent. He threw her high and warm wine. The whole person was dizzy. He simply closed his eyes and didn't look at anything.

Thinking that the man down there would catch her anyway.

I don't seem so afraid.

The smile on her lips rose more and more obviously, and whispered, "Xie Dongfeng, how old are you this year?"

I like this kind of thing that children play.

Xie Heng reached out his hand to catch her and whispered, "nineteen, wait for the new year, and then add a crown to get a wife."

Warm wine: "

Who asked him when he got married?

I like to add drama to myself!

The waiters outside the court didn't know what was wrong. They all ran to the side to watch, trying to make Xie Xiaoyan take it easy, but they didn't know how to speak.

I had to watch the boy turn around in the snow with shopkeeper Wen, and the goose yellow skirt whirled into flowers, overlapping with the boy's Crimson clothes.

The wind blows the snow, and the plum blossoms fall from the branches.

In the coldest snowy season, this pair of young girls are in the same place, which is like cold without trace, leaving only long warmth.

Xie Xiaoliu and Xiao Qi originally wanted to find their eldest brother. They were confused and said in the same voice: "how do I feel... Eldest brother is crazy?"

They looked at each other, and their fleshy little face was desperate.

Xie Wanjin stepped out of the door and happened to see this scene. His left and right hands pinched on the faces of the two little guys. "Still see? Don't look at me if I'm rude, you know? This is your third brother. If he's still here now, you'll be punished."

"Four brothers! You are back! We miss you so much!"

When the two little guys saw Xie Yu, their eyes lit up. They stretched out their hands and held his thighs, hanging from left to right.

The spoiled ones are smoother than the others.

Xie Wanjin couldn't move. He attached himself and scraped the noses of the two little guys with his index finger. "Don't think I don't know what you two naughty ghosts are thinking. You can't see what you shouldn't see. Turn around to me quickly!"

The two little guys raised their chin and looked like "you let me see, I want to see!".

It's rare for the eldest brother to look so stupid.

You may not see it again in your life.

It's a pity not to look.

Xie Wanjin grinded his teeth, lowered his voice and said, "don't listen, right? I'll tell the third brother to go!"

"Don't..." Xie Xiaoqi turned around quickly.

"Fourth brother, let's have something to say. Don't let the third brother come. How scary."

Xie Xiaoliu smiled at him.

Both the little ones turned their backs to the two men.

Xie Wanjin was satisfied and touched his chin. "It's not good to have done this early. I have to waste my mouth."

It's still used by the third childe.

It's a special magic weapon for treating siblings.

This is the only one.

Xie Xiaoliu whispered to her fourth brother with his little ass, "just hold up the elder brother. It's better for Xie Xiaoqi to play smoothly. What's wrong with being disrespectful?"

Xie Xiaoqi then said, "it's just... Xiao Liu and I often play. Grandma didn't say anything impolite or not."

"You two are a little tired, aren't you?"

Although Xie Wanjin taught his younger brothers and sisters a lesson, he couldn't help laughing when he looked not far away, "Let's not say anything impolite or impolite. Your eldest brother can't see it more, especially you, seventh brother! The reason why your eldest brother can meet ah Jiu is that he has a deceptive face and looks smart. How can he become so stupid in front of his sweetheart? If you learn from him, you won't marry a daughter-in-law in the future."

That's no disrespect.

The fourth childe is obviously afraid that the two little ones will become stupid if they see too much. If they meet their sweethearts who are as stupid as their eldest brother in the future, their Xie family is really full of immortal flowers and Yushu is blind.

Twenty percent, who can stand it?

Xie Xiaoqi secretly turned his head and looked at the two people. He nodded in agreement. "What the fourth brother said is reasonable."

Xie Xiaoliu thought so.

"Let's go. Let's go home quietly and ignore them."

Xie Wanjin walked out with two small.

Now the world is in a mess and full of troubles. These two people rarely have such a happy time.

I don't know how many days we can spend together like this.

Where can there be peace in such a chaotic world?

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